Training Starts

On the following day, Kawaki woke up early in the morning, He started with a glass of Water after initial Refreshing himself. He started his Saitama Workout shedule, He did not knew how much he could do. And he knew that System will not issue a Mission for Saitama Workout.

Kawaki started with a Warm Ups and then he started Push Ups, Kawaki aka Brad who was in real world who barely made 2 Pushups, Now he is going above 20 and only felt slightly tired. He did it untill he can't do which is 42. He then started the Sit Ups which he did upto 38, He then did Squats which went upto 51, Then he started Running around the Town. He do not knew how much Kilometer he will run as he do not have anything to track it. But he had a Landmark set which is in another Remote Corner of the Merchant Town, if by his Mental Calculation it will be around 4-6 kms. He ran Up and Down to Shigeru Merchant Manor. Where in Half a way return he felt exhausted.

After some rest, he returned and had a Gulp of Water down his Throat. Kazuki the leader of the Guards saw Kawaki training his Physique, he called him. Kazuki " Hey Kawaki, do you want to train to become a Warrior? " he asked in doubt. As some one who is in Guards for a long time.

Kazuki knew from Kawaki's mentality that he is nowhere near a Fighter or a Hard Worker. It may be better for Kawaki to stay away from the Fights as much as Possible. Kawaki " Yes Mr. Kazuki, I do really want to become a Warrior, as I knew that only by becoming strong. I can protect myself. At the very least have a strength to escape from Danger. "

Kazuki nodded as he knew what Kawaki says is truth.Kazuki " Then, I will teach you how to fight and handle Weapons, You can try to learn from us. And select a weapon that you feel suitable. " Kawaki " Thank you Mr. Kazuki. " He then joined the Group where everyone are training.

Kazuki let Kawaki eat the Military Food Rations which are bland but have Nutritions in it. Sadly they are not rich enough like a Ninja to afford Best Vegetables and Fruits and Meat of Animals living in a Natural Chakra Environment. Kawaki who had his body dried of Energy ate the Military Rations like a Starved Ghost as he Ate 5 persons fill himself. Kazuki seeing this shocked.

Kazuki " Master is going to have Blood tears, when he sees the expenses for this day. " Aoki Nakamura is a Frugal person and just a thin line from the term Miser and Stingy. Only advantage he has is, he treats all the people who are working for him as a Member of a Family. And all those who work for him is to repay the debt of Gratitude. Yet no one complained about his frugalty as they knew how much pressure Aoki goes through, as their members were never abused or exploited them of their money and always placed their well being as Priority.

Aoki " Only when the Labour is Healthy and Loyal, the Profits will be earned, I am a Merchant, I will not make a Loss making Business. " This is how Kazuki remembers Aoki will say it. He laughed it off. He then started teaching fighting for Kawaki.

Kazuki is not a taijitsu specialist, in a way he is a mercenary. Here only the result matters, he just let Kawaki fight him, As our NEET from model world is useless in Combat, he easily got schooled by Kazuki. But the Scary Mewtwo's Potential easily helps him to adapt to the Fighting.

Despite being a Single Day, Kawaki did enter the stage of a Amateur Warrior from a Waste with Zero Fighting knowledge. But he still got schooled by Kazuki. Kazuki felt this is normal as most of the People in this world are stronger as Chakra flows through all Living Beings. Just that Ninja's have the knowledge of Harnessing Chakra and get stronger.

Kawaki was then after some rest, he was picked by Kenta to learn Archery, he teaches him initially to throw Stones to Aim. In a way, he could Throw Kunai like Ninjas, just that Shuriken Jutsu is a systematic Training of Ninja. And in hands of Guys like Itachi this Basic Jutsu reaches a new Peak.

Kawaki with his excellent aptitude and attitude, he soon started to have form a Knack as he always hits bullseye for the fixed Target. Kenta " You may be a Ninja Prodigy, if Only you could have learnt Ninjutsu from Young Age, you might have become a Genin or even a Chunin with your skills. " Kawaki " Does being a Chunin is great or What!? ":

Kenta smacked his Head " What do you know!? Out of 10000 people in this world barely one Becomes Genin, and every year 100s of Applicants apply for Chunnin Exams and barely 1 or 2 pass. Only during war times Rapid Promotion is possible. " Kawaki pondered and nodded as in Anime, he just saw the top guys and did not awe for any Random Character Chunins. But in Reality now any Ninja School Cadet of 5 Great Villages can beat him to a Pulp. If he doesn't use any Psychic or Aura that is.

Yet Kawaki feels shame as he is Practically cannot win a Taijitsu brawl with kids who are 10 years old. After the throwing Practice, Kenta let Kawaki use the Bow to practice releasing Arrows Motion for Building Arm Strength. Kawaki did 20 each. To maintain balance of strength in each arms. After a while Kawaki went to his Room for Rest.

By using that excuse, he started training Psychic in his Room. he made sure that Water is near him to keep him Hydrated. And if needed he can go to eat in Kitchen. Aoki and the other Guards went to the Market for Selling the items that they have brought in the Caravan.