Unown Magical Language

Brad opened his System Panel

Name: Brad (Karthikeyan - Indian Name)

Age:25 Years

Lvl : Lvl 278/∞ ( Mewtwo Potential)


1. Mewtwo's abilities including Mega Evolution X&Y combined( Human Modified Version )

2. World Travel.

Type: Psychic, Fighting, Dark, Fairy, Grass

Plates Law Fragment:

1. Dark Plate,

2. Grass Plate,

3. Fairy Plate

Special Laws:

1. Order and Chaos

Soul Chakra Gates:

1. Earth Gate opened

2. Water Chakra Opened

3. Fire Chakra Opened


1. Eight Inner Gates ( 7 gates opened permanently) (8th Gate - after use weakened to 1/4th Level for 30 days)

2. Design, Scanning & Augmented Reality with Test Simulations

3. Great Profound Scripture (3/7 Cores)

4. Spatial Rend

5. Roar of Time

6. All Seeing Eyes (Creation and Destruction)

7. Karma - Shinjutsu (Hand seal not required)

8. Weapon Proficiency and Martial Arts Proficiency.


1. Pokemon Field Knowledge ( Team Rocket, Joy Family, Jenny Family... Etc )

2. Magic Spell Model knowledge

Item Bound:

1. Arceus Orb (Can only be used by important Characters in Anime Worlds and Hosts Family, No other limit )

2. Griseous Orb ( Can travel to the Reverse World )


1. Charizard

2. Dragonite

3. Mew

4. Lugia

5. Gengar (Shiny)

6. Ditto( Special)

8. Hydreigon.


Main Mission: Spread Pokemon Influence in Earth and Anime Worlds


Stage 2: Spread Pokemon in 3 Worlds.(3/3)

Reward: Unown Scriptures. (It absorbs Other Magic, Chakra or Universal Languages and empowers the Scripture and it gives the feedback power to the User.)

Stage 3: Spread Pokemon in 1 Higher World

Sub Mission 3: Clear Dungeons as much as Possible to collect Space Fragments to form your Own Pokemon Dimension(Can let Pokemon form Ecology there and Can be released there without any worry)

E Rank Dungeon: +1 sq. km

D Rank Dungeon: +10

C Rank Dungeon: +100

B Rank Dungeon: +1000

A Rank Dungeon: +10000

S Rank Dungeon: +100000

Mythical Rank Dungeon: ??????

Current Area: 199,658 (Time Flow same as Brad's own time. Can connect to all Worlds Laws that Brad Visits)

Required Minimum Area: 1000 to form Ecology for Pokemons.

Reward: Psychic Plate for 200000, ???????? For having 1,000,000

Sub Mission 4: Conquer your Nearby Sea Area minimum area of 100,000 sq. km

Current Area: 97,000

Reward: Obtain Sea Temple, and Manapy to Manage the Temple. You will be crowned as the King of the Sea. (You can command all Water Pokemon in Ocean.)

Daily Draw: 2/10 (Can Summon Pokemons, Items and so on, Refresh 1 draw a Month) (Will get refreshed in New World, Required to stay in the New World for minimum 10 months. Not applicable to Earth.)

Drawn Rewards:

1. HoHo summoning x2

Note: the summoned Pokemon from Draw cannot be used by the Host and can only be used by other People. And Rewarded Pokemon Eggs and Pokemons all have the potential of Legendary Pokemon.

He then saw the seperate pannel of Naruto World Mission

Sub Mission 1 (Naruto World): Marry a Native Women of Naruto World. (Completed)

Mission Reward:

Arceus Tower (Acquired)

A Legendary Pokemon Mascot. ( Yet to be extracted)

Brad after seeing that the Reward is Unown, but he can't understand what is the Significance of Unown to him. But when he found the Reward, he was thrilled, The Pokemon Letters Unown has special Powers which can manipulate, create, Destroy all types of Elements. They can make ones dream world descend to Reality.

The Ancient Unown is said to be one of the Best Powers when it is together despite they are useless in Games who only has Ancient Power. Brad " So all I need is to designate a Language and with that Language a New form of Chants, Spell Models, Coding Sequence all will be born. With this I can create a New Magic Language, that may stand in terms with even Elven and Dragon Language. It may even go a Step beyond and become a Celestial Language. '' Brad started fascinating.

Brad did not Designate the English, instead he chose one of the Oldest Languages of the Earth, his Father's Mother Tongue Tamil. He after designated the Language, as soon as he did. The 12 Vowels and 18 consonents of Tamil Language shaped unown appeared before him. As with his Augmented Reality and his own knowledge of Grammer, the Unown started forming all the Tamil Words.

It gave even the Tamil Numerals, all the Unowns formed revolved around Brad, they formed a Complex Revolutions around him. And gradually they went inside him and Stayed in his Mana Core Present in his Earth Chakra. Brad did not feel any power up. But he knew once the Language started to have new Spells and people started using them. A certain Percent of Mana would be fed back to him.

The more perfect the structure of the Language stands independently without borrowing other Languages, the more powerful the Magic Language will stand. That is also one of the Reasons he chose Tamil instead of English, as English has derived many words and vocabulary from multiple languages. Ane one cannot even knew weather the Alphabets are all really belong to English or other European Languages.

Next he needs to enrich the Grammer knowledge of the Language and with the Science Library and other Magic Languages, need to research Magic Spells. For that he went to Elder Shu in Scientific Library. When he entered the Library, he saw the Old Man learning new knowledge of different worlds. He was intrigued by the Concept of Mana, Chakra and so on.

Elder Shu " Welcome Lord Brad, do you need something in the Library!? " Brad " Actually Elder Shu, it is .... " He explained his issue about Unown and building a Mana Spells. Elder Shu took a Book for building the Artificial Intelligence Program Structure. And creation of a Programming Language book. Brad looked at the books in Confusion.

Elder Shu " These Books about creating a Programming Language will give you some Ideas of how to construct a Spell Models as they are similar in many aspects, the Algorithm of a Program is to execute a task, so as the Spell to bring out a Magic Output. And for Artificial Intelligence, I hope to see what would happen if a Artificial Intelligence is built in the Magic Language. "

Brad's eyes glittered, Elder Shu continued " As for Better results, find the other Magic Languages learn them. Find the Similarities in Meaning and Command functions, what is better for different Spells. Then you can figure out more. " Brad " Thank you so much elder for clearing my doubt. If you don't mind, I would like to address you as Teacher. "

Elder Shu smiled and nodded at him. Brad bowed to him with devotion. This Old man is a pure Scholar who thirsts for knowledge.