Dungeon Hunting

Desmond " As for the Fishmen, they don't have anywhere to vent their disatisfaction l, so the force that will invade will be at the least ten times the previous time. " Brad ' No use thinking over it, as any way I would have to face all those beings, Let's take a step at a time and solve all the problems that could be solved first and then look for those problems that cannot be done by now. ' Desmond then arranged several Dungeons of E Ranked and D Ranked that are near the Orchard Beach, Rockaway Beach and nearby areas.

As for the higher ranked Dungeons are handed over to the Awakeners Guild in each areas. As they are the highest attack Awakeners count. There are many Guilds like Freedom Guild, Olympus Guild, Battle Wolves and so on. All these Guilds represent different Conglomerates.

Brad did not bother with it and he started his Communicator and Mana Sensor and started his procedures for entering the Dungeon. This time he entered a D Rank Dungeon made of Volcanic Lava flowing like Rivers, which releases huge Sulpher Dioxide and there is presence of Acid Rivers.

He with his Psychic Protection entered the Dungeon, seeing the surroundings, he was so thankful to Arceus as only because of him giving Powers of Mewtwo, he really helped him in many ways, just the Ability to explore the Dungeon unhindered is a huge boost. Here there are 2000's of Fire Lizards roaming and the Boss of the Dungeon is Fire Wyvern which is hideous.

Any person knew that clearing such a dungeons are very difficult due to the extreme environment. Brad " Come out, Charizard. " Charizard came out with a huge Flame Thrower. It has been tired of staying in Pokeball for a Long time. Just that attracted, many of the Fire Lizards. Then he released Dratini and Mew. Dratini, when she saw Charizard. It has twinkling eyes like a fan girl who saw her idol.

Mew was also happy that, they came out. Brad " Mew unlike other Dungeons which will be destroyed by others, This Dungeon gets swallowed by me as soon as every creature inside the Dungeon gets killed immediately. So you are out to leave atleas one creature alive and return to Pokeball. Then we would go to other Dungeons. " Mew waved its hand that it got it.

For Brad, He wanted Mew to just help his Other Pokemons. He knew deep down this little Mascots are like a Child who do not like to fight much. For them all of it is like a children playing games for Fun. So he let them be that way. And he soon hope to meet Victini, Celebi, Jirachi and the others.

Charizard with a Huge Roar released Dragon Pulse that swept the Fire Lizards killing them in the Process. He killed the incoming Fire Lizards, as Charizard did have some IQ of knowing that Fire would not be effective on Fire Lizards as they are literally Bathing in the Lava. Brad knew that these Monster Skins would sell for a huge Rate as they are well best shield with High Heat resistance and Excellent Bullet Proof Material.

The Wyvern got up in the Sky, It rushed towards Charizard, Meanwhile Dratini also faced the incoming Lizard Monsters, it used Agility mixed with Dragon Tail attack in their Heads precisely breaking their Skull Bones with the Impact. Brad was giving commands in the Background as he wanted Dratini to have full control over his own Power by practicing the attack over and over again with different intensity.

Meanwhile, the Wyvern and Charizard met at the Sky battling each other, The Wyvern released a Flame Thrower attack which Charizard used the same attack to counter it. Charizard used Dragon Rush to attack the Wyvern, which threw the Wyvern at full force bashing the Ground. Charizard and the Wyvern are not at the same level at all. But unlike other Creatures, the Wyvern has a tenacious Vitality, as the Lava soaked the Wyvern, it is healing rapidly like Wolverine's Rapid Healing Factor.

Brad knew that this is the difference between E Ranked and D Ranked Dungeons, the Boss must have Superpowers which will increase Difficulty rapidly. Slowly he have some basic idea of how difficult each levels of Dungeon are. Brad did not let Charizard to finish it early, he let him have his fun for a while. As if he cleared the first Dungeon so early. It would arosuse Interest.

Meanwhile Brad took all the Carcass and started Cleaning, both the Fishman Carcass and Fire Lizard Carcass. He learnt Cleaning Coarses in the Free time using his Clone. He with his skillfull Psychic, he started cleaning the Carcass, as there is no time flow in his Pocket Dimension, they did not rot at all. He had some assumptions that the Pokemons Ecology is not possible for Pocket Dimension is precisely that the Space is not big enough to have the flow of Time that supports Life.

He started Cleaning and arranging, the Fishman Scales, Mana Crystals within the Fishman, their meat, Bones, Weapons, The Toxins, everything is cleaned and organised. Like that he formed 5 Shadow Clones and started the Work immediately. At first there were some Mistakes but slowly and steadily he is nearing the perfection of a Veteran Cleaner.

He after a hour or two, he completed, the Thousand Fishman Carcass and Lizard Man Caracass. Anyway he can sell the Materials to the Awakeners Market ananymously. This Market is established for the sole sake of Privacy to indulge many Awakeners who have not joined any forces due to having other concerns even some Criminals, There is a open Secret Black Market for Awakeners to sell their Goods anonymously to the others. Only thing is there is no certification of the Goods. There are even Buyers of Large Conglomerates as the Material is relatively cheap for Research. And so on, it is just that the Meats of Humanoid Creatures Has a disgusting feel to Humans. Meanwhile the Meat is liked to be eaten by Domesticated Beasts.

Brad saw that Charizard grew Tired of Fighting Wyvern, it slashed the Head of the Wyvern with Dragon Claw and there was one Fire Lizard kept alive by Mew. Brad gave the Meat to Charizard to see that it really tasted great for it, Dratini and Mew also liked to eat it. So Brad and with his Psychic he could see for sure that their strength is increasing after eating those meat. Just like the Pokemon Foods. He quickly withdrawn them and the Materials are all collected to Subspace. The Lizard that remained was killed by Brad and the Dungeon Collapsed and got sucked into him which made the 2 sq.km area to 12 sq.km surface area.