I'll Take Your Offer

Tang Shi Yi swept her gaze around the area before turning to Ye Heng again. "Are you here to attend a business party as well?"

Ye Heng finally snapped out of his trance. "No." He touched the tip of his nose. Suddenly, Ye Heng felt awkward to run into Tang Shi Yi. "I was meeting a few of my high school classmates in the private room upstairs."

Tang Shi Yi was suddenly curious about Ye Heng's high school friends.

"You're here for a business meeting?" Ye Heng shifted his gaze as he noticed that he was being watched. It was then that Ye Heng noticed another woman behind Tang Shi Yi. 

"Mhm..." Tang Shi Yi nodded. Then, she noticed that Ye Heng was looking at Quan Lian's assistant who came with her. "Right. This is my assistant, Yan An." Tang Shi Yi motioned to the assistant. "Assistant Yan, this is my friend, Ye Heng."

"Hello." The two exchanged a polite greeting.