Meeting Desmond, Getting Prepared.

Brad returned back to the Association, the first expedition become a total failure. He was unable to teach them anything, not that is his fault. But still it is a Setback. He explained Clark about it, He then instructed " Dad, ask Vegapunk to form a Legion of Drones for Monitoring the Sun God Temple Dungeon. The Intel is all wrong, the intel is to be updated to the Association. If something drastic happens the Linked Dungeons all will have a major change. "

Clark nodded, he planned for it. Brad also decided, he is still not strong enough. Once he completed the Next World that he wanted to visit, he would completely destroy the Sun God Temple Dungeon and add it to the Dimensional Pocket. Brad had given 15 days time to Madara to Collect Tailed Beast Chakras. So he decided to wait for a while in Real World and planned to Collect the Psychic Plate.

Brad entered the Association and he went direct to Desmond's office. After confirming that he is here. Desmond " Look who is here, the Rookie scout who gone missing for more than a Month after becoming a Star and Guild Leader of GENESIS Guild. " Brad " Hey, I have been training non stop. I am still weak enough to confront those monsters. "

Desmond vomitted Blood " If you are weak, what about me. Don't Humble brag yourself. I will punch you in your face. Just tell me what you came for. " Brad then without any hesitation said his findings about the Sun God Temple and the Hidden Dangerous Monster. Desmond became shocked as the Data did not match any of the Records of the Scouting Party.

And what is even more bizare is their Previous Report of the Small Scale Dungeons coincide with the Dungeon Report from the A B C class Dungeons where the Sun Elves are Man Eating Cannibals. Either this is a genuine Mistake or someone has been plotting after Brad.

Desmond " Give me some time, and I would give you a satisfactory Explanation. " Desmond moved forward with the Investigation. Brad left the Association, he then gathered his own Datas about the Sun God Temple. Usually a S Ranked Dungeon will have a Single Kingdoms and Monsters and all. But the Top Monster will not be such a over powered Creature.

If the Scouting was done properly, The Ten Heavenly Kings should have taken action and destroyed such a Dangerous Gate. That is the Seven Deadly Sins after all. At the very least they would be under strict scrutiny and will be directly controlled by Top Ranked Guilds or the Association themselves. Brad did not expect such a Hot Potato would be handed over to him.

It doesn't mean that he is not happy, but he need to inform such a finding. There are things that one can keep to themselves and things that must be shared with others. This Intel must be shared for their Collective Good. Meanwhile Brad concentrated on Clearing out many E, D Class Dungeons with his Guild Members.

He went for C and B Class Dungeons alone that are related to Poison type, Ground or Earth type, Crystal Type, Lightning type, Water type, and Illusion Type Dungeons. He needs to Spoon feed the Protoganist which needs the Heavy Investment with the Insanely amazing returns.

Brad concentrated solely to obtain Materials and to increase the Dimensional Pocket Space Size. Slowly and steadily Brad got every power to finese level. Brad found that many things that his Body is being transformed by the Arceus Plates each second, despite it is a miniscule Fraction. The change is being done.

Brad tried forming his Water Mana Circle in Water Chakra but to his Amazement the Water Mana Circle Formed adjacent to Ho-oh's holy Flames. The Flame Mana from fire stone it just strengthened the Flames in Ho-oh's Sacred Fire Circle. The Rock Type Energy also formed around the Fire Chakra. It is better it can be said as Elements Chakra rather than Fire Chakra.

But what is stranger is there is sense of disunity in the Mana Circles as if these Circles Do not belong to the Fire Chakra Mana Core. As the Circles increase both in quantity and Quality, the sense of disunity is increased. As if it is they are just under Rent and their home does not belong there. Brad after that did not continue to develop any more element Mana Circles.

Brad decides to Open the Next Chakra the Air Chakra. But he can feel that there is a clog that cannot be opened easily, it seems. So Brad let his time training Ditto and feeding him all Best Minerals and Mana Grade Ores after being processed to Ingots. Ditto is trained to handle different elements of different intensities. Everytime Brad uses Elements entangled on Ditto, Ditto feels Pain, So Brad is training Ditto to have Pain Tolerance.

He also trained many other Weopons like Chain Sword, Staff, Blade, Sword, Spear, Scythe and so on. He needs the Weapon Master attribute to his New World as he would need it heavily to train in all fields, he started in Brain Storming Puzzle formats and so on. He even started training in all forms of Games and so on.

Brad then enriched his Knowledge on Magic Spell Books that are available in Atlantis which is mostly based on Water. It is all based on Spell Models, like a Mathematical Models. He than with those references, he started to Augument and Design new Spells for each elements. He does not need to use those spells for himself.

But they are needed for the people who are entering the Guild without a offensive Powers, it's just most of the Awakeneds does not have Offensive or Special Talents in this regard, And most of them do not knew their Talent at all. So Brad started the Spell Library. He had spent more than a month, but due to Elijah and Orochimaru's OCD on the mission. It seems they are to include almost all the Otsutsuki related Bloodline to make a OP Potential for the Body they are Creating.

So Elijah had asked another two months. Meanwhile Madara had made all the Four Great Nations to Surrender to the Land of Fire who is now being controlled by Madara. The Jinchuriki are all forcibly brought to Leaf. He United the Ninja Force with Iron Fists. He took Black Zetsu under Control. He said that he would help him resurrect his Mother.

And he even showed that Orochimaru and Elijah is doing the research. Obito got to meet Rin. Which he denied at first after a long and serious conversation they got united.