Talk of the Scientists

Next day, everyone went to Shigeru Village, Meanwhile Brad brought his Group of Audinos to get the feast ready. The All the Clan Heads of Leaf Village joined with the people who participated in the Trial. Tomi went and hugged Shizune and Tsunade. Mito seeing the little girl, she liked her very much.

Aoki " I welcome you all to Shigeru Merchant Village. " Everyone was in a festive mood. Brad brought Elijah, seeing the Pink Human, they were all curious. Elijah " Mr. Brad, when are you going to get me the Technology Library!!! And do you knew your father is screaming at tension that the Genesis Guild's guild master is absent for more than 2 months.

If not for Delta, Law and Hawkins the GENESIS guild will be the fastest guild to be destroyed in Awakeners History for the rest of Earth's years. " After facing the abnormal Dungeons, they all have grown considerably strongly. And many new recruits have joined the Genesis Guild. Brad " Fine, Fine, I would really help you get that library atleast the access to it. "

When Elijah spoke, the People around got some ideas about it. Orochimaru is especially interested in the Technology Library. Brad " Ok, what is the research result of White Zetsu. Is it possible to revive Kaguya Otsutsuki!! " Elijah " Ofcourse!!! The White Zetsu is a combination of Divine Tree Seed and a Human Being with Soul and Body. He is like a Blank White Board which can be filled with any form of Drawing. That is also the reason he can morph into any said person. "

Elijah continued and the Scientist group of Tobirama and Orochimaru listened intently when the core knowledge is explained. Where Hashirama, Kushina, Naruto and the others were hearing it as if the Heavenly Language is being spoken to them. Elijah " So in order to create a Mold for Kaguya, we need Hyuga Hinata's DNA. And what we are going to do is get the Hashirama, Madara, Naruto and Sasuke's DNA. With these people's DNA and the Tailed Beast's Chakra fragments. We could create a Perfect body for Kaguya. "

Tobirama " My Elder Brother's DNA material is too potent. Can Hinata Hyuga's Cells can withstand and it may be even same for Madara's Uchiha Cells. " Orochimaru really liked the debate. Elijah " Hinata has the purest Hyuga Bloodline, which she is the closest to the Hamura Bloodline. And with 9 tailed Beasts Chakra. They combined with Hinata's cells will activate the Otsutsuki DNA within her. Which means Her cells will become stronger than the other's cells. "

Orochimaru " Here we have the body but how about her soul. " Elijah " It is really easy, actually Kaguya had used Yin Yang style to release her Karma as Life Form. All we need is Black Zetsu. Unlike how he retained his Life after Kaguya's resurrection. He would cease to exist once Kaguya revived. "

Madara " Finally a good news, Don't worry about him. I have a way to summon him to my side. " Hashirama " did he sighed a summoning contract with you despite his Cautious nature. " Madara " He needs to as he is acting as my Will. Which means he has to be summoned when I willed it. " No one said anything, it is good if it is true.

Brad " Miss Rin Nohara, " a cute Girl who has the best potential of a beauty in Kakashi's batch came out. She is off same height as Hinata which is embarassing for her. She is so special that she remembers everything and has been watching over Obito and Kakashi. She really loved Kakashi, but what happened to Obito due to her death shattered her all Feelings for Kakashi.

It is complicated, but she needs to step up and after finally thinking for a while, she decided that she would carry all the sins and burden along with Obito. Kakashi also wanted Obito and Rin to have a happy life. Brad " Rin, I don't know what you will do, you would be sent to my Pocket Dimension, there I would form a Time domain with my Skill, there will be Time dilation where Time flows in a way that 1 day here in this world is 1 year, You would be provided with the Support of Audinos and many other Pokemons. All the Medical Books and Case history. And every Medical Jutsu scroll that Lady Tsunade created.

Your goal is only one thing, you come out as the Greatest Medical Ninjutsu user that surpass any other in this Ninja World. It is a lonely journey which only you can participate. After 15 days, I will leave the Capture of Obito to you. Since other than you, he would not listen to anyone. And if he does not comply. I would kill him. "

Everyone stayed silent, Rin accepted without hesitation, Kushina and Minato wanted to Go with Rin. But Brad did not budge, actually Brad did not knew potential that Rin Posses, but her feats are remarkable for her age when she is alive. Especially the eye transplant surgery when they are just 12-13 years old.

Brad " I would leave Elijah here to start the Research and any volunteers can help. As for the tailed Beasts, I trust Madara Uchiha, to do what he sees fit. my only condition is death of Jinchuriki is not allowed. " Minato had already seperated a small Ninetails Chakra and resealed his Other Half inside Naruto while he was still the Reanimated Walking Dead.

Madara " I would be the being that again make the world quake in fear. " Brad " Yes, you are the Ghost of the Uchiha. " Hashirama felt sour, for some reason he felt he actually lost to Madara. Because, Brad is more of a Fan boy of Madara. His favourite of Naruto is Madara face of against the Allied Shinobi forces. Where he desimated with just the Shattered Heaven Meteorite.

If Hashirama heard his Thought , he would say I can do thousand Hand Budda. But sadly he doesn't knew. Brad " Again, as Elijah said, I should visit the Technology Library World and to show my presence in my own world. '' At the time our blond Protagonist Naruto " Big Brother Brad, can you take me to your World!? I am now stronger than Sasuke!!! " Sasuke at the side " What!? " The sparks flying all over them.

Brad " It's ok, I have plans to take you both to my World, but not now. Train harder and I have super exciting world where all of you could gain strength. " Elijah " Hey, you have kept the world a Secret from all of us. Which world exactly are you planning to go!!!? "