Science and Technology Library

Brad decided to Honour Elijah's Promise. He searched and found the World of Science and Technology Library, it was a novel written with a Chinese Supremacy Theory and the patriotic person who made his Nation proud with their wishes. Brad still wonders why there are many insane Powers lying in the small Worlds.

This Science and Technology Library actually compliments the Augumented Reality Powers. He after found the World from the infinite world's connected to the Nothingness. Brad began to Navigate to the World and arrived straight above some Chinese College Library.

There was fierce Lightning Storm outside the Skies, Brad used his Psychic Sense to find the Protagonist Chen Mo who is searching for Books by shuttling around. And Chen Mo bumped into a Girl, Brad without hesitation used his Psychic Powers he recently developed, he Transfered straight to Chen Mo's Mind which is easy for him.

Brad Saw that a Huge Energy which represent his Present Universe Crashing on the Library roof with a Undulating Scream. After that over, our brave Protagonist saved the Damsel in Distress. He saved her by placing himself in Harmsway and got hurt in his Head. He was comatosed, Brad in Chen Mo's Mind Realm saw that there was a huge Golden Gate appear before him and Chen Mo's own Mind Body form before him.

The Golden Gate wanted to release Pressure but it stood to no awail. As a Golden Hoop illuminated on Brad's Chest. Brad raised his Palm and placed it on the Golden Door. He knew that the Universe can Communicate with Arceus. Unlike before Arceus had already two Worlds in Control and Divinity of the Pokemons had raised to a Different Level.

It is like a Negotiation table of Stronger Nation and a Weaker Nation. After a while the Golden Gate merged with Brad's body. And another Door formed in Chen Mo's Mind space with Arceus Hoop. Brad opened the Door and what he saw was his Own Pocket Dimension which had access to Different Worlds.

Brad did not expect such a thing to happen, It is a prize that is far greater than the original Price but Brad could understood that it is benefecial for Arceus too. Unlike Li Zexuan's world, the Pokemons could exert influence in the Vast Territory of Space. And why Brad will not want to Enter this World and waste time here since there is no High level Life form of Humans who could be with him.

As Brad found that his Power could increase only when the Arceus Tower is established he could obtain specific Rewards. So Brad has no interest in this World. If not for Elijah, he would not have even considered this World. As Brad was thinking, Chen Mo woke up.

Chen Mo ' I should have been hit in my head and passed out but what the hell is happening here!!! ' Brad decided to play a Prank. " Chen Mo, a ordinary student. You have died and was about to enter the next rebirth. Where do you want to be reborn!!? " Chen Mo " What!!? " He was shivering, ' What happened!? Did I really die!? '

Brad felt somewhat good that the Prank was a good one atleast for him. Brad '' Just kidding, you are still alive. Just that you got an incredible opportunity. We are in your Mind Space. " Chen Mo " My Mind Space!!? " Brad " No need to fret for the details, as I am not very good at explanations. Come with me!!! " Brad took him to his Pocket Dimension. He is in a similar state where Brad first entered the Naruto World.

There was full of Pokemons and many structured Building, there were enterance to One Piece and Otaku Engineer World. Chen Mo " Is that What I think it is!!!? " Brad '' Yes, they are all Pokemons. " Chen Mo was amazed. He even saw two Charizard's Duking out with each other. Venusaur and Blastoise Battling each other, all the Bird Pokemons fighting each other and so on.

Soon Brad and Chen Mo came to the Technology Library enterance. When Brad placed his Hand, the Library's Gates opened, they both entered a Humongous Library with full of Books of different sizes. Brad " Actually, this Library was supposed to be your gift, but I have traded some Benefits to get your opportunity to be mine. "

Chen Mo had his mind Blank, till now he thinks that it is some kind of dream. Brad " Don't worry, it is as real as it gets. " Chen Mo did not speak anymore. When Brad came to a certain Position a Golden Book appeared, Brad wrote his Name on it, Brad became the owner with the Highest Authority over the Library. Soon a Old Man's hollogram appeared with full of Wisdom.

Brad " Old Mr. Don't worry that Library has Fallen in Wrong Hands, I would not restrict your freedom. I would grant the Authority of Apprentice to Chen Mo. With that he could steadily gain authority and finally can Become a Elder. " The Old Man showed Gratitude. He is the previous owner of the Scientific Library. He atlast found a Student but suddenly everything changed with a new owner with Authority overriding him.

Old Man " Thanks for your Kindness. " The Old man thanked, in a way Chen Mo has only Gained More. Brad then with his Psychic he transfered all the knowledge that he had obtained and created after he got his Powers. The Ways of Haki, Magical Spells Models. Eight Inner Gates, Shadow Clones, Great Profound Scripture ( Own Version).

Despite being the Scientific Technology Library, the Library accepted each Knowledge and compiled it as a Book under Magic Technology. With his batch of Scientist in each World, they would all enrich the Technology Library. Old Man " Despite you being the owner with highest Authority, you cannot take Credit for Technology that you have not created or Modified. "

Brad nodded, he knew that much so only all the knowledge he shared has been modified by him with their core technology as a Base. With that being done, he left Chen Mo and the Old Man alone. Where Chen Mo called him Elder Shu. After a while Chen Mo chose his First Technology

' Elementary Human Potential Development Technology. ' This is the Technology that Chen Mo selected in the Original Book. Other than that Brad needs to fulfil other Promise. He took out the Arceus Orb, Chen Mo was fascinated by the appearance of the Orb. He placed his Hands on the Orb.

The Orb illuminated, a Luxury Ball appeared in his Hands, he got a Bagon. Chen Mo was so Satisfied he hugged him. At present Bagon cannot travel with him in his World, So Chen Mo decides to take him after he got a place of his Own and enough Security.