Waiting for Something? Someone?

Ye Heng glanced at his phone a few times. However, no matter how many times he looked, Ye Heng could not see the notification he was waiting for. 

It has only been a couple of days since his younger sister signed the contract with A-Link. Ye Heng remembered that a certain someone had promised that she was going to treat him to a meal. 

Seeing that Ye Qing Xin had not contacted him yet made him wonder if Tang Shi Yi had forgotten about her promise.

Or could it be that he was just impatient?

Ye Heng hoped to speak to Tang Shi Yi again. But it felt that contacting her would feel awkward. He did not know what he was going to say.

If he told her that he was waiting for her to treat him to a meal, Tang Shi Yi would definitely think that he was crazy. 

It was not as if he did not have money to buy himself some food. Why would he mooch from her to get a free meal?

"What are you doing?"