New Mascot, Preparation for New World

Elder Shu " Let us experiment here, let's take the Uzumaki Heritage of Sealing Scrolls. " Brad started learning all the Sealing knowledge in a flash with Library's assistance. He then found the meaning of Each words, he then formulated the Sentences with the Unown Language. The Sealing Formula became even stronger.

He used the simple Storage Seal, The Chakra Effeciency and Mana Effeciency all were simply on the next level. As the Unown Language with Tamil Language, the letters are alive. Elder Shu became fascinated at the Language of Unowns, as all over the existence, wherever the Letters were written, they posses the will of Unown. The Language absorbed the essence of Sealing Techniques within themselves.

Elder Shu took many Magic Spell Books with different Languages and Spell Model Magics, the Unowns all took the Languages meaning and transformed into their own, the Spell Models are like 3d Graph Models with each Nodes. There Unown Numericals and the Letters form Coordinates. It makes easier mana Control with Unown Language Coordinates.

Brad was really amazed by the Unown, this is far greater power compared to the previous Reward of Spatial Rend and Roar of Time Reward. After all this was over, he then was ready to welcome his new Partner. Brad started his Extraction, as soon as the Draw was completed,

Brad as soon as he saw the cute little Guy, he was over the moon. He has White soft Skin and tiny furs. He has a V Symbol in Red Colour in his Forehead. It is none other than Victini and that to a Shiny Pokemon. Mew suddenly appeared before Brad and saw Victini with Curious eyes. They both looked at each other for more than a Second. After a few Seconds. Mew turned into Victini, Victini looked Curious. Then Mew turned back, Victini was amazed as if a Child watching Magic Show for the first time.

Mew " Mew Mew Mew Mew... " Victini " Tini...tini.... " They both conversed, Mew took the role of the elder brother and took Victini to play, Victini " Tini....tini.... " Victini wanted Brad also to play with him. Since this is Victini's first day. Brad entertained both the mascots. They went to Otaku Engineer World met with Li Meilin and Li Yichen. They played there with Pink Celebi and Shaymin. After that they went to One Piece World, met with Shirahoshi. Luffy and the others.

After that they went to Naruto World at last, there they met with Tomi and Aoki. Kaguya was not in the Tower, she has a Sense of freedom and wanted to Roam around the World. She went alone, Brad went to find Kaguya, he should atleast connect with her. In a Distant Forest, Kaguya sat there silently and faced a Chakra Projection.

It was none other than her Son Hagoromo Otsutsuki. He stayed there silently, Kaguya " You can speak what you want. " Hagoromo " Mother, I knew that you must think I have betrayed you. For that I can't help but only apologize. But still I would do it all over again. Every being has the right to live and die the way they want. " Kaguya just looked at some direction.

Kaguya when she sensed that someone is approaching. Then suddenly the space twisted and Brad appeared before them both with Mew and Victini. Brad " So here you are, meeting with the Legendary Sage of Six Paths, the founder of Ninshu. " Hagoromo did not speak so as Kaguya.

Brad " I do knew, that you would come for her. But it is too soon, the 1000 years of imprisonment. It is too long for her, she just protected you guys in her own way as your mother. She just didn't knew that you were grown up and could have shared her worries with you. " Kaguya had look of reminiscence in her eyes.

Brad " Don't worry Mr. Hagoromo, you can rest now. She would find her freedom and Happiness in this World. " Hagoromo " Thank You, It seems my Brother Hamura was right all along. Our Mother did always what she thinks the best for our protection. If only I have clearly asked her about her worries. Nothing would have happened like before. But still I hope that my Mother does not needed to be betrayed like my Father or me her son did to her. "

Brad nodded, Mew and Victini watched from the Side. Kaguya had tears in her eyes as Hagoromo faded away, he let go of his worries and willingly entered the Reincarnation Cycle like his Sons Ashura and Indra. He hopes to be born to his Mother again with the thought of being Flial to her.

Kaguya had tears but she do not knew why she is crying, her heart only has a instinct, she is unable to discover her own emotions. Brad took the Arceus Orb out, he had not given her own Pokemon. Kaguya looked surprised, as she looked. She felt the Arceus Mark in her radiated light.

She placed her hand on the Orb and a luxury Pokeball appaeared, she knew how to open the Pokeball. She opened and a Golden Twin Red Coloured Ears and a Golden twin Tails with red Gemstone embded on both the Tails and forehead. It is a Shiny Mespirit,

As soon as Mespirit appeared, Kaguya felt a myriad of Emotions forming within her, the inability to feel Pain, Sorrow, Joy were cured. She felt Happiness and Sorrow mixed within her. She felt vulnerable. Mespirit being the Pokemon Of Emotions which would make the People feel the Sorrow and Happiness around them.

Mespirit nudged Kaguya, Kaguya felt very vulnerable she hugged her. Brad carried Kaguya to Arceus Tower. She gave her some space but stayed there in the Tower. He had finally decided for the Next World. And with Unown Language reward, this Cemented the Next World Position.

It was none other than the World which is very dangerous in every aspect and without Arceus's Protection. He would die without a burriel Ground, This world has a high Risk and High Rewards in every stage. It was the world where the Protagonist Named Felix Maxwell starts his journey after fusion of his Soul with the Guardian of Laws Asna and sent back to the Past.

" The Supremacy Games "