Ye Heng Did Not Stay Idle

Tang Shi Yi briefed Ye Heng about her conversation with Ding Liu.

Seeing that Tang Shi Yi seemed to be in a good mood after she met with her friend, Ye Heng already guessed that the two friends had made up. 

While still telling Ye Heng some details about her conversation with Ding Liu, Tang Shi Yi then noticed that the car was heading back to the hotel.

Tang Shi Yi looked out the window and saw the tall buildings lining up on both sides. She turned to Ye Heng with an inquiring look on her face. "We're going back to the hotel?" Then, Tang Shi Yi recalled another matter. "You said that we are going to continue our conversation from yesterday." There was a hint of hesitation in Tang Shi Yi's eyes.

She was anxious to know what Ye Heng had in mind. At the same time, she was scared to know what he was going to say later.

"Mmm... Let's continue our conversation when we reach the hotel."