Invasion of the Sea. Alliance Power

After arriving at the other end, he recorded general layout of the Dungeon, and there are no cleaners stationed as there is not enough manpower to allocate for mere D and E Rank Dungeons, as they are all Concentrated to C Ranked and B Ranked Dungeons which may take several Days.

Brad gradually completed many Dungeons, There were Naga Dungeons, Were Nagas and the Boss of the Dungeon is a Python at the size of Manda with Horns but not as strong as Manda. It has Poison Manipulation Powers, Brad defeated it with his Psychic Powers and finished of with Psycho Cut which is similar to a Wind Blade attack. He then started collecting Poisonous Sack and it's Crystals and collected Naga's Mana Crystals and their Teeths. And Bones and Flesh.

Brad became more skilled and with his excellent practice of Psychic he started Micromanaging of the Psychic Control and polishing his Powers for Firm foundation. He then entered another Water Dungeon were there was Megaladon Fighters which has Almost the size of a Medium Fishing Lounge. There were 100s of them. Brad fighted them in underwater with Mew and Dratini. Here Dratini finally evolved into Draganair as it has already got huge boost in Shikkotsu Forest while in Egg Form. After accumulation in the Dungeons for two days. The Saturated Energy allowed it to Evolve after it reaches a Certain Control, It learned Aqua Tail, Rain Dance, Safe Guard and Dragon Rush, Extreme Speed.

Draganair which has become bigger than Dratini, now has awesome Power, even without the power of Mew to protect it. Defeated all the Megaladons and it moved to the Boss of the Dungeon a Whale Shark. Which is at the size of Blue Whale. And for Stronger.

Draganair used Extreme Speed to attack the eyes of the Whale Shark. Which made it bleed. The Whale Shark opened its mouth and slowly a Huge Water Votex formed in its mouth. Brad knew that there would be a Super Power for the Monster. Draganair was being pulled towards the Vortex. But Draganair used Extreme Speed to escape the Vortex and Releases Dragon Rage to its Gills which is a Breathing organ for Sharks. This stopped the Whale Shark ability. It used Dragon Rush tearing a Hole in Whale Shark killing it. Brad used his Psychic to Discern and Clean the Whale Shark and Megaladons.

He then killed the single Megaladon which was held by Mew letting the Dungeon gets sucked to himself and increasing the Pocket Space Area. He then checked the Pannel again

Name: Brad (Kawaki - Naruto World)

Age:23 Years

Lvl : Lvl 68/∞ ( Mewtwo Potential)

Abilities: Mewtwo's abilities including Mega Evolution X&Y combined( Human Modified Version ), World Travel.

Soul Chakra Gates: Earth Gate opened

Knowledge: Team Rockets Systematic Research knowledge Data and Results, Pokemon Center blueprint, Nurse Joy Family Medical Database, Officer Jenny Families Training Legacy. Detective Learning.

Item Bound: Arceus Orb (Can only be used by important Characters in Anime Worlds and Hosts Family, No other limit )

Pokemon: Charizard, Draganair, Mew


Main Mission: Spread Pokemon Influence in Earth and Anime Worlds


Sub Mission 2: Establish your Own Force on Earth. (Note: Own at least one Exclusive Dungeon with C Rank or Above)

Reward: Diancie and Carbink Family, ( Can Produce Mana Crystals using Mana in the Atmosphere.)

Sub Mission 3: Clear Dungeons as much as Possible to collect Space Fragments to form your Own Pokemon Dimension(Can let Pokemon form Ecology there and Can be released there without any worry)

E Rank Dungeon: +1 sq. km

D Rank Dungeon: +10

C Rank Dungeon: +100

B Rank Dungeon: +1000

A Rank Dungeon: +10000

S Rank Dungeon: +100000

Mythical Rank Dungeon: ??????

Current area: 135

Required Minimum Area: 1000 to form Ecology for Pokemons.

Reward: Access to Reverse World for reaching 1000, and Dark Life Plate (Duplicate) for reaching 100000

Sub Mission 4: Conquer your Nearby Sea Area minimum area of 100000 sq. km

Current Area: 0

Reward: Obtain Sea Temple, and Manapy to Manage the Temple. You will be crowned as the King of the Sea. (You can command all Water Pokemons in Ocean.)

Daily Draw: 10/10 ( Can Summon Pokemons, Items and so on, Refresh 1 draw a Month) (Will get refreshed in New World, Required to stay in the New World for minimum 10 months. Not applicable to Earth. )

Drawn Rewards: HoHo summoning x3, (Yet to be extracted)

Note: the summoned Pokemon from Draw cannot be used by the Host and can only be used by other People. And Rewarded Pokemon Eggs and Pokemons all have the potential of Legendary Pokemon.

In three days he solved many D Ranked andnE Ranked Dungeons but still has a long way to form a 1000 As he must at the very least destroy 100s of D Ranked Dungeons which is really very Tiring, and the Adavanced Scouts in the Association and Satellite scannings have shown that the Fishmens are forming a Huge army.

The Army were Ready with all the newly built weapons and ammo made from Bones and Parts of Monsters instead of Conventional Ammo. The Different Guns use Mana Crystals instead of Gun Powder which is far effecient. It was the proud invention of the Government Scientist Thompson tied up with Weapon Manufacturer Lockheed Martin.

Brad used this Situation to sell all the Bones and Special Parts of Animals in Awakeners Trade Center ananymously to Lockheed Martin Company. Which they welcomed it with and he got nearly 1500 Mana Crystals. Along with 218 Mana Crystals he obtained during the Loot. He found that he can absorb Mana Crystals to increase his Psychic using his Calm Mind and Fighting Energy using Bulk up. But he felt that it is not effecient enough. So he stopped using the Mana Crystals to increase his Power. And stored it for good uses that may be useful for Worlds that he may enter later.

Soon the army formed it's forces and soon Top ace of Guild Olympus, Freedom Guild were stationed here the members there were even Saintess Freya who is said to have A Rank Healer who can give Buffs with Healing and can even regenrate Limbs with her treatment. Freya is member of Olympus Guild. She can give Crowd Healing which is more effective, Then the Freedom Guilds Leonel a Top Pyromancer who can manipulate and Create Flames, His Flames can even generate Heat of upto 5000 degrees.

He is out and out aggressive fighter, as for the other Guilds and S Class Personals, they are stationed at the Nearby A Ranked and S Ranked Gates. The Guild Leader of Olympus Guild Zeus, who the real name is unknown, he guards the Mythic Dungeon of United States at Mount Saint Eilas. Meanwhile the Freedom Guilds Steve Smith who is the Strongest Berserker guards the Gate at Tongass National Forest Mythical Dungeon.

Brad for the first time felt the strong Forces together, He can't help but feel that he is really participating in a War.