Current Political Scenario, Summoning Pokemons

After some Discussion, Aoki decided to fix the Previous Horse Stable to Miltanks Ranch according to Requirements of Kawaki. And he also got enough feed which can be given for Cows. After 10 days when the mini Ranch is Ready, with Necessary Security and Confidentiality. They can summon the Miltanks.

Meanwhile Kawaki did the Regular Training Schedule, And fighting Training with Guard Members, followed by Psychic Training and Building the Training Grounds in the Forest. He was Glad that there is no legal issue for Using the Natural Forest in this world.

Meanwhile He learnt that it has been 75 Years since Konaha is established. It has been 10 years since Hidden Leaf Village's Nine Tails Incident. Kawaki " So, The Third Hokage is in Power, Uchiha Clan is annihilated, So Danzo's Root has taken a Major Power, if that disgusting Cyclops finds my Situation, Then It is game over atleast until Tsunade takes over the Village. The Hidden Leaf Village is a Big No. "

Kawaki then thinks about other Villages, Kawaki " Among the rest, Only The Hidden Cloud and Hidden Stone Village has some advantages. Hidden Mist and Hidden Sand are weak and they do not posses any unique advantage. But foremost I am so weak, to even get their attention, not to mention sitting on the equal Grounds. "

He did not even considered Akatsuki, As that group is not reliable in the Least, as for other Hidden Villages are all Jumping Clowns. Kawaki " First let us become stronger and capture the Shigeru Merchant Group's Village. Then we can think about rest. " Like this ten days passed and in these ten days Kawaki had raised to Level 3. Only thing that is holding him Back is Lack of Enough Nutrition. Even a Excellent cannot cook Without any ingredients to cook.

Name: Brad (Kawaki)

Age:21 Years

Lvl : Lvl 3 / ∞ ( Mewtwo Potential)

Abilities: Mewtwo's abilities including Mega Evolution ( Human Modified Version )

Pokemons: None


Main Mission: Spread Pokemon Influence in Earth and Anime Worlds


Sub Mission: Get stronger enough to Travel Back to Earth ( Lvl. 45)

Reward: Can Travel to Anime Worlds and to Earth with Time being Still on the other side.

Miscellaneous Mission 1: Make Shigeru Merchant Group Renowned.

Reward : A Starter Pokemon of Kanto Region.

Miscellaneous Mission 2: Train a Batch of Pokemon Trainers (0/10)

Reward: Dratini Egg

Daily Draw: 8/10 ( Can Summon Pokemons, Items and so on, Refresh 1 draw a Month)

Drawed Rewards: Miltank x5, Berry Seeds 18 Pokemon Types. (Yet to be extracted)

Note: the summoned Pokemons from Draw cannot be used by the Host and can only be used by other People. And Rewarded Pokemon Eggs and Pokemons all have the potential of Legendary Pokemon.

Kawaki " I cannot understand, how the Leveling in the System is calculated. May be it just senses the energy in my Body to measure the Level. " After a while Aoki and Tomi came with Kazuki the Leader of the Guards, Kazuki was briefed slightly about Kawaki, that he is special, and he was not informed anymore than that.

Kawaki in the system interface he selected the Miltanks x5. In the Drawn Rewards.

To everyone's amazement in Kawaki's Hand a Colourful Crystalline Box appeared out of thin air rotating at a Tilted Axis. Tomi " Awesome, It looks so Beautiful!!!!! " Aoki and Kazuki both were shocked. Aoki " Yes, I have made the right Bet. '' Even Kawaki did not expect it to be like this.

Kawaki got a mental Feedback how to use it. Kawaki threw the Mystery Box to the Ground and from it a White Light erupted dividing into 5 parts, Gradually it formed 5 Pokemon Shapes. Then a cute chubby looking Pokemon appeared, They are Miltanks. Miltanks all looked at the surrounding in Confusion.

When they saw Kawaki, they felt intimacy. They came and nudged towards him. Tomi who is a little girl came running to Kawaki and Miltanks, Tomi " Wow, They are cute!!! They are Cute!!! " Aoki and Kazuki are still in Stupor. Kawaki then lead Miltanks to the Foods that are ready to be fed, The Five Miltanks are the Fooder.

Kawaki, used his Full Powered State where his Senses are enhanced. he saw while Miltanks Eat, There is a Blue Coloured Aura is flowing from the Atmosphere to them in Little Quantities. Not as much as him but it is still Good. Kawaki understood that the Aura he is seeing is Nature Energy. And he understood that a Pokemon absorbs Nature Energy from the Atmosphere to itself.

Kawaki ' Now I understand, By Pokemon forming it's ecology, The Nature Energy will increase more and more slowly the rules of the World will also gets adapted to the Pokemons. As far as I knew that Aura exists everywhere even in Space and different dimensions. And in Spirit World it exists in different Form. So by Pokemons adapting themselves to the World, The Aura i.e Nature Energy will start to Concentrate to this world Similar to the 3 Holy Lands of Mount Myoboku, Ryuchi Cave and Shikkotsu Forest. '

Aoki on the other Hand seeing that the Fooder that he collected for 10 days is nowhere near enough, he fainted on the spot. Kazuki held Aoki, Aoki after a while woke up, despite having Pain in his Heart, he confirmed that Miltanks Milk must be highly Nutritious. So he started to make calculations to optimize the Expenses.

He then discussed with Kawaki and Kazuki, meanwhile Tomi playing with Miltanks. The Miltanks smiled at the Little Girl and let her play with them. Pokemons are sensitive to the emotions and knew who has malice to them and who is kind to them.

Aoki " After a while we will get Milk from Miltanks to check how much effective it is. If it is as effective as Kawaki claim it to be. Then we can cut the expenditure of Military Grains all together, Even Our Food Expenses can be reduced, and inorder to not make anyone to be suspicious, I will use the Saved Expenses to buy 4 Cows, We will get Fooder from nearby Villages. We will sell Milk, from the Cows to the Town and use Miltank Milks for ourselves for these two months. We can have follow up ideas later. "