Pokemon Counter attack, Mathew - the Viper

Freya " Wow, you are already this strong!!! It seems it won't take long before you can take on Zeus Himself. " Brad was not in the mood to think about anything as the Dungeon is like a Major Weakness for him. His attacks were so Montonous and unless he also spams attacks like a Mage. He cannot conquer this Dungeon.

Freya healed him with her Healing Spell, it took 15 mins for her to Concentrate and Heal him to a Normal Condition from his Power depletion. Brad ' It seems that I have to use all my Energy and Pokemons to Conquer this Dungeon. It's not desirable to hide my Strength in this Life Threatening Dungeon.

Brad ' Yeah the Monthly Draw must be refreshed ' he thought to himself and selected the Monthly Draw to Draw all the 10 Draws, Freya at the time " Hey it is incredibly rude to not respond to a Person who healed you!! " Brad " I hope you don't share my Secrets with the outside World. " Brad said to her as he is not sure whether he could erase her memories.

Brad Released the Pokemons from his Pocket Dimension, Blastoise family, Charizard Family, Pikachu Family, Miltank, Tauros, Magmar, Electabuzz, Torterra, Ditto. All these Pokemons are released. He then released his very own Pokemons Mew, Charizard and Dragonair. Brad Decided to release Pokemons which are all advantageous to the Terrain and which could make actual Damage to the Undead Creatures. He left Lugia in the Pocket Dimension to manage the Water Pokemons as the Gyarados are all have quite a nasty temper and always pick fights.

Freya " What the...!!!?...What the hell is going on!!!!? " As that Brad picked Freya to One of the Charizards Back. His Charizard is the Alpha who leads the other Charizards. Freya " Hey don't tell me these Creatures are all Pokemons that we all Watched during Childhoods. As the iconic Pikachu is Still there.

Brad did not speak, As they moved forward they reached another area were Zombie Warriers with different weapons were ready. In the Brad looked at the approaching Group, Pikachu and Electrabuzz first started their attacks. Brad " Electrabuzz group and Pikachu Group, everyone use Electric Terrain!!!! " As that a Massive Electric Field appeared in the Ground Crackling with Lightnings. Mew immediately transformed into Zapdos and rained raging Lightning towards the Zombies destroying everything that is in the Paths.

Meanwhile the Group of Charizards skillfully evaded the Lightning Rains, Brad had trained his Charizard in such a way to evade the Lightning by sensing the Energy and the same was taught to other Charizards by his Own Charizard. All the Zombies were Burned to Crisps. Brad suddenly sensed the same Influx of Dark Miasma comming towards them.

This Time Brad " Mew Transform to Dusknoir and absorb all those Ghost Energy to absorb into yourself. " As Mew transformed into Dusknoir it consumed the Incoming Ghost Energy towards itself. Dusknoir(Mew) which was consuming the Energy was in total relish. It was like eating a Delicious Ghost Pokeblock.

At the Time the Fallen Magical Equipments, The Rhyhorn Groups are all ate the Steel with much relish. As the Ghost Mana in the Equipments were all neutralised by the Lightning Terrain and Lightning attacks. So the Mana Stones is also a Delicious as in a way they are nearly a Processed Magic Stones in many Weapons. Meanwhile the Ditto all transformed into Aron Groups eating all the Mana Steel made from Different Mana Ores.

Brad " Whether we like it or not, We should be staying here for a while. I hope we form a Base here. And this Dungeon is so strong, so we finish them using the Power of Pokemons. " Freya " So you are hiding such a Trump Card!!? " Then she slowly came to Brad and hugged his Hand with her Chest touching his Arms. Freya " I will keep this as a Secret as long as you be my Boyfriend. "

Brad who has been with Li Meilin despite had a great Immunity towards the Beauty, his Little Brother got excited. Freya is really a out and out Divine Beauty. Freya ' Thank God, I have not shown my full power, or else he would have never shown this Secret at all. ' Brad also never thought Freya to have Much offensive Capabilities. And if not for the Continuous inlet of Ghost Energy, he would not have shown his Side.

Meanwhile in Reality, a Handsome Man has come to the City Hospital to visit a Cute Healer named Sarah. When Sarah saw the Handsome Man, her Blood Froze in fear and shock. Her body started shivering, it was Mathew the reason that she is in such predicment. Mathew loved Sarah or can be said that he Lusted over Sarah's beauty in his College Days.

But she rejected him in front of everyone when he Proposed to her. This made Mathew humiliated, but he endured as the society is ruled by law and Sarah is a top Scoring Student. He is not rich enough to take revenge against Sarah. But everything changed when the World Awakened. He obtained the Powers of a Serpentine Creatures like his Character.

He has Camouflage ability, Tough Scales, Different Poisons, Snake Vision for Finding Body Temperature, he has a Sleek Agility. An Expert Assasin through and Through. He joined the Wipro Conglomerate and he had done many dangerous tasks and slowly but surely climbed the Ranks. It was him who carefully designed Sarah's outcome for Revenge. He made sure that she will be pushed to Desperation.

Mathew's thinking also become Cold Blooded and Poisonous, He wants Sarah to feel Disgusted and felt humiliated for to have bearing a Child of a Pink Humanoid Creature. Mathew came to her with his Serpentine Eyes glancing over her. Mathew " Our Campus Belle, it looks like she is having a good time. But sorry we have no more time to wait. So you should be prepared to settle the Aggreement Terms. "

This made Sarah shiver in fear. Mathew " You knew what, I was afraid. Your brother suddenly appeared and Awakeners Association also wanted to train your brother, despite not being afraid of the Awakeners Association, The Group felt that it is not that much of a Pros in getting a Ire of a Future S Class Awakened. But now your Brother got struck in a Unstable Dungeon which is now he may not even Come out. "

Mathew showed a Handsome Smile with pure joy, Meanwhile Sarah felt her whole world collapsing, Sarah " No Brother!! My Brother, What Happened!!!? " Seeing her feeling the extreme Despair Mathew felt exhilaration. Mathew " Despite my proposition, The Group stayed with a wait and see attitude. So you got a two week time. And I would come for you. I am excited to see a proper Breeding Machine from our Campus Belle. "

Sarah got despair washing over her face as Mathew Said the last sentence. If Brad is really dead and she too have this situation. She knew that their Parents and Grandparents will loose the will to live. She despite knowing that Brad is a Legendary Pokemon Trainer, she had an innate fear of S Rank Dungeon which has been claimed to be undefeated. Sarah " Brother be safe.... " She cried to herself.