Genesis Guild

Brad did not answer Elijah's answering, but when he take him to that world, he would have sure as hell would be excited or frightened. After leaving that he returned to the Real World. Before leaving he with all the medical knowledges obtained from Chopper, Dr. Kureha, Tsunade, Elijah were all taken.

Daoist Sun Simao begged Brad that he would like to learn the special Knowledge of Medicine. He and his Chancey joined Nohara Rin who got a Happiny from Aoki. They entered the Time Domain, were Sun Simao and Rin will learn for 15 years were the outside world will be 15 days time. During the Time Dilation, Brad's mana is being used Half of his Total volume which is really a huge amount.

Brad entered the Real World. The Headquarters of the Genesis Guild is located in the Costal Regions of New York. Were the last Fishman War happened. Law, Delta and Hawkins were given a Awakeners permit, they were said to be rescued in Dungeon Zones by the Genesis Guild. As for their similar looks in One Piece.

There are many Awakeners cosplaying One Piece, Naruto and so on. So it did not arouse suspicion, as Awakeners tend to be secretive about their identity in Public. Law was even saw another guy with the getup of himself. Law was not that much infuriated but Hawkins is. As one of the Awakeners asked " Man your taste is lame as you are fan of Hawkins. "

Law controlled his laughter. Clarie on the other hand were welcomed as Delta. She even became the face of the Guild. Back to present Brad went to see his Father. Clark in the office, with his Management Skill he manages the Human Resource. He outsourced the Cleaners Group. He had recruited more than 100 rookies.

And the death toll is 17, Law and Hawkins are taking care of it as much as possible. What is even more is Clark made sure that the componsation for the Family members is well given above the standard set by the Awakeners Association. Brad saw his Father busy with many paper works. He is surprised to see another member.

Brad " Patrick!!! What are you doing here!!!? " He is surprised to see his Butler in Genesis Kingdom of One Piece is here. Before Patrick replied, Clark screamed " Then who would take care of the mess that you left here!!!!? Don't you have a sense of Responsibility!!!? Do you knew what would happen if the Dungeon Overload happens!!? More than Guild being accountable, we are responsible for the lives.of the Residents living here!!!? " Brad turned silent, in search of power, he left many important matters.

Brad " it seems I have lost myself in search of Power Father. I would hereafter take responsibility for our guild. " Clark sighed, he thinks that it is necessary to instill the responsibility of his powers and actions. If he just needs to increase power, there is no need to create Guild. But he has responsibility, his each action from now will affect the entire Genesis Guild.

His life is more important, Actually Brad formed a Wormhole to his Pocket Dimension in Real World with his Mother's wish. It is straight connected to Atlantis Royal Palace. Clark asked Martha to use the Wormhole for himself to recruit in Genesis Kingdom. Martha also started to use Brad's trusted Aides as they are all loyal to Brad with his Slow and Permenant Psychic suggestion.

Brad " Father, what is the Direction that the Guild is developing!? " Clark " At present the Mana Stones income from Diancie and Carbink family. It is really a good market, and our speciality Fire Stone and Water Stone is really good for Fire type and Water Type Awakeners. "

Brad raised his eyes, Clark " Now, the Water Stone is supplied with a fixed rate to Atlantis Royal Family. As for other Elemental Stones, your mother forbid us from selling. As they have greater value and everyone may isolate us and wanted to reveal the source and break the monopoly. " Brad " How does the Atlantis pay for the Guild!? " He is curious as Atlantis is closed off to the world!? "

Clark looked at him As if he were a fool and said " Of course, their source of Income is Dungeon Materials and Rare treasures of Oceans. " Brad was embarassed by his Father's answer and his look. Brad after hearing his Father he thought about manpower shortage. A guild needs to have a 100s of elites and 1000s of rookies. The office personal, Dungeon guarding Squads, Cleaner Squads of own.

Clark " Actually, there is one more thing! " He then looked at Patrick, Patrick nodded and he left. Clark took him to the underground basement. Clark " After a Dungeon is cleared out team got a Rare Crystal, that does not show any magic Fluctuations and these are only unique to us. " Brad got curious. Afterwards when Brad entered the basement, Brad felt Time and Space Energy was contained in the hundreds of Crystals.

His Sub Dimension World is pulsating. Brad immediately knew what it is. As he absorbed the hundreds of Crystals. 11486 area has increased in his Dimension. Brad was amazed by the effeciency. Brad " Father, Does our Guild members have anything that seperates us or identify as our Guild members. "

Clark " Actually all our Guild members were given a Magic Tatto of Arceus Hoop. Prepared by your Mother with the design in Arceus Tower. " Brad " That's it. That must be the reason!!! Father these crystals are very important. Collect them as much as possible. Destroy all possible Dungeons as much as possible. And in case recruit elite Fishman Squads from Atlantis and have them the Magic Tatto of Arceus. "

Clark " Good, for now as the Guild Leader, you have to take the expedition team to the Sun God Temple Dungeon and explore them, And clear some missions from the Awakeners Association Mission board. Increase our prestige. "

Brad " Do you have thought of recruiting the people of One Piece and Meilin's world. " Clark " Yes, I have thought about it. I wanted it, but it is not time yet. We need more Dungeons. Freedom and Olympus takes the Top spot and many sub guilds takes operations. And your Grandfather wants to take over India with the Genesis Guild which is now under the Control of Trinity Guild. Who is now led by the Mahendar Malik. "

Brad " Father, let's concentrate on USA first, we stabilize our Power here, then we would set a branch in India our Native. " Clark nodded.