Confronting Tsunade, Tsunade's Brain Hole.

Kawaki " Lady Tsunade, what do you mean by the question!? Ohh Yes, I have really yet to introduce myself. " Kawaki then said " I am Kawaki, from the Merchant Guild Shigeru Merchant Group. I hope that you knew about our Merchant Group, that we are .... "

As he was speaking, Kawaki who is in alert saw that a Fist appeared right before his face in a close proximate Distance. Without Hesitation, he used teleport to appear above a Tree nearby. All of this happened in a fraction of a Second. When a Loud Sound appeared with the Ground Forming fissures with Cracks on the spot.

Shizune stood in full alert at the same time shocked, Shizune " Lady Tsunade, That speed and that Jutsu... " Tsunade " Shizune be on your guard, that Jutsu is Flying Raijin Jutsu of the Second Grandpa and the Fourth Hokage. " Kawaki at the top of the tree sighed " Hey can't you guys even listen, why are you trying to Kill me before I finish my explanation. "

Shizune immediately attacked him with the Needles, He may have been caught off guard by Tsunade due to his Carelessness but now that he is alert, No way that they could capture him or kill him. He did not hesitate to use Aura to sense the Surroundings and his Opponents the moment he teleported.

As he noticed Shizune's movements before she even started to throw her Needles. He used his Psychic to have the Needle stop in the Mid air. Tsunade looked series. Kawaki " See what I really wanted is to have is friendship with you guys and then request for Help. Please I am not here with Malice. "

Kawaki explained, he knew for sure he can escape or win with Tsunade seeing his Blood and capture her, but the result would be counterproductive, And not to mention of in case for saving Shizune she overcomes her phobea. Then he would Literally die In a confrontation and can only escape using Teleport. And that would be a massive loss and huge risk for him.

Tsunade paid no heed, She jumped straight to him, Kawaki did not dare to get the attack head on and Teleported and appeared in his previous spot only to see that Brother Tree did not even leave a Complete Body. Kawaki " I surrender, Ok. Please don't fight, it is not that I am afraid of death, if anything happens to you guys, my close people will pay the price. "

Tsunade looked at him with Cold Eyes, Shizune immediately came to Kawaki and tied him with her steel wire that she had with his Hands behind his Back. Tsunade " Who are you!? How do you knew the Flying Raijin Jutsu of my second Grandfather? " she interrogated him.

Kawaki " Sorry to say this but that is not whatever Jutsu you are saying and all as I don't know what are you saying. This is my very own Innate power. " Tsunade frowned at him. Kawaki " Hey, I am telling the truth Ok, I am already at your Mercy. I really came to you guys because, I want your Help in something. Man I am stupid, I should have just waited for Lord Jiraya to appear and ask him for help than this not so reliable Gambler. "

Shizune " You knew Jiraya sama!! " Tsunade also felt stunned. Kawaki " Yes, I knew Lord Jiraya very well. " Shizune sighed in relief, Tsunade looked at him, Kawaki with guilty conscience slowly said " But he doesn't knew me. " As soon as he said that Shizune fell to the Ground.

Tsunade did not bother with his games anymore, but she knew that he did not have malice. Tsunade " What is your purpose in approaching us? " She finally asked the concerned matter. Kawaki " I will tell but, I want to knew why did you suddenly doubt me and tried to kill me. I don't think that I have did any harm other than made fun of you. "

Tsunade replied coldly, " At first you made us to believe that you are not a Ninja and we also thought the same, As Ninja cannot change his habits, A walk with even and low Pressure, His walking posture and so on. Which cannot be found on you, On the other hand your walking is similar to a mercenary and a warrior without Chakra. "

Kawaki " True, you guessed right, so what is wrong in this. " Tsunade " Wait you are really not a Ninja!? " Kawaki " Of course, I am not a Ninja, I also love to learn Ninjutsu Ok!!! " Tsunade frowned at him, Kawaki " Don't over think much, I will tell you about myself. So tell me what made you think I am a Ninja. "

Tsunade " Your senses, you sensed the Raikage's arrival before I even noticed his Chakra around me. " Kawaki was speechless " Hey, you are dead drunk Ok, Don't put blame on me for you being Drunk. " Shizune felt embarrassing because she slept on the whole situation without even knowing what happened at the time.

Tsunade " I wanted to test my theory as a Ninja, so I attacked you. You were unfazed from my attack stood there without even moving from the place you stood. And unfortunately Shizune helped you second time when I threw it for real, Which failed me to Confirm that whether you are Ninja or Not. "

Kawaki really wanted to Strangle this Blonde with only Breast and No Brains but he controlled it as he will be one in recieving end for beating. Tsunade " And the final thing is that you covered me even before the Raikage did, Which means even before the treatment you knew about my Blood Phobea. Which only the top few people in my Village knew about it. "

Kawaki finally knew, that atleast he really made one fatal mistake. But considering the other three he really nowhere to cry. Kawaki " Thank you Shizune, Unlike the Last reason which is true that I knew about her condition, Other three reasons are her own Brain Hole. If not for you, you would have scrapped the Flesh from the Rock's Botton. "