Shadow Appears, Shadows Anger

As the Path become Bigger and Bigger a silhoutte appeared, seeing the Man appearing Sengoku and Tsuru had a bad feeling about it. What is even more Scary is a Black Darkness behind Shadow Opening his eyes. The Sight brought chills to all the Marines, Warlords and Even the Admirals. In the Marines, Colonel Smoker " What the hell is that thing!!? "

Hawkeye narrowed his eyes, Doflamingo had his smiling face vanished and replaced with Seriousness. Moria is scared, Hancock had felt her Body Temperature cooling down, Meanwhile Kuma is just looking normal as he has already dead atleast mentally. The admirals stood up and was ready to move.

Behind the Black Creature i.e Gengar, a Beast Women walked in warrior dress came out. She is Clarie who is now Delta despite she is Shadow's first subordinate. Shadow " I think I am not late. Right!? " He asked in a joking tone. Sengoku " What do you want Cid!? No!! Shadow. " He asked in enraged voice.

Cid " No I just came here to see the fun, but your Words earlier just made me understand somethings. So I need answers, if the answer is satisfactory, I may even leave... " He stopped for a while " But it seems the Party members are appearing after all. " then only all the Marines noticed the Incoming Whitebeard Subordinate Captain Ships.

Then a Bubble started coming from underwater in the Crescent Bay. Sengoku " Ofcourse, I should have thought about it!!!!. " But his real threat here is really the One standing at the Sky looking at him with casual demeanor. The three ships appeared with all the Commanders appearing and at a grand enterance the Old man with his Weapon Murakumogiri appeared. Cid looked at the man got a rare fanboy moment but controlled himself. The Commanders and including Whitebeard all looked at the unknown presence in the Sky. They knew Shadow who attacked Marine, but they don't knew his Purpose here.

Shadow '' Now all the Big Guys are here, I could clear my doubts I see. " He looked at Sengoku and asked " You proudly proclaimed that The World Government and Marines did a clean up operation on Infants who were just born or yet to be born to stop the Henious Blood of Roger to Disappear. " Sengoku tensed up on Shadow's tone. Delta just looked Coldly at the Marines.

Shadow looked at everyone " I don't care much about Execution of Fire Fist Ace as Navy and Pirates are enemies in Nature. So Executing a Big Pirate can be rationalised. But.... " When he stressed the word ' But ' The Sky changed and Sky crackled of Thunder and Lightning with his Conquerors Haki Outburst.

Making every Marine and Pirate alike Shiver. Shadow " With the Cloak written the Word justice, you proudly proclaim the act of Killing a Infant and a desperate Mother giving her all and created a Miracle as some sort of Henious Crime. That thing makes me Sick. And what baffles me is every single Marine who Proclaims ' For Justice '. Here did not even think that is wrong to kill a entire group of Infants and Pregnant Women without any hesitation. Have you guys ever wondered what would have been it for you guys if your Wife and Children got caught in the Cross fire. "

The Whole Marines become silent, in One Piece Tragedy there are many that are cruel, in Brad's opinion this is the cruelest one in One Piece entire series. The Giant Vice Admirals, Smoker, Garp all had shame. Sengoku gritted his teeth. Sengoku " If Roger did not got a son for himself that would not have happened!!!! " Sengoku wanted to salvage the situation.

Ace had a guilt that could not be washed away, Shadow " Don't try to Push the blame for your sins to a new born Infant and a wonderful mother... " Then without any hesitation he quoted Doflamingo's epic lines '' Pirates are Evil, Marines are righteous these terms have changed the course of History, Kids who have never seen peace and Kids who have never seen War have Different Values. Whoever sits on the top determines what's wrong and what's right, Justice will prevail you say, Ofcourse it will. Whoever wins the War becomes Justice... From this moment I am Justice!!! " With that said all the Marines and Pirates all felt their heart speed up. Doflamingo couldn't help but smile at the crazy person who could topple this world.

Whitebeard and the other Pirates including the Commanders are all baffled, Warcury in the Fleet Admiral Office " He is dangerous, he is challenging our very ideal. He is challenging our Authority. " Warcury speaks to the other elders via a Communication means unknown. Mars " Don't take action immediately, let us analyse his strength and weakness. " Warcury also has the same idea.

Cid after his speech took a Sword Stance which shocked Whitebeard, Garp, Sengoku and Hawkeye as they were all clear about that Stance. Cid " Divine Departure!!!!! " He released a Conqueror Entangled slash directly tilting the Island itself damaging the Crescent Bay itself. White beard without any hesitation he formed a Sea Quake to form a massive Tsunami.

Whitebeard had a smile, Hawkeye who got interested at Cid and especially his Sword which changed shape. Moria " I am going to take action. " Doflaming silently manipulated a set of Strings to attack Cid, despite knowing it is useless. But Cid did not take action but Clarie aka Delta, with her ferocious Claws released huge Nail Slashes stopping the incoming attack.

Moria when he charged for the attack, Cid just gave a calm look, Moria felt his Head fall of and fainted despite Cid did not take a Single movement. Cid looked at Moria and slightly gave a Psychic mind attack with conquerors haki. Moria wanted to make a first move but with small physical and Psychic Suggestions. Moria was knocked out by Mudanne Man's epic swordplay in Eminence of the Shadow.

As the Fight is going on a Giant Tsunami appeared out of Nowhere. Aokiji without any hesitation, jumped and froze the Tsunami and the Sea. Whitebeard did not make another move, as he is waiting for the opportunity. Aokiji threw a Ice Lance towards Shadow, but Gengar stopped the attack. it released Shadow Claw which a Ghost Energy Manifested and destroyed the Ice Lance.

Gengar then released Dark Pulse where Dark Energy sent Aokiji crashing to the Sea and Aokiji freezing the Sea Bed. Unlike Mew who has same level as Brad, Gengar is relatively weak so Aokiji survived and did not have considerable damage.