Tensions Arise.

The Day of the execution is near, Fire Fist Ace was taken away from the Impel Down for Execution, Blackbeard entered the Final 6th Floor. Luffy, Crocodile, Jinbei, Ivankov who just had the face of with Blackbeard entered the First Floor. Luffy faces the Poison Demon Magellon. Ivankov turned her head into a Giant Big Head, " Death Wink!!!! " With her wink propelled she escaped long with other Prisoners to the boat.

Actually Mew who worried about Luffy, silently went to witness the events to save Luffy, but Brad did not allow to save Luffy. But Mew chose to save Bentham aka Mr. 2 from the Control Room. As the Escaped Marine Ship moves in the Tub Current to Marine Headquarters.

In Marine HQ Office, Garp had black lines all over his Face with full of Sadness, Guilt and Anger on his ineligibility to Save Ace. Sengoku had a biggest Worry is Brad taking action as Kizaru was defeated in a matter of minutes. Which makes Brad the enemy of the World Government. The Government has lost the precious spies and Talents developed all these years. This shows Brad's terrifying Power.

Sengoku ' I don't know whether, the World Government and the Marines even have the Chance, as there is a huge gap in Intel that he requires to even prepare against Brad. ' This time the Five Elders took action that there is a Possible intervention so They decided to be present themselves at the War of necessary.

In the Gloomy Castle of the Pocket Dimension, a Portal opens and a Girl with a Dog Ears and Fluffy Tail, She is equipped with a Flexible Leather Armour enhancing her image as a Warrior Beauty. Cid welcomed her and asked " It seems that you are now ready to face the challenges as a member of Shadow Pirates, Clarie. " Clarie knelt in one knee and said " I am Lord Shadow's Claws and tear apart any obstacle that stays before Lord Shadow. "

Cid sent her to Earth to recieve treatment from the Majins for her Mental Trauma and Proper Training these Days. She was brought back as today is the Grand Debue for the Shadow Pirates. In the Hall of Power, Warcury " I will be there in the Marineford, to take care. If the situation or need arises I will take action myself. "

Saturn " it is a must as we don't know, how the Silver Slayer will react. And Vegapunk has yet to develop the Eternal Power Source that could power our Weapon. " At the side Saint Shepherd Ju Peter added " And the Silver Slayer has multiple Powers of Unknown Origins, if we do not take precautions everything will crumble Down. "

Saturn " I have also arranged CP0 to be sent to Fishman Island and Capture the Mermaid Princess. " Others all nodded as long as she is within grasp, they could have control over Brad. Over 10 Government Warships are Coated and are on the way to Fishman Island. But before they could even reach they encountered a Formidable Foe.

A Silver Colour Creature with enormous Pressure released from it was swimming near them. What is even worse is the last person they wanted to face was there riding the Silver Coloured Sea Creature. Brad ' Thanks to Rayleigh's tip off that World Government huge fleet coating and guessing their Intention. I could stop this Disaster.

Brad " Lugia, Use Whirlpool!!! " A Enormous Vortex formed around Lugia, it like a Huge Rotating Pillar penetrated the Ships and destroying the CP0 and their Forces. The Whirlpool like a Slashing Blades, destroyed even the Bodies of every one who travelled the Ship. Brad will not show Mercy to anyone.

Brad " Since the WG took action against me, I would not be polite. Both Shadow and Brad will attack in Marineford. It is about Damn time that I take control of this World. " Brad was expecting to play dual identity as just a sort of Fun, he is not the Cid Kagenu who has strong behaviour for secret identity. Since the World Government wanted to Destroy the relationship, he would not hesitate to do it. From this moment onwards New World is under Brad's control which includes Vegapunk in Egg Head.

He has a lot of work to do, With that he went towards the Archipelago, today the World Government will see Blood. Kaido, Big Mom all have taken actions correspondingly to divide Whitebeard Territories. Big Mom had just sent her intent through her sons , meanwhile Kaido directly took action by taking King, Queen and Jack yet he had a face of with Red Haired Shanks.

In Marineford, the soldier troops of 100,000 Marines, with Giant Vice Admirals right before the Scaffold. In the first Platform, the Five of the Seven Warlords, Boa Hancock, Gekko Moria, Dracule Mihawk, Donquixote Doflamingo, Bartholomew Kuma.

Right above the Platform there are Three Seats, who the Navy's fiercest Weapons, the three Admirals sat on it. And above there the steel construct Scaffold, Ace was dragged upward to the Execution Platform, along with the Exectioners. Ace was made knelt to the Platform. Right at the time Sengoku arrived right besides Ace.

Sengoku " This Man, Fire Fist Portgas D.Ace his Execution is of great Significance to this World!!!! " Sengoku proclaimed making the audience baffled both the Marines and the Audience watching the Live Broadcast. At Fleet Admiral Office Topman Warcury, one of the five elders and the top decision maker sitting in his Chair with Sharp perception to find the threats that may appear anytime.

Back to Execution Platform, Sengoku " Ace, say your Father's name. " Ace shivered and then said " My Father is Whitebeard!!! " Sengoku " Wrong!!! " Ace " My Father is Whitebeard and Whitebeard only!!!! No one else!!!!! " Sengoku " The World had been worrying and the Government had taken everything into account without taking any chances... Your mother she cheated the Entire World and performed a Miracle to save her unborn child... Your father is Pirate King Gold Roger!!!!!! "

Everyone got shocked at the News, Ace is trembling all over the World. But when the World expected the Whitebeards to arrive, there is a Spatial Crack or to be precise a Spatial Gateway appeared. Warcury became vigilant and had his attention focused towards the Spatial Path.