Meeting son of the Sea Jinbei.

Brad when he was resting in Sabaody Archipelago and obtaining the intelligence on Lumar Islands from Shakky. He was called by Maynard and got surprised that there is a unexpected Guest looking for Brad. It was none other than the First Son of the Sea Jinbei.

He was given the location of Shakky's Bar and Jinbei visited here. It is a open secret of Marines highest power that Shukkayaku is a intelligence dealer. After Jinbei arrived, Brad took his Whiskey and asked " Wanna have a Drink!? " He looks at Brad and evaluating him. Jinbei got the news from the Navy Advisor Tsuru, that Brad wants to marry Shirahoshi. She is like a daughter to him, she is innocent and what makes even worse is Brad is far stronger than him or any of the Fishman Pirates could handle.

But what caught him off guard is that he is not willing to fight Whitebeard at all since it would affect his impression on Fishman Island Residents. Jinbei " I would like to have one. " He wants to find Brad's Intention. Brad " It seems that the Navy had informed you off my intention, then it is easier to communicate. I would like to Marry Princess Shirahoshi. "

Jinbei " That is not something, I could decide. As long as you don't force or Oppress Fishman Island or the Royal Family. I would not interfere. " Brad looked at Jinbei surprised " I thought that you would start to throw your Fishman Karate Punch immediately based on the amount of Love and care that you have for Princess. "

Jinbei frowned, Brad " Don't worry, I will try my best to act as a good Groom for her and act as good son in Law for King Neptune. As for the threat that she has, The Vander Decken, I would take care of him and present his Head to Ryugu Royal Family. Jinbei don't knew how to speak.

Jinbei " But that is not the issue, the Fishman Hates Humans. They will not trust you and the Princess marrying a human will cause a Rebellion In Fishman Island. " Brad looked at Jinbei and said " I would capture the Killer of Queen Otohime and present his accomplices to the Royal Family. " Jinbei wants to speak but before that Brad stopped him " Please don't say that human had already died, Because that human is not the Killer but instead another one. But I will not say who it is to you. I will prove that he is the Killer with the Witness that all of you Fishman could trust. " Jinbei " What!? How is that possible!? " He thinks back and wanted to refute Brad, but deep down he felt that Brad is speaking the Truth.

Jinbei " Who is it!? Please tell me!!! " Brad " Sorry!!! it is my only ticket to marry Shirahoshi with her Family's consent. And don't worry I would treat her well and treasure her, more than her family that could only imprison her in a Iron Door. " Shirahoshi is really a pitiful and tragic Character in her own right. Jinbei maintained silence. Brad " Convey my exact words to King Neptune, I can have Shirahoshi both happy and Safe with me than him. "

Jinbei " I will... " With that he left thinking deeply. Jinbei after secluding himself called the Royal Family number, it was taken by Prince Fukaboshi. Fukaboshi " Boss Jinbei What's the matter!? " Jinbei at other end " Your Highness, I want to talk to his Majesty about A New Warlord who has eyes on Fishman Island or to be precise Princess Shirahoshi. " Fukaboshi " What!!? "

He clutched the reciever so hard that it may break if it was a normal Mobile Phone. Fukaboshi than called Neptune and addressed it which angered Neptune, he roared at Jinbei " Jinbei!!! Who is the bastard having eyes on my daughter!? " Jinbei than said exactly the conversation happened with the Navy, Brad's conditions and his Final Words and Promise.

When the 3 Princes and Neptune heard that there is a real Killer of Queen Otohime. They were shocked and got angry. Neptune with extreme rage asked " Jinbei! do you think he is speaking the truth!? " Jinbei at the other end stayed silent for a while and said " He has no reason to tell a lie and even said that he would provide a Witness we would trust. "

Neptune after a long thought said " If he does capture Vander Decken and the Killer of Otohime. Then I would gladly have him marry my Daughter as long as she like him. " But Neptune is sure that Shirahoshi would say that he is not my type. But what he didn't knew is that Brad's mission do not happen without reason. so Brad is his Son in Law.

Jinbei then contacted Brad and informed about the Royal Family's Decision. Brad " Finally a good news " He then went to meet Garp in the same Marine Scrap Yard. He released Lugia to the Sea and by Psychic ability he conveyed the details of Vander Decken by the means of Telepathy. As Lugia got the instruction it went inside the Sea.

He when reached the Scarp Yard, he saw that Coby and Helmeppo along with some Marine Recruits were punching the Scrap Battleships as hardly as they can do. As Garp sensed Brad he looked at him and smiled. Garp " Hey, I thought you have forgotten to learn from me. " Brad " sorry a Happy news had arrived for me. So I got late, so let us start our training. "

Garp " There is not much to train you, All I can do is guide you some intricacies in Haki and have a regular Spar with you. " Brad " Fine!! " He then got ready to fight Garp. He this time only used Physical Skills, with his Augmented Reality. He wanted to create a Breathing Method suitable with Garp's fighting Skills. The Sun Breathing Fist. He mixed Fairy energy, and Fighting Energy along with Fire Energy and suitable Breathing Pattern.

He just wanted to have the Power that counters Darkness and a Power which could be taught to Luffy. Brad and Garp clashed with each other Multiple Times. Brad at first was little Off when fighting Garp and barely managed due to his Superior Physique. But he improved steadily as their Clash becomes even more amazing similar to initial stage of Dragon Ball Clash.

Garp ' This Brat's learning is really remarkable. ' as he felt the speed of Brad's improvement in Techniques. Garp's Martial Skills are integrated with Marine 6 Styles. Brad only learned Finger Gun and Tempest Kick. As the other styles do not have much need for Brad who has superior flight and Teleport. Brad only learned the Other Marine 6 Styles to have the initiation of Six King Guns which is essential for Learning Haki Emission's Preliminary form.