Plans for the Future.

In the Study, Aiko waited for Kawaki aka Brad to start his Conversation. Kawaki " Mr. Aoki, as you must have known, my body metabolism requires high nutrition for myself. And also to become stronger, it only increases my Food Intake. " Aoki had his mouth twitched

When Kazuki gave him the Expenditure list, he really had blood tears as addition of Kawaki doubled the food expenditure. The Military Ration Pills is costly compared to the food that they are eating at home. In home they rarely have Meat and only have Porridge regularly.

And what made Aoki really cry is Kazuki said " This will be nowhere near the Ideal Nutrition level that boy needs to become strong. " But Aoki also knew that Kawaki is special even if he doesn't know what a Mage means. And a Ninja House expenditure for Food is even costlier than their Merchant Groups entire Expenditure.

Kawaki " I have a solution for it, But confidentiality is important, if any other powers in your world knew about it. Then we will be in huge danger. Because a Powerless man having Wealth is a Sin. " Aiko hearing it had his eyes gleamed. He had confidence to have a Secret and unlike the Shut in NEET before him, he really have the Talent to be a Top Merchant.

All he needs is a opportunity and he will succeed it. Aoki " Kawaki boy, you just need to say the Solution, I will take care of the rest. I will think of a way. " Kawaki nodded with a smile and continued " As you knew, I am a Mage and came here by a Summoning Jutsu, I may not strong enough to return Back now. But I am now have enough strength restored to Summon my Partner Beasts going by the Name Pokemons here. "

Aoki frowned but still waited, as a good Leader he must have a thorough understanding atleast he must get all the information available to him. Kawaki " There are many types of Pokemons here and the People who have Pokemons as a Partner are known as Pokemon Trainers. I can summon some of the Pokemons here and some of the Seeds that grows into Tree that can be used as Food for Pokemon. "

Kawaki " The Pokemon that I am going to Summon is known as Miltank. It is a Cow Like Creature, It produces Milk which is highly Nutritious, It gives Strength to Both Pokemons and Humans the necessary Nutrition for training and to become stronger. " Aoki hearing it had his Heart beat speed up in excitement. If What Kawaki said is true, Then the Value of that milk is really huge.

Kawaki " Not only that, But we also have seeds for Berry Trees, which will grow within Six Months, This is also like Nutrition level of Milk of Miltanks, But Berries are mainly used for Pokemons themselves. I can't explain everything in one go. But, for my Idea to be implemented We need a Big Pasture for Miltanks and Big Land for Berry Trees which is fertile enough. "

Aoki got the inputs that he needed and then sees that is it possible. Kawaki from the start he knew that this is time period after third great Ninja War as he heard some conversation with the Guards, Kenta said " We are stable only because, there is no big wars after third great Ninja War. Otherwise Merchants like us will really be eliminated. "

He did not raise any questions about Political structure at Present because, it may arose suspicion. It is better to be careful than get suspicious by people around him about his Origin before he becomes strong enough. Aoki at the time slowly said " It is really a prospect and I do have a Land near this Town which is undeveloped. But the Problem is security, The Land is abandoned due to Bandits killed all the people in that Small Village and Daimayo office gave that entire Village as Compensation to merchant Group for Compensation.

After that attack, due to it is in a Remote side of the Forest and Lack of Nearby Rivers around it, People are unwilling to settle there and we Merchant Guild also had no prospects so we abandoned the small Village. " Kawaki's eyes shined. Aoki At the time poured Cold Water " There are many Bandit attacks frequently, Maybe at present there are Bandits residing there as their Base. "

Kawaki thought about it, and said " Then, let us do this, I will summon only the Miltanks at present, You will be responsible for their Food by purchasing Grass, Give me at the least two months time. In these two months I will train myself and the Miltanks so that we could capture the Bandit Hideout Easily. As in this period, I will regain my most of the powers. "

Aoki pondered for a while, He knew that he cannot sell the milk if it is really good as Kawaki claims it to be. As it will lead to a disaster. Which means the expenses will Skyrocket in these two months. Aoki ' I remained Mediocre only due to not taking any risks, I may be debt ridden if it will fails, Then I should just grit the teeth and wait for two months. I will take this Gamble. '

Aoki " Let's do it. I too had a dream of becoming the Top Merchant in this world deciding the economy of Countries, standing in absolute power. I guess God answered my wishes by sending you. I will support you in full. " Kawaki " Don't worry, you will never regret it. The Shigeru Merchant Group will become the Greatest. "

As that Kawaki and Aoki concluded the Deal. Which will change the Fate of the Entire Ninja world Upside Down.