Mirielle, The First Princess of Atlantis

Martha looked coldly at the Marie. Clark looked surprised and shocked, now that he looks at Marie, there is a resemblance of Martha and Sarah on her. Martha " Sorry, I am an orphan and the only family that I have are my Parent In Laws, my Husband and Children. As for the Rest, I can only remember that I am an Orphan abandoned by the Family. "

Marie " Sister, please hear me out.... " Before she finishes to speak. Martha " Please don't disturb my family. Kindly leave. " Her tone was cold. At the time Brad's Grandma " Martha, it is not nice of you to do that. " She became silent, as she respect her, in laws. Brad's Grandma " See here Martha, it is because of Subramani's Father's Stubborn Nature, we have seperated all these years. Now even he let go of his Stubbornness because in these times the Family Ties and Friendship are the only solace for our lives. So what ever grievience there is, atleast give your family a chance. "

Martha did not speak, she stayed Silent. She could not explain it to her Family about her Situation. Marie " Thank you, Madam. " she thanked Brad's Grandma immensely. Martha took Marie to the Room and closed the room. Marie did not speak, Martha " Why have you come, Did the thing that gave Birth to us asked me to imprison me, so that they could see me and my family get destroyed for the So called crime of Loving a Human!!? "

Marie " Sister, they are our Parents!!!! They always did it for our own Good!!! " Martha " Ohh yeah right!!! They stripped me of the Atlantian Bloodline loosing my ability to breathe in Water. Placing a Seal in my Brain to never have the ability to Learn immense Knowledge. And worst of all, they had killed Nero ( a Rainbow Star Whale), my Loyal Partner due to me loosing my status as Princess. "

Marie clenched her fists, When her Sister was Banished from the Atlantis she was just a 3 Year old Little Kid. Marie " You are always my loving Sister Mirielle, Father and Mother had to do this. Or else you would have been Danger. And they are not alive anymore and the Atlantis is was not it is used to be. We have fallen to a Great Degree. "

Martha aka Mirielle was visibly shocked and soon she was back to normal. Despite knowing that her Parents are dead, she did not feel any sorrow other than shock. The one who felt Sorrow died all those years back. Marie knew that expecting her Sister to forgive them is almost impossible.

Marie " Actually while you left the Atlantis, Mother was pregnant at the time and we had a Little Brother named Garth, Due to your absence, Sister Aquila and myself poured all our love to the Youngest. But recently he had a big fight and almost got injured in a fight. His enemy's name is Brad. " Martha " What did you say!!!? "

Marie then explained everything about the Fight that she knew and Garths Capabilities. Marie " Sister, now the world is not it used to be, We are not under the control of Poseidon anymore. And father and Mother died along with the senile Old fools with their Old Tradition. Father had still kept your Power Sealed in the Treasury. You must take back what is rightfully yours. "

Martha hesitated, she would have avoided if it was normal case but she would regret if her family was involved and she was unable to save due to her refusing her ability. Because she was not complete her awakening also was incomplete. She can Control Water like Water Bending. But limited to only a Can of water.

Her Husband is a Management like Awakening ability, where he could remember all the tiny details and manage everything and sort it out like a AI tool in PC. So he has steadily raised in Position in his Company to a Clerk to a Manager. If not for the higher position is held by the strong Awakeners, he would have become the CEO of his Company itself.

But sadly, these are not enough to face the incoming threats. Only let their children to face the dangers of internal and external threats. Sadly Marie did not have much influence on Land, or else she would have known the top Secret like the candidates for the Surrogate Birth Mother list of Wipro. She knew from the Spy Technology of Atlantis that the Association knew, but even they don't knew the candidates as it is top secret.

If Marie had knewn, with her nature she would have directly striked the Wipro Forces. But even for the Atlantis it is difficult to cope with the Pink Humanoids. Sarah who went to shop to purchase have returned to home. Clark her father introduced, " Sarah, she is your Mother's Blood Sister, Marie. " Sarah was surprised to hear it. And seeing that her Mother is not refute, she confirmed the absurdity.

Sarah was hesitant and said " Hello Aunt... " Marie hugged her sister's daughter immediately, Marie " You just look like our mother.. " she cried as Sarah is really a spitting image of the Queen of Atlantis who is no more. Mirielle sighed, she herself knew that all her love for her parents had been transferred to her Kids.

Sarah she did not knew what to say in this occasion. As for the Old Couple and Clark, they let the kids have their own way. As eventually Harmony will appear in this Family. Marie gave her a Magic imbued Ring. Martha seeing the Ring had shock in her eyes.

Martha " Marie, don't cross your limits!!! " she shouted. Everyone startled, Clark " Martha, what happened. " Sarah did not knew what happened, but she knew her mother hated the fact this ring was on her, but when she tried to remove, it did not budge at all.

Marie " That is my Mother's ring, we are a Special People with powers even before the Awakening of the Earth. That ring belongs to my Mother who is also a Royalty, her highness queen. " The Whole family was shocked by the revelation. Martha " Marie, don't you dare.. "

Marie " Having this Ring means, you are engaged to my Brother, And are protected by our Royal Family. I may look forcing upon you. But in the end of the day it was just like a one year Contract. If you or my Brother do not like each other, your engagement will be voided. This is something, I am even willing to swear a Mana Oath. "

Martha " You.... " Sarah on the other hand was shocked and then felt overjoyed not because of the engagement, she may escape the predicament, and as for the Groom who is younger brother of her Mom, who cares if she does not like him, she was confident that with the help of her mother she could escape. Even if she was forced to marry, it would have been far better than her current situation.