Plans for Library

After the things are over, he needs to enrich the Library with Magical Knowledge, he ordered Law, Hawkins and Delta to concentrate on getting into ruins and collect as many Magical Knowledge, it can be done using Either Money or Through Dungeon Hunting.

Soon Hawkins collected many books related to Mana. Spell Tomes, Blacksmithing, Potioneering, Alchemy and so on. Garth on the other hand after learning about the Library, he went immediately to trade knowledge. His first trade after sharing his Armour Technology is Super Dimensional Mathematics.

With this Model after integrating the Mathematic Model to his Armour, he could even make Brad a run for money in a Fight. Meanwhile Law and Clarie chose complicated Dungeons which focused on knowledge. There are many Trial Dungeons which are mostly open Dungeons and some are controlled by Guilds for their Guild Members.

These actions triggered a chain Reaction in Awakeners Market, which the demand of Magic Books boosted. As everyone with a Herd Mentality started to buy Magic Books which was previously in low Demand. Meanwhile in the Arcania Magic Tower Dungeon. He has to Face a Elemental of Fire in a Volcanic Region.

Despite his 30 - 40 attempts he still cannot defeat the Fire Elemental. The Fire Elemental has pushed the Fire Laws to the Extreme, the Elementals control of Fire Element surpassed that of even Ho-oh's of Pokemon World. Roy Williams was getting frustrated by the Huge Setback. Roy " It seems from the 91st to 100 each floor surpasses one after another. "

Roy Williams is a Master of Magic, where he can control alomst all the elements including Some Space and Time spells, but the issue is the Fire Elementals Attacks and Spells have Extreme Understanding of the Fire Element. So in order to defeat the Fire Elemental, he must have the same or more level of Understanding of using Element to surpass the Fire Elemental.

Roy Williams escaped the trial and he found that there is a demand for Magic Books, After a while Roy Williams found out with his Investigation that GENESIS Guild is the reason for the Sudden Demand. This peaked Roy Williams interest. And after a while he got a message from Association about the Sun God Temple Dungeon.

Roy " So he found out and escaped the Dungeon!! If only he got consumed by the Sin Laws. Being trapped I could have captured him and used him as a Experiment. But this shows that he does have some Potential. " He then went to another room and the room opened a Dungeon Portal. There was a group of Metal Race where they looked like a Sci Fi Horror film.

As many tentacle Metal Robots started working on a Humanoid Steel Robot, when one closely looking at him, we can see that it is Jameson Williams face. Roy Williams " It seems, I have to leave the revenge to yourself. " He found out that the Mana Crystal supplied by GENESIS guild posses almost 98% purity without contamination. Which is less available in Market.

Without hesitation For all the Normal Element Spells and Chants were chosen to Trade in Black Market. Only demand is 100,000 Mana Crystals with 95% purity or less. He ready to sell this because, in order to use those spells One Must have a Mind Eye Talent which would be Granted in Arcane Magic Tower. As these Spell Models need Mental Energy to regulate Mana in Nodes that can be seen only by Mind Eye.

Despite that he did not sell any of the Ultimate Spells in which that by chance a awakened posses the Talent and he decides to learn it, then he would strengthen the enemy and the Low Grade Spells do not matter much. As for researching Magic. It is fine for Lower Ranked Spells but in case of High Ranked Spells, the Mental Energy would be consumed insanely High that even a Heavenly King would die at the Slightest Mistake by the Backlash.

By the time they try to research the Powerful Magic Spells, he would clear the Arcane Magic Tower. After the Black Market Deal found by Hawkin, he found Brad and Clark. Brad knew despite the Black Market looked Safe, such a Huge transaction will leave Trace. He does not want the World to knew about Diancie and her colony.

Brad " Buy it, after that Stop selling the Mana Stones outside. Make it happen such that we have completed our entire Stock. Another thing is use the Library to Make Formations and use the Mana Stones indirectly to train the Recruits. " Clark agreed, as Sooner or Later Brad would release Pokemons to the world. Untill then he would lay low and reduce the income expenditures.

And what is more, he is going to recruit more people and from the Dungeons he could create more earnings. And the Association as the componsation for the mistake in Sun God Temple Dungeon. They also gave the Dungeon of new trials. Mirror self Dungeon, it is like a Trial Tower which had ten floors.

Where the opponents would face their Current self. And only way is to surpass ourself in each format decided by the trials. It is really a Valuable Dungeon. With all this matter Clark is not worried about the Profits of Mana Crystal Dwindling.

After some time Brad went and met Shirahoshi, now who came out of her innocent self, She is been tutored by Mirielle and Li Meilin. She is not a pushover anymore, she now has the qualities of the Queen. After coming into contact with Mana, Her Powers had a huge boost and now all the Sea Kings in the World heed her command.

After spending some Quality time with her. he then went to Naruto World. In Naruto World, the original 15 days project has been extended to more than a month. And finally a ultimate Body has been created. Brad came to the Hidden Leaf new Research Center. There were Tobirama, Orochimaru, Elijah and even Vegapunk.

In the Medicinal Chamber, there is a otherworldly beauty with a Dark Blue Long Hair, she does not have a silver trait of Otsutsuki. Her skin is so fair. It is like a Sleeping Beauty who had slept and untatinted by the world. She is really through and through beautiful. She is the cumilation of all the Kekkai Genkai in the world.

Elijah " We have completed all the necessary details. Now only thing is to resurrect Kaguya and you marry her and get me the Technological Library!!!!! " Elijah specifically mentioned the Library quite strongly and that interested Orochimaru, Vegapunk and Tobirama.

Brad " Ohhh, you still don't know. The Library is in my Pocket Dimension. So you no need to fret so much. Just that you must trade knowledge to get knowledge. That rule still applies. And I even added many Magic knowledge and theories there. " Elijah " What!!? "