Resurrection of the Dead, Ho-oh appears

Minato " Leave Capturing Obito, to my Hands. I will make him listen. " Brad " Don't you two have the slightest resentment over him!? " He looked at Minato Couple. Kushina " Obito is a elder brother for Naruto, I have visioned Naruto to be like Obito. He is my favourite. All he needs is a nice bashing and everything will fall in place for me. "

Brad " It is really regrettable that he made such a choice for a dream that is all woven by Madara. " Minato looked down in his mood. Minato " All my disciples are like my own Children. Yet I was not there for all three, when they needed the most. I now have the choice, so I don't want to miss this opportunity. " Brad " For some reason, I feel Jealous that I missed a good Teacher like you. " Then he thought about Tsunade, Kazuki, Rayleigh and Garp. Everyone had given their valuable lessons and teachings that helped. May be I am also blessed to have many people teachings.

Minato " Inorder to repay you, I want to teach my own training method to develop enhanced Nerve Reaction. " Brad got interested. Minato '' From your description about your powers of Simulation, it may not take much to learn it and you may have not even required to use your full power as the enemies you have faced are so weak or not fast enough to need the Nerve reactions. "

Brad nodded, as the enemies he faced so far, he had an overwhelming advantage over his speed. Brad " Now with your Eyes and the sensing Jutsu (Observation Haki) you could predict better. So what we must do is make your reaction speed increase. For that send controlled Lightning Nature Chakra to Nerves in Slowly and steadily increase the intensity of Lightning pass through your body.

There is a safety mechanism in our body to protect our nerves from high speed response. Which may put heavy strain on Nerves. So by slowly making the Nerves stronger, our reaction speed increases. This is the enlightenment, I got from seeing the Third Raikage in Battle. " Brad is amazed, despite Minato said it is how he trained, he cannot imagine, Normal Shinobi able to practice this method.

Brad really feels, the title of the Best Hokage should be given to Minato. Brad " Thank you for the advice. I would try it. " Minato nodded, he then waited for the next day to be resurrected. On the same next day Jiraya came with Nagato and Konan who is coming along with Heavenly Path Pain.

Brad with his Golden Eyes, saw Nagato's series situation, he called Mew and said Mew to use Heal Pulse, Intuitively Nagato felt that even his Limp Leg is being cured and a raging Vitality is stemming within him. His Hair which is White turned Bright Red. His malnutritioned physique turned Brisk and Healthy.

Mew the Mascot is now has the same power level as Brad. Unlike Brad who is profecient in many powers, Mew's development of Psychic and his Power application is really a huge boost. Brad would loose to Mew in a Pure Psychic Battle. Without Dark Plate, Brad would have a very tough fight using all his Calibers to defeat Mew. And even with Dark Plate the fight will be catastrophic on a Planetary Scale.

Seeing Nagato recovered, Konan and Jiraya felt happy. Orochimaru " If everyone is ready, I am going to use Reanimation Jutsu to resurrect the Dead. " With that Orochimaru performed the Jutsu with his Hand Seals. He does not need to prepare to control the dead as the process becomes Simpler. The First Hokage Hashirama Senju, Second Hokage Tobirama Senju, First Hokage's wife Mito Uzumaki, Ghost of the Uchiha, Madara Uchiha, Akatsuki's previous Leader Yahiko.

Then on the side already resurrected Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki, Then near them Minato's Disciple Nohara Rin, Fugaku Uchiha, Mikato Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, and some other 5 members of Unknown Uchiha People. Beside theere are another two person present which is not mentioned in Brad's list. He is none other than White Fang of the Leaf Sakamo Hatake. Another person is Hyuga Hizashi.

They all opened the eyes, Seeing the So many Reanimated Ninjas, the confusion lingered everywhere. Madara did not comment on anything, Orochimaru's reanimation is not special like Kabuto's, he only retained the characteristics of Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan. But when he was thinking what is happening, his Danger senses tingled. He wanted to Dodge only to find a Nine Tailed Coat Minato placed a Massive Rasengan on Madara Uchiha. It caught completely off guard. Madara halfway being attacked, he activated his Susano. When he was about to fully activate and unleash a full powered attack.

Brad released a Huge concentrated Conquerors Haki mixed with Psychic Pressure. Brad " Don't fight in my presence!!! " Sarutobi Hiruzen who was escorted here by Tsunade to speak with her Grandfathers about everything. When he entered he saw all the Resurected people who are powerful beings were all suppressed without any mercy.

Even Hashirama Senju and Madara Uchiha were suppressed beyond any saying. Minato was firmly pressed to the Ground. Brad " I will say again, don't try to fight again. " With that the suppression remained. Sarutobi ' I am glad that I have listened to Tsunade, cause once Brad becomes an enemy, then Lead is good as finished. '

Now all the resurrected beings did not dare move at all. Brad then bowed to everyone, like it or not, they are all his favourite characters who made his Childhood. Brad " I am really sorry to everyone for my rude behaviour. Please wait till, I explain you the truth of this World to you all and the origin of Chakra and reason for resurrecting you all back from the Dead. "

Brad then deeply inhaled " Before that, we must complete the resurrection of you all back to Life. '' he took a colourful Rainbow Feather. The Sky illuminated and a Rainbow shot out from the Feather, Brad with his All Seeing Eyes saw the clear Spectrum, the light is full of Vitality and Huge Energy. The Rainbow Extended to the Sky and crossed Dimension.

Seeing this Madara became shocked, he thought he knew all the truth of the Ninja World but he never experienced such a phenomenon. When all this happened a colourful Rainbow Coloured Phoneix appeared the Might that the Colourful Phoenix showed distorted the Space, Brad felt suffocating Pressure just from the Pressure.

Next Chapter " Trial of Ho oh Starts "