Warcury vs Shadow, Five Elders arrives

Gengar may be weaker than Brad's other Pokemons yet he is as strong as an admiral at his Level, he became too strong sooner so he also lack in Control of his skills and Power. And Cid does not want to release Zweilos the problem child who was evolved from Deino. Kizaru at the platform said " This creature is weaker than the Creature I faced. " Akainu at his side can see for himself that Gengar is strong enough to face Admirals, this shows how much of a monster Mew is.

Shadow looked at Sengoku, He released Dark Void that is enveloping and forming a Domain over himself, before the Dark Domain touched a Powerful Conquerors Haki roar echoed from the Marine ford Building that disrupted Shadows attack. Shadow saw this " As Expected, the World Government has sent one of the Elders to face the unforseen expectations. "

Shadow " Whats the pleasure, one of the Five Lackeys of the one who sits on the Throne is hear. " When Shadow said that there is a huge change in expression of Warcury and the other Four Elders. " At the same time the people who are seeing the Broadcast got confused by the statement.

Warcury " Close the Live Broadcast now!!!!! " Sengoku ordered the Closure of Live Broadcast. Warcury will not let these ants who knew of the Great Person behind them leave here alive. Other than some Key Marine Personals most of the Cannon Fooders will die a Dog's death and all the Pirates here will be massacred.

Warcury turned into a Humongous Boar bigger than the Giant Vice Admirals. He disappeared in a Flash and appeared right above Cid. Meanwhile those who are weaker Marines and Pirates many were blasted and died on spot just by Warcury's presence and seeing his current appearance.

Vice Admiral Doberman " Everyone, don't look at the Highest Presence!!!!! " Shadow smiled he raised his Ditto Sword and stopped Warcury's charge with his Ditto Sword, The Shockwave destroyed the surrounding Ice Mountains. Shadow saw that the Surrounding People are damaged are dying by their cross fire.

He released a Powerful Dark Pulse, without any Hesitation pushing the Warcury to the Back of the Marine Ford Building. Shadow enveloped the Giant Boar without any Hesitation with his Darkness and Warped it to the extreme. Warcury struggled, his Hide is so thick and strong possesing excellent defence. He used his Speed to the Extreme to escape the Darkness Warping.

He looked at Shadow with full of weariness, Shadow is waiting for his real body to appear, to declare War against the World Government. But that doesn't mean that he would not make things difficult for World Government till Brad arrives. Warcury " What are you smiling!? And how much do you really knew!? "

Shadow " Is the weapon of Mass Destruction ready to destroy the Marineford and Myself!? Or is it a issue of Power Source not available yet!? '' Warcury's face and so as the other elders who are listening to the conversation had their face turned to as if they have eaten shit. Saturn " Warcury, summon us soon!!!! " He demanded Warcury.

Shadow " Call those other 4 undying old farts soon. I am tired of waiting all day. " Shadow with his Yveltal Feather he had an excellent idea to increase his Strength in a huge manner. The Five Elders were furious that such humiliating words are spoken to them. Warcury prepared the Summoning of other elders. As four lightnings appeared to strike the Marine Headquarters.

Sengoku, Garp and Whitebeard were stunned by the scene. Sengoku " Is he that strong to force Elder Topman Warcury to summon the other Elders!!? " Sengoku was in full horror. He do not knew whether to feel Glad that Elder Warcury and the others are summoned or to fear that Shadow might even be stronger than the elders.

Diamond head Jozu wanted to take action soon as the Dangers kept increasing, He punched the Ground and lifted a Massive Iceberg and threw it to the Scaffold. Akainu stood up and activated his Magma Fist " Meteor Volcano!!!!! " With the magma Fist striking down the Ice berg completely melting it.

After that huge Volcanic Meteor Shower started to fell over Whitebeard and his Commanders. Just when the Meteor Shower is about to meet the Whitebeard Crew, a Huge Lightning Bolt spread over the Meteors Destroying it into pieces of Fireworks. When everyone notice the incoming attack, they saw a Cute and Chubby looking Dragon with yellow Scales all over his Body and a Big Belly. It is Brad's Dragonite, Dragonite being super excited came to battle as soon as possible. It is currently third Strongest among Brad's Pokemons, with Lugia is second and Charizard is first which excludes the exception Mew who is always will be the same level as her Master Brad.

Sengoku looked at this Creature, so these creatures must be Pokemon. Whitebeard and Sengoku did not fight at full strength from the start, even Whitebeard have not sent Oars to fight yet. Since Shadow's involvement had taken worst turns over the Battlefield. In Shadow's Battle, the Five Elders assembled in their Gigantic awakened Zoan forms were Shadow looked like a Tiny Human. Saturn - a Bull Spider, Mars - A Bird with Snake Features, Nusjuro - A Skeletal Centaur, Ju Peter - Sandworm Monster.

Since the Things have turned serious enough Shadow did not hold back anymore. He took a Stance " Dark Dragon Breathing!!! 2nd Form Dark Crescent Slash " he gave a Dark Aura slash striking the Flying Snake Bird clipping off the Wings. Shadow with the fluidic movement changed the Shape of Ditto Sword to a Scythe " Dark Dragon Breathing 6th Form!!!! Reaping Shadow!!!!! " With the fluidic motion, The Scythe's pointy edge cuts of a Huge Chunk on Warcury. Nujuro than ran straight through to give a Sword Strike of First Generation Kitetsu to strike Down Cid. The Sword turned to Crowbar and locked the Kitetsu blade between the slot ends. Shadow smiled and said '' Ditto Devour!!!! " When the command is given a Mouth appeared in the Crowbar, the Crowbar immediately munched on the Shodai Kitetsu and devoured it without even leaving a spec of Metal debris. With that another sword was formed on another Hand resembling the Shodai Kitetsu.

Cid then accurately pierced the Ground in such a way that a Sudden Big Worm which is about to come Out had his Head pierced by the Sword. Shadow smiled and raised his Hand , His Yveltal Feather felt immense hunger. Shadow " Devour!!!! " With that he said the Chopped of Wings and a chunk of Flesh and Bloods that are cut down by Shadow were devoured by the Yveltal's Feathers and a rich energy is being fed to Shadow.