Welcome to Shigeru Village.

Kawaki thanked her with an earnest attitude. Tsunade however did not bother whether is truth or not. As she suspected, Kawaki really has some issues. That is what it matters. Kawaki at the time easily broke the Steel Wire with his Psychic and escape from the Steel Wires.

Shizune and Tsunade got alert, Kawaki " Don't bother, I don't want to have anymore misunderstanding. At the very least, I am able to Save my Million Ryo that I was going to use to get your Friendship. " Tsunade at the time had a wonderful expression. Tsunade " I can forgive you if, you take care of my Gambling Debts till now. And take care of my future Gambling Funds. "

Kawaki " In your dreams!!! " he barred his Teeth. Kawaki " Anyway, now that you have found about me, Let us go to Shigeru Merchant Group. Only when you see it with your own eyes you can believe me. " As he asked Tsunade, she and Shizune looked at each other.

Tsunade ' When Raikage appeared, first thing he did is appear before me and Shizune to protect us. May be he planned to use the Flying Raijin Jutsu or Whatever it is similar to it. And he knew that I would feel trauma for the Blood so he shielded me. Even in this fight, he did not bleed himself to make me weak. So we can trust him for now. ' Shizune looked at Tsunade.

Tsunade " Fine, Let us see what are you going to sell. " As that they started travelling towards the Merchant Town where the Shigeru Merchant Group is located and from there they will go to the Shigeru Village where Pokemon resides. Kawaki ' As she already have doubts, I will brainstorm whatever lies that I have to tell. And to make it believable, We have to say the Lies mixed with Truth. So let's make a Believable Bullshit. '

Kawaki could have just teleported, but it may cause Tsunade to be Paranoid. Whether there would be ambush and something like that. Sadly Kawaki had to pay the travelling expenses, only thing that is really good is, Tsunade didn't have time to Gamble. As she felt that she must get to the Bottom of Kawaki's powers. Like that they have travelled in a leisure for another 2 weeks. In which they have reached the Shigeru Merchant Group.

Tsunade while came to the Merchant group, finally found tha anomaly, The concentration of Nature Chakra is huge compared to other Places. It may not been as much as three saint Regions but it is definitely huge compared to Normal Town. Tsunade knew that if the Leaf really knew about it, then the Old Coot Danzo will slaughter everyone here and take it for himself.

Because the Land itself wealth. Kawaki was welcomed by Kenta, He looked at the Beautiful lady before him and frowned. As he knew Kawaki was looking for one of the Sannins. Kawaki, " Don't be fooled, Looks can be decieving. She really is one of the three Legendary Sannin and beside her is her sad Disciple. "

Before Kenta could react Kawaki was knocked to the Ground. Kenta had sweat on his forehead. Kenta " Master, has already left to Shigeru Village. You can meet him there. " Kawaki nodded, Tsunade may have not known Sage Art like Hashirama, but she can atleast feel that difference. Now she is sure that Kawaki and his Shigeru Merchant Group has a Big Secret.

After, in the mean time. Kawaki had given them the Moo Moo Milk for a Taste. And as soon as both of them Drank it. They can clearly feel the energy in the Milk. The Moo Moo Milk has the same level of Nutrition the worms have in Mount Myoboku but sadly they are not Human Foods.

From this one thing she guessed, The Nature Energy density. This could cultivate crops that are filled with Nature Energy. This will not have side effects of excess Nature Energy. The Best food a Ninja could ask for. She came to the same conclusion as the Raikage. And she very well knew that the Milk in the Market and the Milk she drank are different.

Shizune " Lady Tsunade, it seems that Kawaki is searching for a safe way to establish contact with Leaf Village to find himself a Backer. So only he must be searching for Sannins. '' Tsunade '' No not only that, he do not trust Leaf Village at all or to be precise, he do not trust the Current Hokage. "

Tsunade felt sad that her Village that her Grandfather found had become least Trustworthy. She knew about the Deal that he had with Raikage. As it is not that difficult to find with her intellect. Which means in Kawaki's eyes Raikage is more trustworthy than the Leaf's Hokage.

Tsunade as walked closer and closer felt that the Nature Energy in the Atmosphere is simply Huge may be on the same level as Holy Lands. Tsunade knew that Kawaki is taking them to the Shigeru Merchant Group's biggest secrets. As Kawaki reached the periphery of the Forest, A cute Butterfly like creature came and sat on its head.

Kawaki " Hello there butterfree. " Tsunade and Shizune looked surprised, they have seen many Chakra Beasts, but nothing looks like it. And they slowly noticed there is a Bee like Creatures buzzing came with Pin spears in their Hands. Kawaki " Hey Beedrils how's going!!! " He greeted them. They too greeted him back as he knew Telepathy.

As they moved further Beedrill and Butterfree left to go on Patrol duties. Then a Bird came to him with chirping. Kawaki " How are you doing Pidgeotto. I am looking forward to you becoming Pidgeot when you could take me to the skies. " Kawaki just motivates them, and as soon as he reaches Lvl 45, his Psychic will be powerful enough for him to Fly.

Mew and Mewtwo are flying in the Pokemon series is due to their strength is so strong that the Psychic used for it is so negligible but if Kawaki uses it in his current state. he really could not fly. After a while more than 200 of people with their Families started their life in the Shigeru Village.

Kawaki " Lady Tsunade and Miss Shizune, welcome to Shigeru Village. "