Little Girl, Are You Lost?

Tang Chen was worrying about his little sister's desire to find their biological father, while Tang Xiao knew nothing about what was going on in her elder brother's mind.

The little girl was still unwell and could not leave the hospital for too long. 

Xiao Xiao had just finished her usual check-up with the doctor when one of her friends came over and peeked at the door.

"Xiao Xiao. Let's go and play together, alright?"

Tang Xiao looked up and smiled when she saw her friend, Liu Qing Yang waving her hand at her. She opened her mouth to answer but stopped herself to look at her grandmother. "Grandma, can I go and play with sister Qing Yang?"

The elder woman patted her hand on Tang Xiao's head. "Sure. Go ahead. But Xiao Xiao, remember to stay at the play area and don't go too far."

During the check-up just now, the doctor said that Xiao Xiao's health had improved. The little girl could go out and play for a while.

"Grandma, I know." Tang Xiao nodded obediently. "I'll stay around where the nurses and doctors are around. If something happens, I will look for them."

Tang Xiao slipped off the bed and rushed over to her friend. The two girls held hands as they headed over to the playroom not too far away.

The moment they arrived, there were already a few kids playing around the area.

A few nurses stayed around to keep their eyes on the children. 

There were a few activities prepared around the pediatric ward to keep the children entertained.

Liu Qing Yang took Tang Xiao to join a few other kids to join the drawing activities.

The area was especially lively. Every kid that stayed in the ward was unwell. However, a lot of them seemed to be in a good spirit.

The girls sat around together while chatting about a lot of things. Tang Xiao was telling her friends about her trip to the zoo with her mother and elder brother.

Her friends were a little curious to know about the animals that Tang Xiao had seen at the zoo. Hearing that Tang Xiao gets to play with some small animals, a few of the girls plan to ask their parents to bring them to the zoo as well. 

After talking for a long time, Tang Xiao began to feel the need to use the toilet. She turned to Liu Qing Yang and tugged at the girl's sleeve. 

"Xiao Xiao?" Liu Qing Yang looked at her friend inquiringly.

Tang Xiao inched closer and cupped her hand on her mouth to whisper, "Sister Qing Yang, I'm going to go to the toilet."

Liu Qing Yang put down the pencil in her hand. "Do you want me to go with you?"

Xiao Xiao shook her head. "No. I can go by myself. I'll just look for my grandmother."

"Then, go ahead." Liu Qing Yang nodded. "I'll keep your drawings here."

"Thank you, Sister Qing Yang." Tang Xiao stood up and left the play area to return to her room and use the toilet.

The little girl walked along the corridor by herself. As soon as she returned to her room, Tang Xiao could not find her grandmother. 

Thinking that her grandmother probably went to buy a few things downstairs, Tang Xiao decided to use the bathroom by herself.

When she came out of the bathroom, her grandmother was still nowhere to be seen. Tang Xiao decided to return to the playroom where Sister Qing Yang and the others were waiting for her. 

She walked along the corridor while looking at the people coming and going to the hospital. 

Tang Xiao could not go outside and play. Therefore, she enjoyed watching people coming and going from the ward. She hoped that one day, she would no longer need to stay at the hospital for a long period.

Suddenly, something fell in front of her. It was a pale blue card. Tang Xiao picked it up and realized that it was an appointment card from the hospital.

There was a look of puzzlement on her face. Tang Xiao realized that this card should be important.

She raised her head and saw a tall man walking in front of her. 

Then, a small head poked from the tall man's shoulder. 

The little boy flashed a bright smile when he saw Tang Xiao. 

Tang Xiao glanced at the appointment card again and decided that the card should belong to the little boy.

She picked up her steps to chase after the tall man. "Excuse me." Tang Xiao reached for the man and tugged lightly at the man's pants.

Finally, the tall man stopped on his track. He thought that it was strange to feel a tug on his pants. After a brief pause, the man lowered his gaze and saw Tang Xiao holding his pants.

The look on his face turned gentler. "Yes?"

Tang Xiao stared at the tall man in front of her with a dazed look on her face. She gripped the appointment card in her hand but was unable to say a word.

Xiao Xiao was in an awe.

The man in front of her was very familiar.

Although she had only seen the man in a photograph once, Tang Xiao was very sure that she could recognize him. 

This was the man in her mother's photo!

It was her father!

But, what was he doing here?

It could not be that her father finally knew that she was at the hospital and came over to visit her, right?

"Little girl?" Ye Heng held his nephew in his arms and crouched down to get to Tang Xiao's eye level.

Seeing the little girl staring back at him with a dazed look on her face made him chuckle. Then, he noticed that the little girl was wearing a hospital gown. 

His heart was aching for the little girl. 

Ye Heng swept his gaze around the area but could not see the little girl's parents. "Little girl, are you lost?"