To Boin Archipelago, Blackbeard Pirates

Brad " Actually I would love to but not now. " Luffy " Huh!!? " Ussopp " Wait you consider joining our crew!? " As the same thought run on their minds as Brad was insanely strong. Even Crocus also found it surprising. Brad " Yes, but right now I am not in Complete control of my own strength. " As Brad picked a Small Rock but it shattered when he grabbed with his Fingers.

Luffy is fine from Brad's pinch because he is a Rubber. Ussopp and Nami became super scared. Brad " Actually I need a Person to train me to control my own strength. There are two candidates in my opinion who are at present capable of handle my teaching. They are Marine Hero Garp and another one is the Dark King Silvers Rayleigh. "

Luffy when heard Garp slightly turned his eye to the other side and started whistling. Crocus's eyes narrowed and asked " Why them, I bet there are still many who could teach you. Even the emperors will welcome you with open arms. " Brad " Actually Vice Admiral Garp will not teach me unless I become a Marine. Which I do not like it. So I am going to find Rayleigh and ask him to teach me Haki. "

Crocus sighed and did not bother with the issue, he knew that Brad must knew his identity as ship doctor of Roger Pirates. But he still indebted to him for curing Laboon. As a Doctor he could see that Laboon's Dark wounds are all healed. Crocus " You can find him in Saboady Archipelago. Grove No 13. In a Bar named Shakky's Rip Off Bar. "

Brad " Thanks Senior, I am glad for your help. " Luffy " Hey, then after you control your strength will you join the crew!? " Brad " I can't join your Crew Luffy, unlike you I don't have that Freedom. I have a responsibility that I must uphold. But I would like to be your comrade and friend. " Luffy made a face that is unbearable and said " Fine. " Luffy may look like he compel everyone who he sees to join the crew but he only forces who have the desire deep down buried within them. As for the others he would respect their Wish. "

Brad " Anyway, I would help like to give you a Gift to you guys. " As he took a Mana Crsytal, seeing the Glowing Diamond Like Crystal Nami had Berry eyes. He gave it to Luffy, Brad " Break this Crystal when you and your crew are in a Danger that you could not face. I will appear right before you on that exact time to save you guys. I knew that you would not use it for your own self but if your crew, friends are family in Danger you could call me. "

Luffy and the others are overwhelmed, Zoro " Why are you helping us!? You barely knew us!!! " Brad " I already knew enough. And if I help you Luffy might help me when I needed the Help most. " Luffy laughed and said " Shishishishi.... That's for sure. And we will meet soon. " Brad " if we meet, I would arrange a Meal that would have the finest Ingredients and Dishes. "

Luffy " Meat!!!! Yes.... " After some talk Brad floated in the Sky, he transformed to the Mega Evolution state where his Hair turned White with a Glowing White Aura around him. Which surprised everyone. Brad flew off in the Direction of Grandline in a Supersonic Speeds. Luffy " We will see you soon!! " Suddenly Nami screamed " ahhhhh!!!!! " Sanju " What happened Nami - san!? "

Nami " Brad left Mew!!! " Luffy and the others " What!!? " As they all saw Mew Sleeping on the table were the Sea Chart Nami Spread. And whats more amazing is a Box with lot of Psychic Pokeblocks with the Tag " Mew's Only food. " Crocus " He had left Mew to have adventure with you guys. And I think that he is expecting you to meet him with Mew in Sabaody Archipelago. "

Luffy " Yeah!!!! " Were others are all smiled. Luffy with curiously looked at the Mew's Lunch Box. He picked one and when he was about to eat. His body froze, Everyone shocked only to see Mew Woke up and his Eyes shines. The Pokeblock floated to Mew's mouth, he ate it with relisn. Mew then went to sleeping.

Luffy " How dare you!!? " He went to Duke it out with Mew when Nami gave a Heavy knock in his Head. Nami " Shut it out!? " She got angry for two reasons, one Mew is cute and another is Mew is stronger than Laboon and he almost caused a Tragedy with Laboon's matter. Meanwhile Brad who is moving over the Ocean, with his New Body can sense the Magnetic Field Direction. He doesn't need a Log pose to identify the Direction.

He moved straight to Sabaody Archipelago tearing the Sound Barrier. Brad intentionally left Mew with the Straw Hats as Mew wanted to have a Adventure for a while. While Brad is moving he saw at few miles away a Giant Sea King is about to attack a Naval Warship. Brad did not slow his speed. He penetrated the Sea King's Head which got the Blood Splashed like a Blood Rain.

All the Marines felt are that with a Sonic Boom sound, the Sea King's Head blasted to pieces. The Marine Soldiers who are sure of their death felt a great relief. This incident when reported to Navy HQ, it is concluded as a Passing Expert saved the Marine Warship from the Sea King.

Brad who felt a Summer Island felt that he may rest for a while as he has been flying non stop. When he landed he found that this Island is under a Pirate attack. Were the town is enveloped in Darkness. Brad " So this is a unknown town that is being attacked by the Pirates. " Brad looked at the group and found it interesting as the Group is the Blackbeard Pirates.

Brad " Finally an opportunity to let loose. " At the time Brad walked towards the Town which is being attacked. A Masked Man Burgess claim to be a Champion saw Brad, he smiled " hehahaha.. You are mine!!! " Burgess with his Huge Fist came to Brad to finish him off.