Insane Power up, Bride Short listing

Brad after a long while checked the Status screen. And was shocked himself.

Name: Brad (Kawaki - Naruto World

Karthikeyan - Indian Name)

Age:25 Years

Lvl : Lvl 208/∞ ( Mewtwo Potential)


1. Mewtwo's abilities including Mega Evolution X&Y combined( Human Modified Version )

2. World Travel.

Type: Psychic, Fighting, Dark, Fairy, Grass

Plates Law Fragment:

1. Dark Plate,

2. Grass Plate,

3. Fairy Plate

Special Laws:

1. Order and Chaos

Soul Chakra Gates:

1. Earth Gate opened

2. Water Chakra Opened


1. Eight Inner Gates ( 7 gates opened permanently) (8th Gate - after use weakened to 1/4th Level for 30 days)

2. Design, Scanning & Augmented Reality with Test Simulations

3. Great Profound Scripture (2/7 Cores)

4. Spatial Rend

5. Roar of Time

6. All Seeing Eyes (Creation and Destruction)

7. Karma - Shinjutsu (Hand seal not required)

8. Weapon Proficiency and Martial Arts Proficiency.


1. Pokemon Field Knowledge ( Team Rocket, Joy Family, Jenny Family... Etc )

Item Bound:

1. Arceus Orb (Can only be used by important Characters in Anime Worlds and Hosts Family, No other limit )

2. Griseous Orb ( Can travel to Reverse World )


1. Charizard

2. Dragonite

3. Mew

4. Lugia

5. Gengar (Shiny)

6. Ditto( Special)

8. Hydreigon.


Main Mission: Spread Pokemon Influence in Earth and Anime Worlds


Stage 2: Spread Pokemon in 3 Worlds.(2/3)

Stage 3: Unlock after Stage 2 Completion.

Sub Mission 2: Establish your Own Force on Earth. (Note: Own at least one Exclusive Dungeon with C Rank or Above) ( Completed)

Reward: Diancie and Carbink Family, ( Can Produce Mana Crystals using Mana in the Atmosphere.) (Yet to be extracted)

Sub Mission 3: Clear Dungeons as much as Possible to collect Space Fragments to form your Own Pokemon Dimension(Can let Pokemon form Ecology there and Can be released there without any worry)

E Rank Dungeon: +1 sq. km

D Rank Dungeon: +10

C Rank Dungeon: +100

B Rank Dungeon: +1000

A Rank Dungeon: +10000

S Rank Dungeon: +100000

Mythical Rank Dungeon: ??????

Current Area: 119658 (Time Flow same as Brad's own time. Can connect to all Worlds Laws that Brad Visits)

Required Minimum Area: 1000 to form Ecology for Pokemons.

Reward: Psychic Plate for 200000, ???????? For having 1000000

Sub Mission 4: Conquer your Nearby Sea Area minimum area of 100000 sq. km

Current Area: 0

Reward: Obtain Sea Temple, and Manapy to Manage the Temple. You will be crowned as the King of the Sea. (You can command all Water Pokemon in Ocean.)

Daily Draw: 10/10 ( Can Summon Pokemons, Items and so on, Refresh 1 draw a Month) (Will get refreshed in New World, Required to stay in the New World for minimum 10 months. Not applicable to Earth. )

Drawn Rewards:

1. HoHo summoning x3, (Yet to be extracted)

Note: the summoned Pokemon from Draw cannot be used by the Host and can only be used by other People. And Rewarded Pokemon Eggs and Pokemons all have the potential of Legendary Pokemon.

Brad after seeing his Level he is really shocked, just the upgrade from the God Tree and Ishikki's soul is above 40 levels, and the two Plate frangments pushed the remaining levels. And what is even more astonishing is the fact higher the levels, lower the Level Raise would be.

Brad " Then immediate goal is to Find a suitable Bride in One Piece World. Now the current best possible Bride in this Period is Kurenai and Mei Terumi, as for the others are not much. But he does not want either of them. Tsunade and the others knew that Kurenai is future wife of Asuma and currently their feelings developed rapidly.

As for Mei Terumi, he did not want her. It's not that she is not beautiful but as if a gloomy and depression layered over her. And there is another major roadblock is if the female is not have Higher Life Factor. She cannot conceive Brad's child. Shirahoshi is Poseidon and she with Blessings of Water Manipulation and training of Water Mana. She would eventually become strong enough of her own right.

Brad then thought of a women who fit all the criteria perfectly. She has the potential, she is none other than the Ancestor of Chakra Kaguya Otsutsuki. Brad this time did not dwell on feelings. The feelings can be developed afterwards, as for she being 1000 years old. Come on she may live even upto millions of years. A mere 1000 is just a few years passed for her.

As for she already married once and had children who is 500 times older than him, Brad did not bother about it. Brad " Now, how to resurrect her. How to establish Karma on a being!? " He did not want her Old body which is sealed in Moon to be summoned. He needs another means to activate the Karma.

In this space there is images of Kaguya and Momoshikki and Ishikki, Urashikki and Kinshikki Otsutsuki. Brad used the Augument Reality to identify the Plans. After identifying the meanse, he found he needs Black Zetsu as a medium of Karma to ressurect Kaguya. Black Zetsu used Madara as a medium to ressurect Kaguya.

Brad decided to use a Captured White Zetsu to create a powerful Body to form a vessel for Kaguya. As for further planning, he needs Elijah and Orochimaru to help him. Brad went absorbed the entire Space to his Own Pocket Dimension. He then went back to the Outskirts of Rain Village.

He needs to find the Gedeo Statue. And all the pieces of Chakra of Tailed Beast. He needs to find the Black Zetsu. He used his New Enhanced Observation Haki. He feels that the entire Rain Country in his Observation. He surprisingly found Jiraya speaking to Konan, and Konan did not fight Jiraya at all.

He listened to their conversation, Jiraya " I knew what happened to Yahiko, Nagato and You Konan. Despite learning it very late, I have found the truth and also made Danzo get the punishment. Yet I knew that this is not going to change anything. So I need you and Nagato to hand over Yahiko's remains with that we Konaha going to revive him. "

Konan " Is it true, is it not some jutsu to control as Puppet that summons the dead!!!!? " Konan was shocked and excited, yet she still remained vigilant. Jiraya " What I am saying is literal resurrection back to Life. ".