Stay Around

A couple of days later, Tang Shi Yi showed up at Bluebell with Rong Xi to talk about their project. 

When Tang Shi Yi arrived at the company, she was not surprised to find that Ye Qing Xin was welcoming her in the lobby.

Tang Shi Yi inhaled a deep breath as she watched Ye Qing Xin walking over with a bright smile on he face. Before she could say anything, Ye Qing Xin suddenly pulled her into a brief hug.

"Miss Tang, I have been waiting for you." 

Her eyes widened in surprise. Tang Shi Yi was not expecting that Ye Qing Xin would be this welcoming. Tang Shi Yi adjusted her expression as Ye Qing Xin pulled away to look at her.

"I haven't seen you in a while," Ye Qing Xin said. "Miss Tang, have you been well?"

The two exchanged a brief greetings. Then, Ye Qing Xin turned to Rong Xi to greet him as well. 

"Let's go upstairs and continue our discussion," Ye Qing Xin said before leading her guest to the elevator and into the meeting room.