Two Months Passed

Kazuki nodded, he is loyal to Aoki and he did not have such long term planning ideas like Aoki. Kawaki thought about it, he nodded after Miltanks ate their fill, Kawaki went to them for the Milk. He had Glass Bottles Ready, At first he felt awkward for collecting milk from Miltank.

Miltank themselves did not mind, and he collected the Milk from them, each Miltank gave 10 Bottles of Milk which Kawaki called it Mo Mo Milk. After all the Hardwork, The Milk was boiled and the Four of them Drank a Bottle each. As they drank, the Milk a sense of Fullness and euphoria hit them.

Kawaki in particular felt a sense of Fullness, for the First time he had this sense of Fullness after coming to this World with Mewtwo Potential. He now even activated the High Senses that he usually restrains, Finally he could support the Metabolism of his Physique. And his Brain immediately calculated that Five Glasses of Milk a Day will support the Current him.

But as the Level increases, this level of Food will not be enough to sustain. Then he thinks about Miltanks, and their own consumption, As the Miltanks also needed the require Nutritions. Kawaki ' Hahhh! Just thinking about it makes my Brain Hot, Let us take one step at a time. Let's get as strong as Possible for now and let take the following steps based on the situation rises. '

Kawaki concluded that Paranoid thinking will lead him nowhere. Kazuki called the Current Guard group and planned their training with taking Moo moo Milk into account. The Guard Team were astonished as the effect of Moo Moo Milk is much stronger than the Military Rations and their usual food intake.

On the following day, Aoki brought the Cows and Fooder which is required for a Month for Normal 4 Cows. Aoki knew that it will not even last for 10 days for Miltanks and the Cows. Kawaki continued the Routine, as Calculated he requires 5 Bottles of Momo Milk. And he eats 20 bowls of Porridge every day. This situation continued for a Month.

Ten Days Passed just like that, The Guard team all saw Kawaki as a Monster as they knew that even a Gennin Ninja cannot eat like Kawaki. Kawaki can eat twice the amount of their overall Food that they could consume. And at the same time he became stronger than the Guard team members altogether with just his Taijitsu.

But no one complained as they are also developing, if comparing their Growth previously like moving by walking, then their speed is like riding a sports bike in a straight Race Track. Even their Mind also thinking faster. While Training, he also learnt the reason why Ninjas are special other than using Nin Jutsus.

Takeo a member of a Guard said while training him " A Ninja's physique and mind are superior. They can calculate all sort of calculations in their mind in a matter of Seconds. Let say, I am throwing my Dagger in a Curved Path. And like me many other Fighters also does the same attacking simultaneously. A Powerful Ninja in their mind can calculate all their trajectories and calculate the best possible way to evade and kill us in matter of Seconds. "

Kawaki at the time understood what really seperates Ninjas from the ordinary people. Why the Shuriken and Kunai in Ninja's Hand is Far better than an ordinary trained Human. It is the existence of Chakra enhances Physique and Mind, as the Chakra increases the Minds Power also increases. Now he understood all those questions that were raised in Chunin Exams.

And now he understood how Madara outwits all the Shinobi who are fighting using simple Tai Jutsu. As his Calculation and Execution is of no comparison even if the Ninja gave normal Humans a Handicap of Without using Nin Jutsu or Chakra Enhanced attacks. Unless a Ninja Acts reckless like Naruto. Kawaki now truly understood how awesome the Naruto World is.

And his Hunger for the knowledge increases. If he could combine his Mewtwo Powers with Ninjas Fighting Prowess, just the thinking excites him more. And this also makes him understand that any Anime World is not as simple as it seems, some Villains die only due to Plot Amour and due to Arrogance. As a shut in NEET, he had learned many life lessons from Different Anime. He must always excercise caution.

Again 10 days passed, by the time Kawaki and Aoki Nakamura got a Pleasent Surprise, Which Tomi found, Tomi was the one after the first day took care of Miltanks and the Cows, she loved doing the work and Aoki also let her be. She cleaned the Dungs of Miltanks. To the Surprise those Dungs which are usually used as Manure, She had a thought to use Manure for Grass at their Empty Area behind their House.

Those Grass, and Weeds that grow using Miltank Dung as Manure has More Nutritent than Market Weeds. This finding made Aoki laugh ear to ear. He is eager for Kawaki to fulfill his Promise as after getting their Village. Then they will really become powerful and self sufficient. And if he cannot make money with this conditions, he might well smash the head and Die.

Meanwhile the Cows that eat this New Grass also becomes very healthy and their Milk also becomes better quality compared to the Milks in the Markets. Which quickly made name Aoki at the same time started his preparations for the expansion at the same time plans for defence and counter attack the possible people who may eye for the cake.

As that two months passed and the Shigeru Merchant Group slowly cemented it's position in Milk industry.