Truth about Dungeons, Unexpected Encounter

In the Atlantis, in a Research Chamber Garth is seeing the File, if Brad was here he would have been surprised to see that Garth is viewing the File about Brad and Freya. He also has the information of the S Rank Dungeon. And he of all people knew that how Difficult is a S Ranked Dungeon was. Even the Atlantians barely managed to Tame the Ketos(Sea Monster) which is almost the shape of Island after a Deep Struggle and Slowly took control.

Brad could have the chance to escape of it was a Normal S Rank Dungeon. But even for Garth and the Atlantians who have taken over Atlantic Ocean knew full well that This Mutated Dungeon is anything but normal. Garth " Brad, you are the one who made me feel as a Rival. If by chance you did succeed in escaping the Dungeon, I would want to have a Second Showdown. "

He smirked and when he turned to the side, A Cool streamlined Mecha about the size of 4m present. With only the Head is a Grostique looking like a Carnage Venom. He had prepared solely for the counteracting the Fighting Energy and Nullify the Psychic Energy. If Brad sees it, he would see the Nether or Ghost Energy Presence in the Mecha.

Meanwhile In the Olympus Headquarters, a Handsome Man was overlooking the City from the Skyscraper. That man was none other than the Guild Leader Zeus Himself. As he is slooming at the View beside him a Water formed from the Moisture forming a Human Silhouette. He was another executive of Olympus, Poseidon. Poseidon " Brother, why are you still have not ordered for Reinforcements to rescue Freya. "

Zeus stayed silent, At the time a Heroic looking women appeared resembling Wisdom. She said " It is not that he don't want to, but there is no need to take the action at all isn't that right the King of Gods. " Outside world has doubts about Olympus but nobody had guessed that their Imaginary Fiction is real. The Olympus are really the Pantheon of Gods.

It is not the Code Word of the individuals who hold that positions. It is just their real identity itself is the same. Zeus at the time opened his mouth " No need to fret too much, She will return anyway. But the real concern here is not them but my Brother Hades, He is playing a long game I suppose. " Athena " It is just that he has changed after meeting with the Fate Sisters. He has learned something. Anyway the immediate issue is the Atlantis, due to the Formation of Dungeons the Atlantis has escaped our Control. "

Poseidon " Hey, who would have thought that we all would loose our Authority over our respective Regions by the Mana Recovery. But still let them play for a while. I would let them have the price of Betraying a God. " Athena " So when are we going to send a Reinforcement to the Dungeon. We will loose our Credibility if we remain silent. "

Zeus " Just wait for two week, she would be bored and break the dungeon herself. As she is already strong enough to break the Dungeon even if it is a S Class. " Poseidon " I really hope that she comes sooner. " Poseidon has a Fear of Freya, But why only the pantheons themselves knew. Zeus " So did the Wipro's offsprings managed to Escape the Boundaries and thresholds of Dungeons. " he questioned Athena

Athena " Our spies have found that they have succeeded only thing is that the Pink Humanoids Vitality is not something a normal Human Women could Endure, if the Women is only of Divine Blood or Higher Regenerative Factor could they survive. But the Babies did survive. And they are not restricted to Dungeon anymore. " This made Zeus narrow his eyes.

Zeus " No matter what Technology is also a higher order Path to reach the Supreme. And they have also reached the Very high level to boot. " Athena " Not only that, but the Born Babies are so Special that their Genetic Structure gets rectified to the Optimum structure to adapt the environments. In a way it is ..." Zeus " A Evolution!!! It is a forced Evolution. "

Zeus " Don't you find amazing, that our very Universe itself is a Culture Medium!! hahahaha!!! " He laughed like a Madman. Athena and Poseidon stayed silent. Zeus " We will find a way to obtain Law and Escape this Culture Medium known as Universe. We will escape from this Universe Boundaries are die Trying. " If anybody heard Zeus they would feel shock to the core.

It is very similar to how Human Researcher had a View of Studying Micro Organisms and Atoms Structure. That is how the High Dimensional Beings look at the Living beings of Universe. They cultivate Different Universe Cultures with Diverse Creatures. The process is repeating after trial and error. It keeps on repeating.

Zeus " The Dungeons are all the Discarded Universe Space Fragments. And this is their new Experiment on how the New Micro Organisms that is living beings in the Universe react to the Incoming New Micro Organisms. " When Zeus said that the Sky suddenly had a Fierce Thunerstorm showing his Anger. Athena " This very reason that we Gods who struck between the Two Dimensions ( a beings who could perceive the Higher Dimension while being present in the Lower Dimension. ) Decided to quit the world in the past and decided to return now.

It is all to escape this Cage. We need to find the Key, as long as we find the Key, we can escape this Damned Cursed world. " Athena with a cruel laughter said " We may be the lesser beings of Viruses and Bacteria to them but even a Higher Dimension being will feel the Virus Outbreak destroying a Civilization itself if needed right!!!!!. " Zeus " Yes, the Virus which is far more effecient and evolves infinitely to adapt to any circumstances. Like those damned Researchers, those beings will pay for their Arrogance. "

Meanwhile in Brad's Home, Sarah decided to quit the Hospital, and decided to spend her last moments with her Family. Like that a week and a 5 days have passed. Brad's Parents and Grandparents became worried. An unexpected visitor arrived to visit Brad's Family. Brad's father Clark in the door saw a Beautiful young Women looked Brad's age stood there.

When Martha saw the Young women, her eyes became Cold unlike her own Usual Self. The Young Women " We have atlast found you Older Sister!!!! " She said it with a smile. The Young women is none other than Marie, the Third Princess of Atlantis.