Pokemon System Appears

Brad " I knew that it will happen as it is a Forbidden Jutsu which will Teleport me to a very unknown place. To return I must have huge strength which, I don't even have a 1% of the required Strength. " Aoki " Mr. Brad, are you from a Ninja Family!? " Brad shook his Head " No! We cannot be said to be Ninjas, we are neither Samurai, we are called as Mages. "

Tomi " Mage!? " wondered about unknown term. Aoki just nodded as there are many things that he do not knew. Brad decided to tell part truth and Part Lies which he decided that he will be With this small Merchant Group as his starting Point of this World. Aoki Nakamura " Mr. Brad, I hope you don't say your origins to the others, At the very least you can use some other Alias instead of your real Name. "

Brad nodded, and he had a perfect Name to use. Brad " How about the Name Kawaki!? " Tomi " Super Big Bro, This Name is good. " Brad decided to use Boruto Uzumaki's Rival Name. Despite Boruto being more Load of Crap, Kawaki character setting that showed in the Opening is really cool. Brad " Mr. Aoki, Can I stay with you guys for a while, As soon as I learn about my condition, I will optimize myself and will work under you. "

Aoki after a thought nodded, He is slightly wary of this stranger but he is not a Cruel or Cold Hearted guy, At the same time he is not a saint, He will observe the young man and if he shows any Value, It is nothing wrong in helping him. As a Merchant, he cannot make a Loss making Investment. After that they let Brad some alone time to gather his Thoughts.

While Brad was Contemplating, He felt his Chest suddenly glowing and Brad immediately saw a Arceus Hoop shining at the Center. And in his Mind a beep sound heard

Beep ... Beep...

System Initiation ...3%.... 27% ....80%.....100%.

Welcome to Pokemon System created by Arceus.

Name: Brad

Age:21 Years

Lvl : Lvl 1 / ∞ ( Mewtwo Potential)

Abilities: Mewtwo's abilities including Mega Evolution ( Human Modified Version )

Pokemons: None


Main Mission: Spread Pokemon Influence in Earth and Anime Worlds


Sub Mission: Get stronger enough to Travel Back to Earth ( Lvl. 45)

Reward: Can Travel to Anime Worlds and to Earth with Time being Still on the other side.

Miscellaneous Mission 1: Make Shigeru Merchant Group Renowed.

Reward : A Starter Pokemon of Kanto Region.

Miscellaneous Mission 2: Train a Batch of Pokemon Trainers (0/10)

Reward: Dratini Egg

Daily Draw: 10/10 ( Can Summon Pokemons, Items and so on )

Note: the summoned Pokemons from Draw cannot be used by the Host and can only be used by other People. And Rewarded Pokemon Eggs and Pokemons all have the potential of Legendary Pokemon.

Brad " Woah!!! Arceus gave me a System, And he really wants to spread his Influence by using Me.... Wait there is no experience Panel but it shows Level. Which means like the rest of the People, I could only Train myself. But at the least I can knew what Level my strength is. " Brad slowly came terms with that. He then saw the Limitation of Pokemon can only be obtained by Rewards. He was slightly annoyed but not that much as the Rewarded Pokemons will be with Legendary Potential which could become as strong as weak Legendaries and Brad himself could surpass many Pokemons.

Brad " So from till the day I return to Earth, I will go by the name Kawaki. So for the First set a Goal to become Level 5 sooner, to reach the strength of the Starter Pokemon. " Brad aka Kawaki stood from the Room and walked out, He felt that his Body's Metabolism is burning too much energy. As he again started to feel Hunger.

Kawaki " No! Something is very wrong with my Body Metabolism. If this continues, I will never be able to Get stronger. I must find the reason for this, let me Think first. " As he recalled every instance from the time he appeared in this world. And slowly got the Idea and the gist of What's happening to him.

Kawaki " So that's what happening to me, My new Physique of Mewtwo Potential consumes more energy. Maybe in Pokemon World, it posses special energy and Berries that could replenish Pokemons Energy to Sustain to Nature. Despite Naruto World is a Higher order world, Compared to Pokemon World in Natural Energy and Food. It is nowhere near close other than some Bug level Six Paths and Otsutsuki.

Kawaki slowly concentrated and slowly reduced his Senses to Normal Human Level, And the energy consumption also reached a optimum level that he does not need to worry. Kawaki '' It is not a permanent solution, First strengthen the Body and Mind, Slowly then think of Other ways for the solution. Anyway first is first, first learn about the current political Structure and Nearby Lands. Gain foothold in this world. "

Then Kawaki went to meet Aoki and discussed about his stay here, Aoki is trustworthy enough and revealing about Brad (Kawaki) will do no good to him as he knew the ruthlessness of The Ninja World. So he made sure that Tomi his Daughter will not say anything about Brad aka Kawaki by reasoning that the Brother Kawaki will be killed by Bad Guys.

Tomi is a matured little girl with little playfulness, she agreed and let it be. As for the confidentiality issue, it does not matter at present as while he is weak most of the Merchants or Hidden Villages will not bother on a Small merchant Group. As that he went and thanked the Guard Team and Caravan Group.

Kawaki asked a Question " Mr. Kazuki Furakawa, why are you not using Horses for Transporting Goods. " Kazuki " To be Frank, We are dirt poor to afford Horses and Oxes for Cart. Manual Labour is Cheaper. Master is very Frugal, The Maintanence of Oxes and Horses are huge, at the same time protecting our Fellow Humans is easier for us than the Horses. "

Kawaki felt shocked, he thought to himself ' I thought it will be somewhat easy to achieve my Goals but it may be even a Nightmare level Difficulty. ' But he still looked Forward to this, Even shut in NEET has ambitions.