Family learns the truth

On the following day, Garth and Sarah met face to face. Garth who is always arrogant and haughty was like a Shy puppy did not dare utter a single word, Meanwhile Sarah find Garth's Aesthetic sense is good which is weird. Brad on the meanwhile spent his entire two weeks on conquering the D Ranked and C Ranked Dungeons. As Brad become S Ranked Awakener, he had many concessions from the Association.

He deposited the fined Magic Crystals. The Land he almost reclaimed was near the C Territory were a S Ranked Dungeon Sun God Temple is present. It is said to be one of the Fallen World. At the association Brad met with Devan, Devan " Hey Brat, You sure proved your worth. Hahahaha!!! " Brad " Don't bother it was really exhausting. " Brad really had no rest that entire two weeks were the Dungeon clearing is the easy part.

As he has his Pokemons and Spatial Rend Talent, but the paper work is what made Brad's life hell these two weeks. Devan gave a Document to Brad, Brad who saw this was shocked as it is the Document of Dungeon Ownership of S Ranked Dungeon Sun God Temple. Brad was really of no words does not knew what to say. Devan " What cat got your Tongue!? " Brad " Why!? "

Devan " I learnt from Desmond that you wanted to create your own Guild, for that you need a minimum of C Ranked Dungeon, since you are a S Ranked Awakaned and C Ranked Dungeon is below your Stature. You are to Guard a S Ranked Dungeon. And it is my bribe to you, so you would take care of me in the future. Hahaha.... " Brad was really grateful.

Brad then turned serious and asked " Have you got any news of that bastard Mathew!? " Brad wished that he could slice that f****ing scumbag to million pieces. Devan with serious tone said, It seems that he is being hidden by Roy Williams. And things are little complicated regarding his background. There is something special about it, so be careful. "

Brad nodded, he payed a heavy price for being overconfident, he will not make the same mistake again. And Brad still remembers Garth's words in Atlantis. ' He is my prey. ' But that doesn't mean Brad will give up on killing that bastard. But anyway now that his immediate problems are over it is about time that he comes clean with his family.

Brad met with his family, Brad's Mother has become lot younger and her incomplete awakening has been completely awakened. Her power is Water Manipulation, She can manipulate Water as she feels it. Brad is really happy that his mother is finally happy. Meanwhile Brad's mother Mirielle aka Martha is in full support of her daughter's decision.

Actually Garth had investigated each and every person of Brad's family. It is just that he did not knew Mirielle at all, as according to his parents his first sister has long dead before his birth. He unknowingly learnt all the miscellaneous details of all the family members. So when he knew she is his betrothed. He also had a character analysed as she hated the fact that there is a term voluntary abortion.

So he knew very well that she would hate to kill that child so he used his own origin blood. Garth that is what made Sarah to fall over him. Brad after long contemplation revealed his biggest secret to his Family. Brad " Dad, mom, grandpa, Grandma everyone. I want you guys to take you somewhere. So that you could learn about my real power. "

Garth and Marie hesitated as Brad must feel uncomfortable to share his powers with them but Brad nodded to them as they are his family now and from the moment he came to terms that he is a member of the Atlantian Royal Family. He knew he would have the Temple of the Sea. And he would have far easier time to capture the Sea.

But if only Brad knew how insane the difficulty level is for his Goal of Capturing all the Ocean is. Anyway Brad took them to his own Dimensions, seeing all types of Pokemons and a vast expense of Land with many unique constructs and different extreme Geography of the Land. They were all amazed and most of it is the huge Water Stone Vein which baffled Garth, Mirielle and Garth as the Atlantian Royal Family have the power related to the Water. Garth being the technology enthusiasts he did not train much in that area but he still has all the training of the Atlantian Royal family.

Brad then said about Arceus and how it helped him through his Power journey. His real power is a Dimensional Travel and Linguistics ability but Arceus is the one who gave him this huge powerful start. Sarah was fascinated. Sarah " Wait does that mean, each and everyone of us will have a Pokemon with a legendary aptitude!!!? "

But Mirielle, Marie and Garth frowned. Mirielle " Brad, it is dangerous, as you spread Pokemon, Arceus will become an unstoppable power if he double crossed you.... " Brad " Mom, your worries are correct, whatever it may be. Arceus chose to trust me and entrusted me. Whatever it is like you have taught me, nothing in the world is free. So I am repaying Arceus as it should be. "

Martha aka Mirielle smiled, Clark also smiled. Brad's face changed to a person who made a mistake, Martha who saw her son making the same face when he hide his issues, immediately glared at him and said " What did you do!? " Clark and the other members of the family stepped back. Sarah is suddenly having nightmares so as Marie and Clark. Brad " Mom, it's... " Martha " What did you do!? "

Brad " Mom, I am already married!!! " The whole family had the effect of " What!!!!? " Martha was fuming mad about this. She wanted to be at the wedding but she is not. Even Brad's Grandparents were not satisfied with this, Their Grandson is the same as thier son. Even Sarah is furious that she missed her brother's wedding.

Brad saw Mew and Mew turned to Zoroark and Mew started playing the Marriage Holographic Wedding which was really a epic one. And after seeing this Sarah was even more furious. But all of them felt helpless that even Brad did not have a choice in this matter. Brad " Mom..." Martha this time was furious " What did you do!!? " She even manifested a Whip made of Water.

Brad " You guys have become Grandparents!!! " When he said that within a Second he screamed and inside his pants there is a Straight line Red mark in his Butt.