drowning in his charm

Damian stopped his car at a hotel not far from Jerry's house. He got out and opened the door for Valerie, who was reluctant to step out.

"I don't want to!" exclaimed Valerie.

"Hey, you agreed to this!" replied Damian irritably. "Isn't Valerie Trierweiler Dominguez known for keeping agreements? Except during marriage..."

Valerie rolled her eyes, feeling disgusted by Damian's sarcasm. She quickly exited the car, pushing Damian aside.

"You don't have to keep bringing it up!" she exclaimed angrily. "It's all your fault!" she continued, walking towards the main entrance.

Damian smiled, promptly following Valerie as they reached the reception area. He grabbed her hand and led her toward the elevator.

"No need to book a room again; I already have the key to my room," he said.

"But why your room?" Valerie asked impatiently, thinking about Daniel. "Remember, I only agreed to talk for 15 minutes!"

"Alright, just 15 minutes; the rest we'll stay silent without counting the duration," Damian said casually.

Valerie stopped abruptly, making Damian halt too, looking at her in surprise.

"What do you want?" she asked.

"I don't want anything, dear..." Damian shook his head. "I just want to talk to you."

"Then why stay silent without counting time? Can't you appreciate the time I'm giving you?"

"Valerie..." Damian sighed, approaching her and reaching for her hand. "You know if you talk too much, it will only delay our destination. When will we have our conversation? We'll just keep arguing, wasting time!"


Valerie didn't want to talk further and immediately headed towards the elevator, followed by Damian, who entered and pressed the button for the 16th floor before closing the doors.

Upon arriving at the metallic-themed hotel room with white, silver, and black interiors, Damian invited Valerie to sit on the sofa with a table stocked with drinks and snacks.

"I don't remember exactly how long we've been apart, but now you look much better," he said, focusing on Valerie in front of him. "But you seem slimmer... yet your breasts are slightly bigger," he added with a smirk.

"That's none of your business!" Valerie retorted, positioning her body to avoid focusing on her larger breasts due to breastfeeding.

Damian smiled thinly. "You're still the same... easily angered."

"It's crazy not to be angry; you're always annoying."

"Hmm... In that case, you're wrong for accepting my proposal two years ago."

"Yeah, I was wrong and regretful!" Valerie hissed, then sipped the wine in the elegant glass.

Damian remained silent, observing Valerie, who sneered after a sip.

"I know you can't handle alcohol," he said.

"Now I can," Valerie replied curtly. "Now just tell me what you have to say. I only have fifteen minutes here, and now only thirteen minutes left!" she continued, glancing at the gold and white wristwatch she wore.

"Well..." Damian sighed. "What I did to you was a mistake; I realize that. But because you left that day, you caused significant problems for our family. A tarnished reputation and both I and my family were ashamed... You should have left ... Your actions tarnished my family's reputation." He looked at Valerie somewhat annoyed, remembering their chaotic wedding day.

"You can't blame me; you started playing with fire!" Valerie asserted.

"I know I was wrong, but you couldn't just leave like that because the marriage involved both families... We should have stayed married, and then you could have divorced me... But you chose to leave without considering how our families would face the guests... You acted very childishly even though I lost control because Clara tempted me... We had no relationship at all..."

"If you just want to blame me, I accept it. I was wrong!" Valerie admitted. "I was childish; I shouldn't have been jealous seeing my future husband having sex with my bridesmaids... It was the top of the pain! And you say it was just losing control... That's crazy... Even two years haven't made me understand why you did that to me!"

"And I also don't understand how you could leave without thinking about my feelings and our families, even your family. You had to think about yourself just because you were disappointed..."

"Damian..." Valerie sighed, feeling guilty now but not daring to be honest about her reasons for leaving without wanting to return for two years.

"I know I'm wrong, but you're also wrong... and your attitude makes me feel humiliated... And actually, I'm not that sorry you left," Damian said again, then sipped his wine.

Valerie became more frustrated. "So, you're not sorry."

"Of course not... Finally, I know that you'll always consider betrayal can be dealt with by separation without giving me a chance to fix myself. If you're always like that, you'll always fail in relationships," Damian said casually, his hand holding a half-filled wine glass. "Because every man will reach a saturation point in a relationship and want to try new sensations with another girl, but that doesn't mean he wants to cheat or betray..."

"So, you want me to understand the actions of men who like to taste new girls? Show me if you can find a girl who agrees with your opinion!"

"Valerie, please don't always be emotional..."

Valerie chose to remain silent now. She drank again, sneering once more because alcohol felt strange on her tongue.

"Times up!" She placed the glass on the table and stood up immediately, but instantly swayed.

"Whoa..." She fell back onto the sofa.

"You're drunk!"

Damian quickly approached Valerie and embraced her from the side.

"Don't be presumptuous!" Valerie pushed Damian's hand away from her shoulder.

"But you're drunk... You need to sleep for a few hours..."

"What?" Valerie furrowed her brow.

"Valerie..." Damian caressed Valerie's cheek. "I still remember all your habits. You often go to the bathroom in winter, and you won't recover from being drunk until you sleep for six hours... And you like to cuddle..." He looked at Valerie deeply, her ocean-blue eyes seemingly captivating him, and her beautiful and moist lips seemed to have a magnetic force drawing him closer.

"Damian, please don't..." Valerie pressed Damian's chest, but his intense gaze made her weak, unable to resist.


An unavoidable kiss; Valerie sank into the intimacy, her mind starting to feel déjà vu, taking her into the warmth she had longed for. Yeah, she couldn't deny it; Damian's gentleness and warmth had shattered her resolve. In an instant, she forgot that her baby was waiting for her with the nanny.

Note: Maybe you don't like Damian who is selfish and arrogant, but actually he only loved Valerie from start to finish, and actually he wasn't completely at fault. There are hidden facts.