Is She Still Angry?

The frown on Ding Liu's face disappeared as she listened to Tang Shi Yi's experience moving around with her elder mother to avoid the loan shark.

They paid the money her father owed in installments. However, those groups of people were not satisfied. They continued to harass Tang Shi Yi and her mother, causing them to flee and hide.

Their family members refused to help them and would rather break the family ties. How could Tang Shi Yi ask her friends for help?

Moreover, the amount of money that her father had borrowed was not that little.

The loan sharks were caught not long after. There were a few times when Tang Shi Yi was tempted to look for Ding Liu again. However, she was embarrassed because of her experience.

This time, it was Ye Heng who convinced her to come to Jia Yang's wedding and meet everyone.

Tang Shi Yi chatted with Ding Liu for a long time. 

They ordered more food and drink to stay around the cafe.