Finally we meet again, my darling

Two years later...

Valerie hastily removed the breast pump attached to her chest, pouring the milk into two bottles she had prepared.

"Not full. Looks like I have to breastfeed him at the party, I have to take him," she said while closing the bottle.

"Valerie..." called Hannah, a 23-year-old babysitter with brownish-black hair and a seemingly innocent demeanor behind her cylindrical glasses. She cradled Daniel, the chubby baby boy with ocean-blue eyes and natural black hair.

"Let me carry him; you should prepare what you and he need for the party," Valerie said, taking Daniel from Hannah.

"Don't you want to bring us along?"

"Well, initially, yes, but I can't pump much milk... I'm sure he'll cry later."

"Huh, if he'd take formula milk, you wouldn't need to bring him everywhere."

"It's okay, Hannah. I'll ask Jerry to lend us a room. During the party, you can hide with him there," Valerie said, carrying Daniel back to the room.


Valerie smiled at Daniel, who stared at her, perhaps because she looked so beautiful with her full evening makeup, except she hadn't worn the dress Jerry had prepared for her.

Jerry, a close friend, and Samuel's companion had helped her leave Carson City the night she was disappointed by Damian's betrayal. Unfortunately, upon arriving in Arizona, she discovered she was pregnant and decided to hide it until Daniel Trierweiler Dominguez was born.

Today, she willingly came to Las Vegas because Jerry was getting married, and despite everything, Jerry had been good to her, prompting her to attend his significant events.

The chaotic preparations were over; Valerie arrived at Jerry's house as the party was set in the adjacent garden and hall. Luckily, she got a vacant room for Daniel and Hannah, allowing her to leave them to mingle with the guests. Dressed elegantly in a blue gown with shiny white beads, her hair styled in a bun, Valerie added butterfly-shaped accessories to her right ear.


"Oh, Valerie... You came!" Jerry greeted her with a hug. "You look so beautiful!"

Valerie released the embrace and turned to hug Gea, Jerry's beautiful wife in a white dress. "Congratulations on your wedding," she said. "You look stunning!"

"Thank you, Valerie. You're amazing too!"

Valerie let go and gazed at Gea, reminding her of two years ago when she was fitting wedding dresses with Damian, but the wedding never happened.

"Valerie, I hope you stay longer. I won't occupy my apartment for long," Jerry said with a genuine smile. "Besides, the weather here is more comfortable for Daniel, And you can work on your novels comfortably," he added.

"I'll consider that later," Valerie replied with a smile.


A loud voice from the right caught Valerie's attention. She saw Samuel waving at her, so she excused herself from Jerry and Gea to join him and chat while enjoying the food.

A few minutes later, it was time for the newlyweds to dance, followed by other couples allowed to join. Valerie worried about Daniel running out of breast milk, so she slipped away among the dancing pairs to leave the party area.


Valerie stumbled as a man's backside bumped into her.

"Oh, sorry..." The man quickly reached out, helping her stand and adjusting her possibly stained blue dress.

"It's okay... I'm fine!"

Valerie turned to the man and was instantly silent—it was Damian. Her heart raced suddenly, memories of their time together flooded back, and Daniel, so similar to him, always reminded her that they had a child together.

"Valerie..." Damian smiled awkwardly, biting his lower lip. "Finally, we meet here..."

"It's just a coincidence!" Valerie distanced herself from Damian. "I have to leave now!" She took a step, but Damian immediately pulled her back.

"No, you can't go!"

Valerie sighed while Damian stared at her coldly from behind.

"Maybe I couldn't chase you that day, but now I won't let you go," Damian said.

Valerie turned to face Damian and pulled her hand away. "What else do you want? It's all over, isn't it?"

"Not as simple as that, Valerie!" Damian approached.

Valerie attempted to step back, but Damian immediately embraced her waist, bringing their bodies close, their faces inches apart.

"Damian..." Valerie felt uneasy, especially during a party.

Damian caressed Valerie's lips, his eyes filled with passion.

"Damian, don't, or I'll scream!"

"If you don't want me to kiss you, just come with me for a moment," Damian whispered provocatively. "And if I do kiss you, it probably won't be a problem. Everyone will remember that we almost got married before..."

Valerie fell silent with frustration, wanting to kick Damian, but it seemed it would only add to the trouble.

"15 minutes, Darling... Can't you give that to your man?" Damian asked.

Valerie looked at Damian cynically. "I have no desire for a man like you!"

Damian chuckled. "You still hate me after all this time..."

"Damian..." Valerie pulled her hand away again. "Please, I have to go!"

"Do you want to leave before the party ends? I think it's just to disappoint Jerry."

"I just need to go to the bathroom!"

"Oh, I know you can't hold it. You still wet yourself in winter..." Damian teased.

"Oh, my God, Damian!" Valerie glared.

Damian shrugged. "I'm stating facts!"

"Fine, let's talk!" Valerie hissed, thinking there was no other way but to comply with Damian's request, as she had to breastfeed Daniel afterward.

"Thank you, Baby..." Damian kissed the back of Valerie's hand.

Valerie shivered, feeling disgusted but could only resign herself as Damian led her out of the dance hall to the outside, where numerous luxury cars were parked. He took her to a red luxury car and opened the door for her.

"Why a car? We only have 15 minutes anyway," she protested.

"15 minutes are for talking, and the duration of the conversation site doesn't need to be counted," Damian said, glancing at the door he had opened. "You've already agreed..."

Valerie sighed, feeling trapped now. She entered the car, and Damian closed the door.

'I have to make sure Daniel doesn't cry. And if he does, Hannah should be able to soothe him... She's a professional babysitter,' she thought, immediately taking her phone from her small bag and sending a message to Hannah.

Me: I'm leaving with someone. I'll be back soon!

"How do you feel now?" Damian asked, starting the car's engine. "Finally, you're with the man you hate again..."

"You forced me!" Valerie retorted sharply.

"Well then, just enjoy it all..."

"I hope this is just a nightmare!" Valerie turned her face away, not wanting to see Damian's smug and playboy personality reflected in his smile. Now, she regretted attending the wedding party without checking if Damian was invited or not beforehand. 'But at least it's better than staying at the party and finding Daniel... he might panic?'