Kaguya Resurrection and Marriage

Brad " A Gentle man always keeps his Promise. And there are many rare technologies within. Such as " Quantum portal", "Super alloy", "Gene editing and cyborgs", "Artificial intelligence", "Super dimensional mathematics", "Antimatter extraction technology", "God's particle stability and use technology", "Human potential development drug", "Superpower awakening methods and technology and so on.

All these technologies made the mouths Salvate and their Hearts beat vigorously for the Research personal in there. Brad " But I doubt you could readily take out the Technology as you knew from the Novel, that you must trade and complete the transfered Technology and thoroughly mastering it. " Brad did not bother any more details.

Then the Scienctist group wanted to actively discuss it among themselves but Brad interrupted " You can do all the Trade and research afterwards, but first it is needed that you guys first Resurrect Kaguya. " They were brought back to Reality. Madara and Hashirama came after a while to the Underground Base.

Brad looked at Black Zetsu who is sealed in a Glass Container by Madara. Everyone Greeted each other, Tsunade and Mito joined with them. Other than the related personals others all left. Madara " This is the final chance, I am giving you. Use yourself as a Karma Seal and Resurrect your Mother. "

Black Zetsu nodded, he knew that since Madara learned the Truth and captured him, his chance of Reviving his Mother is close to none. This well may be the Final Way for him to Bring her back from the Seal. Black Zetsu looked at Brad and said knowing that Brad wanted to Marry his Mother Kaguya Otsutsuki.

Black Zetsu " I request you to not make my Mother Betrayed again like she had been betrayed 1000 years back. " Brad nodded. Black Zetsu entered the Medicinal Chamber and covered the Female Body in the Dormancy Chamber completely. All the Tailed Beasts Chakra along with The Gedeo Statue sealed within the Body formed a Cylindrical Egg that is Black in Colour.

The Dormancy Chamber broke into pieces, The Nature Chakra in Huge Quantity were absorbed towards the Egg. All of them were watching Silently. The Chakra Pressure surpassed Hasirama and Madara combined. The Black Egg formed a Crack and the Crack developed. From the Crack a Peerless Beauty came out walking with the Otsutsuki Sage Clothes covering her.

Her eyes were Byakugan, She did not have the Rinnea Sharingan in Forehead. She exerted pressure, there was a Stream of tears in her cheeks flowing from the Eyes. As today she lost her son. Brad was shocked by the otherworldly Beauty. Black Zetsu in his Final Moments shared his Memory with Kaguya. She even senses Karma on Brad. His Golden All Seeing Eyes watching over her.

Kaguya " You revived me, so that you could marry me. " Brad " Yes. " Kaguya took this marriage as a Transaction. Kaguya " Ok, I agree. Since I would not required anything to do with this Planet anymore. " She at the Original had no choice as Ishikki and Momoshikki were like having Blades over her Neck. Now she no longer needed to care.

Brad " We would Marry each other tomorrow. I knew that this Marriage is a Transaction. At the least I can say is as long as you don't betray me. I would not betray you. " Brad gave his Word, with that he left Kaguya to think for herself. Madara, Hashirama and the others followed. Brad directly took the Group to his Pocket Dimension. So the Group of Scientist could share and take the Research to the Library.

Vegapunk could smile ear to ear compared to the others as his Punk Records is a Library in own Right. And his Findings are all a significant ones. But that does not dampen the mood of others. Tobirama inventor of Many Forbidden Ninjutsu. And he was given the Sealing Teachings of Uzumaki Clan by his Sister in Law. Orochimaru had also many research that could be shared.

Only Li Zexuan in Otaku Engineer World needs to step up the game like Chen Mo. It's just, he posses great Powers and not restricted like Chen Mo. Anyway Brad did not bother about those two worlds other than his Wife Li Meilin, his Son Athithya aka Li Yichen, his Friend Li Zexuan.

Next Day in the Shigeru Village, were it all started for him. The Marriage Ceremony was held, Kaguya was beautiful in her Dress, were this time Li Meilin and Shirahoshi attended the Wedding. They knew that unlike their wedding This is pure Contract Wedding. But still, they were marvelled by Kaguya's beauty. Hashirama, Madara, Mito, Minato, Kushina.... All the important Plot Characters, The Rookie 12 group.

Even the other Village Kage's along with the Daimayo were all brought to the Shigeru Village. As the Marriage Ceremony reached the Climax with Brad and Kaguya exchanging Rings with each other. The Nature Energy was increased like a Spring water released in Desert.

The Pokemons all appeared around all parts of the Planet. The Legendaries were all settled in the respective Regions. Suddenly The Tailed Beast were released from the Jinchuriki without killing them. Unlike their Huge Size, They turned to a Normal Pokemon Height depending on their Features.

Yet their Power remains the same. The Formation of Nine Tails near Solgaleo was surprising for Naruto, he jumped to Kurama and hugged him, during these days Naruto became more attached to Kurama after hearing the Hint that Kurama Sacrificed himself to Save Naruto's life. The Tailed Beast themselves became the Legendary Pokemons.

Kaguya was fascinated by what is happening around her, as a Otsutsuki, this is the first time that she is seeing a Marvelous scene as usually a God Tree does is devour the Chakra from the Planets making it devoid of Life.

But here the Planet is being improved, she really liked what she is seeing. When this was done Brad's main Mission gets completed along with the Marriage Mission. And a Legendary Mascot draw, which means along with Mew, there would be another Pokemon who will be on same power level as Brad.

Unlike other marriages, Brad did not consumunate the Night with Kaguya or he spent with his other wives. He respected her wishes and gave her the space. He would spend some time with her and let nature takes its course. He then went to His Pocket Dimension and took a Deep breadth before opening the Rewards.