Sun God Temple

Then in the internal Server, of the Genesis Guild, the announcement was made that Brad is there to Explore the Sun God Temple Dungeon. All the rookies were thrilled, Brad is a walking legend in Awakeners Circle. He single handedly destroyed Wipro. He broke the Patent rights of Medicinal Chamber Pod which benefited humanity as a whole.

Brad is a strongest Supernovae and also a possible contender for the position of Ten Heavenly Kings. Law, Hawkins and Clarie all came as soon as possible to see Brad. Law was shocked that he is a manga character. As soon as he learned it, he wanted to go and kill Oda to make his Life Miserable. If not for Clarie stopping him. May be Oda Sensei would be killed.

Clarie " It may be not Oda is our creator, it's just he may had inspiration from our World. Even if we are his creation, so what!? If not for that I would not have met Shadow sama!!!! " As Clarie said, Law and Hawkins calmed down. Now they are not bound by the book One Piece. Law is Law, so as Hawkins.

Brad after gathering Mana Stones in the Water house and Fire Stones and Water Stones. He decides to form the Mana Circles of Each Type in Chakras. He then started using his Monthly Draws which refreshed after visiting from Naruto World. He then learned that the cheat is that he must visit the Original World from the Traveled World. And the refreshing of Draws happens only for the New Travelling world.

He then draws his rewards.

1. Cubone x50

2. Gligar x50

3. Swinub x100

4. Swampert x20, Marshtomp x50, Mudkip x100.

5. Baltoy x40

6. Garchomp x10, Gabite x25, Gibble x50.

7. Drilbur x 100

8. Kabuto x50

9. Mega Charizardite X

10. Rock Stone Vein.

Brad saw that all the Pokemons are Ground type Pokemon. And he even got a Rock Stone Vein. Brad now has four Elemental Stone Veins, namely fire, water, moon(fairy), Rock. Brad did not have many fluctuations. But his Eyes were on Charizardite X.

He really wanted to see how the Charizardite affect Charizard. Whether Charizard's blue flames will strengthen even more. Brad met Clarie and the other two at the assembly hall, were selected 100 rookies. Brad did not give a grand speech or anything like that. What Brad needs is to show some Awe.

He radiated power, with his Golden Pupil. Seeing Brad everyone was astonished. The Dangerous sensation that Brad is giving is similar to a Sheep that got caught by a Tiger's Sight. Delta, Law and Hawkins took the lead. Law ' I miss Bepo!!! ' he thought to himself.

Brad heard it through his Psychic scan on the Group. His mouth twitched, and sadly Clarie is more like Alpha in Eminence of Shadow, a perfect leader. If only she acted like Delta, he would have been happy. Clarie knowing why Brad named her Delta but she could not act fake like the real Delta.

But the Fighting style of Brutal Animal is really likable to her. They came to the Dungeon enterance of the Sun God Temple. The Dungeon is guarded by two people from the Genesis Guild. They bowed to Brad, as Brad's demeanor demanded respect. Then they all went inside the dungeon

They entered a Lush Forest, the Trees are all like a Giant Tropical Evergreen Forest. The races of Treants, the monsters all posses huge strength. They each can destroy skyscrappers with a single Blow, they all posses average strength of a Strength type B rank Awakeners.

The Treants are all along with the forest forms a moving Maze. The Sun Elves is the Major tribe that prays to the Sun. They are the beings that hunt Humans for Food, in their eyes any being other than them that can be eaten are food. Brad " What is the current scouting scenario!? "

Hawkins " Actually the Treants form a Giant Maze with the forest, similar to Big Mom's Soul Forest. Getting out and finding the way back is very difficult. Second the race known as Sun Elves, they are cannibals who eat humans. They worship Sun God. A Association scout by accident found a Temple of Sun Elves which is entirely made up of Flaming White Crystals. That releases huge Fire Energy. "

Hawkins continued " Other than that when he escaped with his Stealth ability and after a half a month, by luck found the Entrance. He came back. Atleast that's what the reports says. " All of them listened carefully. Brad nodded as he was debriefed.

Brad " Ok, now let us see. " Brad used his Observation Haki and his Aura Sense spread towards the Forest. Brad felt something different in Aura Sense, he can individually feel the each and every plant life form. Brad ' So this is the power up function of Grass Plate!! ' he thought for a while. He even saw Treants birth and Old and powerful Treants.

Brad with his Sense formed a Mind Map in his Simulation Powers of Augumented Reality. With his Senses, the Forest actually does not protect the way out or anything. It was at the center, there are Mandrakes that are used for Potions and increases Magical Talent.

There are many Herbal Trees, The Forest is over the size of a Small State. Brad " I thought the Mana Crystal Mine is here!?, Then where does the mine exist!? " Clarie " They are in the Majin World. The Majin Dungeon has evolved into a S Class Elite Dungeon, so the security is also at the highest. "

Brad nodded, it did not matter to him anyway. Brad cannot send his Aura Force through the Temple, which is bound by some Mana Barrier. But he feels that something different from the intel that he obtained from the Data Hawkins gave him.

Brad decided to investigate more. Brad " Everyone follow me!!! " As that Brad started moving in a certain Direction, the rest followed, They all moved cautiously always being aware of the surroundings. As they are moving, a small amount of mild Pollen was released to the surroundings from the Tree.

Law and Hawkins immediately found the changes. Clarie who is most keen to smell immediately got affected. She as if entered the strange world of food, all the people around her looked like a Aroma of her favourite meat. Before she could pounce a huge Gravity assaulted her forcing her to the ground lying Flat.

A sudden attack knocked her head only to see the Juicy Meat she saw turned to Law, lying along with her and the other 100 recruits.