Orochimaru's Interest

He just left a clone for a Safety of Jiraya in case some thing happens. He again needs to bring Elijah. He doesn't knew how Elijah would react. Surprisingly Elijah did not react much anger or fatigue, but excitement, he had increased his Knowledge Database with Vega Punk's Punk records.

And he also enriched the Punk Records with his Input of knowledge to Vegapunk. He needs another sources to enrich knowledge. That is also the reason he asked Brad to visit that particular world of Technological Library. Orochimaru is waiting with Tsunade as he got ready with all the Genetic Materials.

Brad then teleported back to Leaf Village Hokage Office. There Orochimaru waited with Tsunade, when he appeared with a Inkay and Minato Namikaze couple. He knew that Orochimaru is no longer a threat. And what more she has her Pokemons with her especially her Sceptile who is agile enough like Minato to swiftly finish of Orochimaru.

And not to mention both Minato and Kushina being here. After a while she explained the Trio about Brad and his Pokemons and the hidden dangers of Otsutsuki. She even shared that Orochimaru created a Child for himself with a Cloning Technology and named as Mitsuki. Orochimaru's entire being changed, he felt the thrill for wait and see his Child how he will grow.

Tsunade " He showed me, how you fell in search of meaning of Life. After you fell deeper seeing Nawaki and Kato Dan's death by seeing me grieve, you started searching answers and fell for desire of immortality. You had dissatisfaction on Sarutobi Sensei for not acknowledging you and selected Minato as fourth Hokage. You then discarded it. And finally you wanted to prove your worth to Sensei by you sending him off personally.... "

As she spoke everything about him off, Orochimaru did not feel uncomfortable on the contrary his excitement of Mitsuki being his child and creating him increased. Tsunade then said everything about Naruto to the Couple and how his Life trajectory as a Hero and how he is gifted with excellent Daughter and Son.

Minato '' Tsunade senpai, is it really ok for the dead to be brought back to Life. " Tsunade " Kawaki or now we can call him Brad is actually using a precious opportunity to revive you two. So there must be some needs that we must fulfill. And it is most probably a good thing for us so accept it gratefully and give Naruto a childhood with his Parents. " Minato sighed as the couple owed Naruto too much.

Brad gave his Entry, when they saw Brad, all of them saw a Golden Eyes looking at them were they get fatal Danger from the eyes as they could be killed in an Instant. And the sense of Godhood can be felt by just looking at him. Brad contained his Power and became a normal Person. His Pupils turned to Black Colour again.

Tsunade " Did you succeed!? " She heard about other missions of Brad. Brad " Yes, I have killed Otsutsuki Ishikki as he is not strong enough to face against me. " Tsunade " So all that remains is a Bride to be selected. " Brad " Yes, actually after thinking it through. I have selected a Bride. " Tsunade was curious so as the other three.

Brad " Otsutsuki Kaguya " Tsunade suddenly fell down " What!!? " Minato " I never imagined that he would want to marry the Ancestor of Chakra herself. " Kushina also had her mouth wide open. Tsunade came towards him with intention to knock his teeth out. Brad " Hey I am not joking and there is a valid reason for it. "

Tsunade then listened. Brad " Because only a women of similar life level as mine can bear my Child. " Orochimaru " Life level!? " Brad then told about varying reasons for it and how his Plan to resurrect Kaguya. Brad " White Zetsu is a white humanoid creature, that can morph into any being imitating even the Body Chakra. No one can even tell the difference. And what is more is White Zetsu is a byproduct of Divine Tree by consuming Humans. "

Brad " What I am going to do is create a Strongest Blood line which contains all the blood line Limit of Senju, Uzumaki, Senju, Uchiha, Kaguya, Hyuga. With these Bloodlines, with the Help of my subordinate Elijah and Orochimaru. I can create a lifeless Vessel for Kaguya. And after the vessel is complete, inorder to truly ressurect her, we need the Gedeo Statue and it absorb a portion of Chakra of all nine Tailed Beast. With the Gedeo Statue absorbed into the Lifeless Vessel and the final push is Black Zetsu. Black Zetsu can act as Karma Seal and revive Kaguya in her Vessel. "

Orochimaru " It is fascinating, how exactly do you think the experiment will move on and how much the chance of Success!? " as Orochimaru is confused by Brad's confidence. Brad " It is a 100% guarantee as my Power of Augument Reality gives all the details of the Failure and I can repeat the experiment n number of times to find the optimal result. And the result with coincide with the result. "

Orochimaru " Fascinating!!!! " Orochimaru really regretted if he had found Brad before Tsunade, the general direction would have changed dramatically. Brad " I knew what you are thinking, but your wish won't be answered. 1. I don't trust you at all at the time. 2. Even if you try to take over my body, don't forget Arceus is there protecting me. " When he said Brad's chest glowed where Arceus Hoop illuminated as a Symbol.

Orochimaru's dangerous idea of Having Brad's body extinguished immediately. Tsunade is really glad that she made Danzo publicly executed. " it's all for the Leaf Village. " Brad then brought Elijah to Naruto World. The Pink Human aroused the curiosity of others. Brad " Ok, first is first!! Let's revive everyone. " Tsunade " Wait, we need to have Jiraya... " Brad " Don't worry, I have left a Clone to protect Jiraya. " Tsunade sighed in Relief.

Orochimaru " I need a day time to awaken other Ninjas. " Then everyone went to perform the duties. Only the Minato and Kushina remained, Minato " Mr. Brad, What is going to happen to Obito!? " Brad " What is your thought, Lord Fourth? " Minato stayed Silent. Obito did is unforgivable crime yet Minato is too reluctant to Kill Obito.

Brad " Don't worry Mr. Minato, Obito is necessary for my Plans in my own world. His powers are too good to be killed. Yet it is still in his own hands to take this opportunity. Brad will not baby sir Obito to change back to good. If Obito does not listen, he would kill him without any hesitation.