Siblings Reunion

Brad after entering the Association, he was given a Punishment of to clear 1000 D Ranked Gates and 100 C Ranked Gates within two weeks alond with fine of 100,000 medium grade Mana Stones. That are located in the non Habitable Zones and Reclaim the Lands. Failure to meet the Requirements will make Brad bound to the Association for 10 years with the 75% of his Dungeon income to be submitted to the Association.

Brad did not take this punishment as a Punishment itself, as he have a huge Pokemon Army and distance does not matter with Spatial Talent of Palkia. And his Dimensional world will grow in strength. And with his current strength Brad is also graded as a S Rank Awakener. Brad first visited his father and Grandparents. Then after consulting his mother he took his Family to the Atlantis.

Atlantis is really a wonder of Underwater City it really made his Father Clark and Brad's Grandparents amazed. There the Atlantian Guards and Citizens were there to welcome along with Garth and Marie. Marie seeing Brad in person was amazed by Brad's strength.

Marie " Welcome my dear Nephew, I am your Aunt Marie. " Brad " Finally see the faint resemblance of his Mother in Marie. Garth on the other hand despite being handsome, he did not have much resemblance on his Mother. " Brad moved forward after giving a awkward nod to Marie who seems to be slightly older than Brad. He looked towards Garth and bowed to him.

Brad " Whatever may be the reason that you helped my sister, Thank you. I am saying it from the bottom of my heart. I failed my most important promise that I should have given to my sister. That is to rescue her from this issue completely. But I have been conceited and did not knew about the factor of Vengeance that F****er like Mathew would be involved. My ignorance had almost costed my sister. But thanks to you my sister is Safe... "

While Brad wants to speak more Garth stopped " Enough!!! From the moment my sister gave the ring of Queen to Atlantis, she is betrothed to the Atlantian Prince Garth. Acting against her is a act of Disgracing the Atlantis itself. So I have not saved your sister. I have saved my wife to be. " Garth had immense pride, he wanted to Defeat Brad in a Duel with his own efforts and talent who may be the only rival of his age.

Him bowing down to him for this issue, Garth cannot accept it. Meanwhile Clark was very satisfied with Garth being his Son in Law. The Grandparents of Garth also was very satisfied. Brad and the family was taken to his sister. As his Mother is undergoing a Bloodline awakening, it is her own bloodline that she has been stripped of from her.

Sarah who woke up from the Healing Chamber saw that her belly being bloated, she cried, cried and cried, meanwhile Marie who has her aunt can't say anything about it but stayed with her. It took her a while and only when she required some time alone Marie left her. Sarah after some time cooling off her feelings, she made a decision that hardened her heart.

Brad with full of shame went to meet Sarah, only advantage he had his after opening his Chakra Gates, he is incapable of obsessive fear or any guilt. Brad when reached to meet Sarah full of shame. Sarah who saw her brother came and hugged him crying. Brad who is a man feeling his sister's years he cannot stop the tears comming from his eyes.

Sarah " Brother, I was scared that I have lost you... " She cried and all her tears were wet in his Dress. Brad hugged his sister tight as if he would loose her any minute. Brad " Sorry Sarah, if only I have let you stay with Mew before going to the Dungeon these would not have happened at all. " Despite Mew being crucial for his survival in many cases, Brad still regretted that he had not let Mew stay with her.

Sarah just cried, she didn't speak but it would only poke the wound in Brad's heart. Despite how much the Brother and Sister bicker each other, they care about each other more than their parents care about their children. Brad " Sarah, don't worry actually there is a way to reverse this, I have obtained a power of Palkia which rewinds time of a said object. After some training, I would make sure that you are not affected at all. "

Sarah was shocked but for a second she felt the second heart beat that is pulsating in her womb. She clenched her hand and said " Brother, I..I... Want to raise the child. I feel wrong to kill this child as it is innocent. " Brad stayed silent, Sarah started to be nervous during this whole ordeal Clark who stayed silent and grandparents who wanted to let the siblings have some space controlled themselves.

But when Sarah said that she wanted to raise the baby, Clark can't keep quiet and shouted " Sarah!!!!! " Sarah got frightened when Clark was about to move towards his Daughter. Clark's mother stopped Clark from acting Rash. Brad " Father, this is her decision and we should respect her decision. And not to mention that in this Child there is Garth's Origin blood is present. And she is his betrothed. I myself am rash to bring this topic. " Clark stayed silent, he did not knew many details but from his wife he knew that Garth, his would be son in Law did something amazing for his daughter.

Where Sarah is shocked by the fact Brad Revealed, Brad " Sarah, I am in no position to criticize or comment on your decision. I will stand by your decision and stay by your decision. So be bold and don't hide anymore issues to me. Which almost costed you. " Sarah nodded happily. Despite being a forced Surrogacy Sarah will not abandon her child. But unknowingly after learning about Garth's decision. She unknowingly started to have the dreams of a Knight in shining Armor saving the Damsel in Distress.