Fight with Blackbeards

Brad smiled a crazy laughter, he straightaway punched Burgess, a massive ripple formed in the Air forming a Air Shock which like a Cannon striked Burgess making him crash ten buildings with a Bloody Mess barely breathing. The other members of Blackbeard Pirates froze on their Tracks.

Blackbeard Marshal D Teach looked at his Crewmate, he was shocked by the strength Brad showed. Brad twisted his Neck and broke his Stress Bone Knots all over his body Warming up. Brad " Hey, I have been long wanted to let loose in fighting. So are you going to come at me once or one by one. " The Blackbeard Pirates are all having Danger senses through their Observation Haki as if a Dangerous Predator that may pound on them any minute.

Blackbeard " Zehahaha.... You are really strong. But I am still stronger.. " as he said he released Darkness from his Body. Brad felt that this Darkness can be partially nullified with the Dark Plate. Brad released his Fighting Energy from his Body which looks like a Saiyan's Ki Release stage forming a Wind current originating from Brad. Brad dashed towards Blackbeard,

Blackbeard took a Strange Claw Looking Weapon with a Haki Coated in It he slashed towards Brad. Both the First and Haki and Darkness coated Claws met each other. Brad and Blackbeard got pushed away 1 inch and 10 steps back respectively. Van Auger " It seems that fate is not smiling upon us anymore. This may be the end of the days of Blackbeard Pirates. " As they all knew that Brad is yet to be serious.

Blackbeard " Black Vortex!!! " In his Hand Blackbeard formed a Black Vortex which will pull the Devil Fruit users towards themselves. But Brad despite being a non fruit user felt that he is being sucked to the Vortex. Brad did not want to be beaten by Blackbeard's attack. When he felt the Pull, Brad used Gravity to pick a Huge amount of Debris, Broken by Psychic, it turned to Sharp spear heads and moved towards Blackbeard.

Van Auger immediately shot down the Spear Heads with his extreme Sniper Mastery. Brad " you should not have done it... " Brad released a huge Gravity attack on the Blackbeard Pirates. Blackbeard " Hey Wait!!! " Brad " What!? " Blackbeard with struggle said " You must be craving to fight strong opponents right!? "

Brad felt ammused and expecting what Blackbeard might want to say. Blackbeard " There are many people in the New World who are stronger than me and may be stronger than you. And one who stands at the top is Whiteboard - one of the Four Emperors. " Brad's interest dwindled. Blackbeard at the time said " Give me 6 months time, by the time I would give you the fight that you expect without fail. "

Brad was shocked to hear that Blackbeard gave such a answer, and he knew that Blackbeard is hiding his majority of his Strength as he posses the capability of injuring Shanks who had two hands and can toe to toe with Mihawk. Brad " is that so, I will wait anyway. " Brad looked at the mess that Burgess is in. Brad used Life Dew move with very less power on Burgess.

The Water formed in his palm as soon as it touchwd Burgess, his wounds visibly healed and Colour has returned to face. Brad set of to leave the Island in Supersonic speed.Blackbeard spat out blood. Brad had surpassed the range of normal Human Being by surpassing Blackbeard and his group by a large Margin.

Doc Q treated Blackbeard, Blackbeard " Zehahahahaa, when my plan gets completed. I would face him of again and then we may able to see who gets the last laugh. " Laffite " It seems that the Seas will have tough times ahead. " The Blackbeard left the Island with his Crew which saved the People of the Island.

The Survivors have reported this issue to the Navy Helpline. That the group of fearsome Pirates faced a extraordinary man and the man repelled the Pirates and flew off the Island. Meanwhile Brad is flying towards the direction of Red Line by following the Magnetic Field. Brad " Blackbeard is Luffy's opponent and in case he gets the Tremor Tremor fruit from White Beard, he may really able to fight me in Equal Grounds.

Tremor Tremor fruit is really a Big Level Ability that deals with Vibrations. Brad's all the attacks can be neutralised with the Tremor Tremor fruit. Brad is full of expectations he realised that he is no longer a ordinary level fighter. He is one of the top powerhouses in the World like One Piece. His next world should be of the scale with high learning and peak powers who could threaten him. So that he could grow really stronger.

Brad ' And unconsciously my mind has become like not obsessed with the Characters and their fate. Let the flow take its course. ' as he was thinking he moved towards the Sabaody Archipelago. And In case he felt hungry or needed rest, he would move to his own Dimension.

Meanwhile Mew is currently in the Little Garden playing with a Certain Candle Man Mr.3. Mew liked playing small battles, the Candleman threw Wax at Mew flooding the floor with Wax. Mew immediately transformed to Entei the Legendary Pokemon of Fire.

When Entei (Mew) placed it's leg on the Wax, the Entire Wax got ignited and the surrounding area became the Sea of fire. Nami, Vivo and Ussopp got scared. Dorry and Brogy who was pinned by the Wax Nails got released. Zoro " It seems that Mew and Brad are really powerful. And what kind of Magical Creature is Mew. "

All the time Mew only liked to play Pranks, like drawing doodle on Luffy and Ussopp's face. Throwing Zoro into the water while sleeping, Stealing Tangerine while Sanji's looking out. Mr. 3 Galdino became scared of the Powerful Creature before him, Mew then transformed to Suicune and used Surf where Massive amounts of Water surged from his Feet and Washed away Mr. 5 and Mr. 3 along with Miss Valentine and Miss G.

When Luffy came back all the issue was over, Nami hugged Mew and said " Thank you so much Mew!!!! " Dorry and Brogy thanked Mew. Dorry " Thank you so much little Guy. " As Dorry was completely healed by Mew's Heal Pulse. Mew " Mew...Mew...Mew...." Dorry " Sadly our weapons that have been with us for 100 years is no more. " The Elbaf Giants has immense respect for their Weapons.

When the Island Water in a form of Gold Fish appeared before the Going Merry. The Giants were ready to face the Island Eater on the Sea. But before they could move Mew got in the Sky and Released a Huge Aura Sphere to its mouth. With incredible speed the Aura Sphere pierced a Hole on the Island Eater destroying it once and for all.