He still a liar!

Damian invited Daniel to have lunch at a cafe near Dominguez's house, and of course, Valerie was with them, even though she didn't invite her.

"You have to finish that because you insisted on coming," Damian said coldly, sitting on the white chair while holding Daniel, who was enjoying spaghetti.

Valerie remained silent with an annoyed expression.

"Mama... Nod...noodles... I have... Noodles," Daniel said with his mouth smeared with tomato sauce.

"If he doesn't want to eat, it's okay, dear. He's here because he always wants to be with Daddy," Damian whispered.

Valerie sneered, "You're too confident!"

"I'm stating the truth, baby..."

"Ugh..." Valerie seemed disgusted, turning her gaze away from Damian. "I even want to throw up every time I see you!"

"Then why did you join us here?"

"I just want to make sure you don't get Daniel into trouble... You're not good as a father!"

"It's all because of you..."

Valerie swallowed her saliva, silenced by words that seemed to make her realize her wrong attitude.

(Phone vibration from Valerie's bag)

She quickly reached into her black bag and saw a call from Samuel, then answered it.


Damian immediately glanced at Valerie when she mentioned that name, feeling anxious, fearing Samuel would distance him from Valerie again.

"I apologize for taking this step without telling you... But don't worry, everything will be fine," Valerie said with a worried tone. 'He helped me hide for so long... I know he must be very upset, feeling like it's pointless to help me because, in the end, I lose,' she thought.

"I don't want to talk about this... I'll come to your house today or maybe tonight," Samuel replied, sounding calm.


Valerie ended the call and checked her WhatsApp.

Damian suddenly became moody, his gaze stern at Valerie, who continued to focus on her phone after the call.

'she must be continuing to chat with that jerk!' He thought angrily, recalling Samuel's confident face admitting to having a relationship with Valerie.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Valerie asked.

Damian immediately averted his gaze, taking a tissue from the table.

"I'm just thinking why Samuel is so confident to say that you and he had a relationship that day," he said, wiping Daniel's messy mouth.

"Of course, it's a spontaneous act..."

"But he seems to be deeply into that act..."

"What do you mean?"

"If he didn't have feelings for you, he might not dare to start that act without your approval... Even without that act... His caring attitude towards you and constantly helping you hide while knowing I was confused looking for you, all of that shows he's selfish and maybe wants to possess you," Damian explained with a sarcastic look. "If you're smart, you should be able to sense that!"

Valerie swallowed her saliva. "I don't know... So far, I just thought he did it because we're friends... You... You shouldn't always vilify him, no matter what he's always been there for your precious son!"

"I don't need him to be there for my son... You stupid!"

"Don't keep blaming me!" Valerie exclaimed with a sharp look. "You have to remember... The root of all this starts with you... you... If you could resist the temptation of Clara, maybe it would be a different story... Maybe I would still love you and never leave you, never hide the fact about our son... Remember, the root of this problem is you!" she continued, pointing at Damian.

Damian sighed, then nodded.

"Stop blaming me!" Valerie shouted.

"Okay... No more..."

Valerie chose to turn her face away and stay silent, not wanting to continuously see Damian, who always made her angry.

"Turns out you're here and with her?"

A woman's voice sounded quite loud from the west. Damian and the others immediately turned, their eyes finding a girl walking towards them quickly.

"Angela," he whispered.

Valerie remained silent, not understanding who that girl was.

"You have to explain to me!" Angela shouted when she arrived behind Damian. Her eyes squinted, and she panted, staring at Valerie. "Is this why you suddenly blocked me? You ignored me since yesterday?"

Damian sighed, and stood up immediately, looking at Angela in her red dress.

"Explain!" Angela yelled again.

Valerie quickly took Daniel from Damian, as if not wanting to witness the argument.

"Mama..." Daniel looked at the noodles that had slipped from the fork he still held.

Valerie took the plate of spaghetti and then led Daniel to sit in another chair a bit away from them.

"Why are you just silent, jerk!" Angela was still emotional.

"Sorry... I didn't say anything to you," Damian said nervously, then turned to Daniel for a moment, looking back at Angela. "But I'm a father now... I know you won't accept this."

"What?" Angela widened her eyes.

"He is my son... I just found out yesterday. And..." Damian sighed. "I'm not interested in continuing our relationship. You're a good, beautiful girl... You deserve someone much better than me..."

"Do you think I'll look down on you just because you have a child?" Angela asked.

Damian shrugged. "I don't entirely think so... But I know you're not a fan of babies... You won't be able to love my son...and..."

"You're just looking for excuses!" Angela pushed Damian, almost making him fall. "You want to leave me because you want to go back to her!"

Damian nodded. "That's a possibility..."

"You're evil!" Angela pushed Damian again and hit him with her bag. "How dare you leave me after you wanted something else! You don't appreciate me, you don't care about my feelings... You don't deserve me!"

"Angela, enough!"

Damian gripped Angela's hands.

"You're evil!"

"Yes, I'm evil. I'm always evil. You're stupid for liking me too much!" Damian exclaimed with annoyance. "I already told you before... We have a special relationship, but it doesn't mean I'll be serious... I already said that I still always think about my ex-fiancée, and now she's back, even bringing a son..."

Angela fell silent with disappointment, then glanced at Valerie and Daniel with full hatred.

"They are my priorities... I do love you, but it's not bigger than my love for them!" Damian exclaimed again.

Valerie was silent, not expecting Damian to say that.

'Does that mean he wants to come back to me? No... I can't go back to him. He's a liar, he's still a jerk... He even left that girl, hurt her, easily saying he doesn't love her too much...' she said in her heart, continuing to watch their argument until the cafe manager came and asked them to resolve their issues outside so as not to disturb other customers.

"I'm leaving, I'll be out of your life!" Angela shouted, quickly leaving the cafe.

Damian sighed, letting Angela walk out of the cafe area. He immediately went back inside, meeting Valerie about to leave.

"I want to go home," Valerie said with her blank gaze.

Damian remained silent, immediately taking Daniel from her and taking him to the car.