Weapon Ditto.

Cid (Brad's Clone) who has the same consciousness as Brad looked at Brad. Brad " He is my Pirate Counterpart, Rayleigh I want you to teach him Roger's Swordsmanship and Haki. " Rayleigh got shocked " You..you.. " Brad " Yes, I want to recreate the rivilary of Roger and Garp. At the same time I need a Valid reason for rescuing the only son of Roger from dying. "

Rayleigh frowned " Roger's son. " Brad " Fire Fist Portgas D. Ace, his real name is Gol D. Ace. Now the second Division commander of the Whitebeard Pirates. " Rayleigh then peaced it together. But he chose not to interfere in Ace's Life. Shakky after waiting Patiently " Mr. Brad, then the thing about Pokemons you are talking about. What are they. " Brad smiled and then took them to his Own Dimension.

When Rayleigh and Shakky saw the Dimension which is like a Heaven. Rayleigh and Shakky looked at the Sight and cannot fanthom the amazement. Shakky " The Pokemons, they are magical creatures. " She then saw a group of Eevee, Flarion, Vaporean all came running playing with her. There were Flygons, Charizard, Vulpix and many magical Creatures.

Brad called the Audinos are arranging a Dinner feast. Brad, Rayleigh and Shakky all had a good feast. Rayleigh and Shakky felt the Food really have the Anti Aging factor which makes that they are slowly returning to their youth. Brad " Rayleigh, this is where you are going to train me i.e Cid aka Shadow. After I felt ready, I would leave automatically take you back to Shakky's Bar.

Rayleigh " Now you are playing the Hooligan!! " Brad " Don't worry if you felt that you want to leave. I would still send you. I am not imprisoning you. " Rayleigh just sighed as he felt just this food and the Liquor that Brad gave him is worth the teaching. As for whether Brad is malicious are not. He could find that he is genuinely a good person from the way the Pokemons Treating him and how he treats them, he could even feel the happy Intents from his Observation Haki.

So he chose to trust him, Rayleigh and Shakky walk through the Water body of the Dimension, a Huge Gyarados appeared it was ferocious. He attacked the surroundings with Hyper Beam continuously. He went on a rampage affecting many Other Water Pokemons. Rayleigh seeing it frowned and he used his Conquerors Spirit to attack the Gyarados. But Gyarados did not faint, he became even more enraged.

Brad appeared right beside Rayleigh, Brad " This Pokemon is named Gyarados, it is the strongest Water Pokemon here after my Lugia, He wanted to challenge my Lugia to a Fight but Lugia do not wants to fight. So he always disturb other Pokemon to force Lugia to fight him. " Rayleigh become interested. Brad gave a Pokeball to Rayleigh.

Brad " Why don't you defeat him and make him your partner!? " Rayleigh for some reason had more experience in handling unruly children. He wanted to deal with this Kid who is attacking everyone. Gyarados used Hydropump on Rayleigh. Rayeligh dodged and flashed towards Gyarados. He placed his Palm towards Gyaradaos. At the point of Contact with his Palm, Gyarados was sent flying by Rayleigh. Gyarados still did not loose consciousness. He looked at Rayleigh and used Dragon Breadth attack. Were a Green Smoke enveloped Rayleigh.

Gyarados then released Flame Thrower on the Dragon Breadth which ignited immediately creating a Giant Explosion. But what Gyarados did not notice was Rayleigh moved beside him. Rayleigh gave Gyarados a knock on its head which made it loose Consciousness. Rayleigh then used his Pokeball as Brad instructed. Where Gyarados got captured.

Brad " Congratulations for capturing Gyarados. With him you don't have to swin too much distance. He would be your loyal Partner. And he can even hunt his own Food. Rayleigh smiled. Meanwhile Brad's Clone Cid( Shadow.) Extracted the System Mission Pokemon. He got a Luxury Ball, he opened the Pokeball and a Dark Blue Black Ditto appeared which is twice the size of the Normal Ditto.

Ditto who came out looked like a Puddle of Black Water raised, it saw the Mana Sword in Shadow's Hand. He ate the Mana Sword by overlapping in the Sword. Ditto flowed like a Fluid towards Shadow and formed a Cloak similar to Assassin's Creed Costume. A Weapon formed he just looked like Shadow. He used various Dark Type moves like Shadow Sneak, Foul Play, Dark Spikes, He even tried different moves of Nara Clan attacks.

He even formed a Dark Void. He coated the Dark Energy coated to Ditto Sword and Ditto Suit. he felt perfectly compatible. Cid " It is really amazing!! " Brad while creating the clone he was conscious enough to make sure that at the end of the night The Memories would be shared to the Original and the Same would be done to the Clone. So they both will not operate independently.

After a while Rayleigh started his training. Rayleigh " You should have known the theory part basics of Haki. So let us asses your fighting strength and I will teach you based on the Spar. " Rayleigh took his sword, Cid aka Shadow with his Shadow Cloak started fighting Rayleigh with just his Pure Swordsmanship that has previously he learned. Rayleigh and Cid spared at the same time with Augmented Reality ability Cid is transforming Rayleigh's Swordsmanship to his Own.

Brad knowing that everything is on right track went to Shakky's Bar with Shakky and from there he went wandering for Shopping, and collecting Information. He got the newspaper and found the news that Crocodile has been defeated by Smoker and the new Bounty of Straw Hat Luffy is 100 million along with Roronoa Zoro with Bounty 60 million Berry.

Brad " So what will the world Government choose, will I be directly selected as a Warlord or Blackbeard will interfere the process. " Meanwhile Sengoku convened the meeting of the Seven Warlords In Mariejois regarding the new Warlord of the Sea. At the same time Maynard contacted him about a Island in the New World. Maynard " The Island is Lumar Island, which has many rare forest Island, it is isolated due to the fact of Being ruled by the Underworld Mafia,they have the protection of Joker. It also serves as one of the Trading Ports of Illegal Weapons. "

Actually it was idea of Sengoku, he wanted to form a clash between Doflamingo and Brad, since he is sure that there is shadow of Doflaming in his son Rosinante's death. Even if the fight does not occur, it would hinder Doflamingo's business and relieve the pressure on Navy. Brad " Good, I would have this Island. " He replied confidently.