Never be the same!

Damian escorted Valerie and Daniel back home. Throughout the journey, he remained silent, as did Valerie, while Daniel slept.

Upon reaching home, Damian carried Daniel, while Valerie took her bag and walked behind him toward the bedroom.

He laid his son on the bed with a white sheet, gently removed his red shoes, and covered him with a grey blanket up to his chest.

Valerie sighed after hanging her bag, her eyes fixed on Damian sitting at the edge of the bed, staring at Daniel as if lost in thought.

"How much his weigh at birth?" Damian inquired.

"He was very small," Valerie replied, sitting at the makeup table. "He was born at 33 weeks... Less than 5 pounds," she continued.

Damian furrowed his brow, surprise evident on his face. "He was premature?"

"Yes... I had complications... He had to be born even though it wasn't time."

"And you didn't tell me!" Damian stood up, approaching Valerie with an anxious breath, his eyes wide. "How could you do this, Valerie?"

Valerie turned her face away and stood up. "I couldn't... I was a mess back then and felt I had to hide from you... Besides, if I told you, it would only disrupt your life."

"What do you mean disrupt my life?"

"Well... Of course... It's about your life that never separates from women," Valerie explained somewhat nervously. "I thought you had a relationship with Clara or someone else... So, I didn't want to disturb you. Even my presence now has disrupted your relationship with the woman named Angela ... I feel so guilty and regret coming back..."

"You idiot!" Damian exclaimed, approaching Valerie.

She immediately stepped back against the wall, tilting her face, glancing at Damian in front of her, and placing both hands on the sides of her head.

"Please, don't always bring that up... I was really confused at that time and not ready to meet you or my family!"

"Whatever your reasons, wrong is still wrong..."

"And all the mistakes started with you..."

"I know..." Damian nodded, still looking into Valerie's blue eyes. "But your retaliation is too painful. You make me feel so terrible now!" He clenched his jaw.

"And worse in my eyes." Valerie dared to look into his ashy eyes. "You scoundrel... You never change, you enjoy playing with women's feelings!"

"It's because of you... I am evil because I slept with your friend, and my worsening attitude towards women now is because of you!"


"Yeah..." Damian held Valerie's chin. "I was never ready to lose you... I couldn't stop thinking about you, missing you... My days were filled with restlessness... And again, I had to face many questions from my relatives about our failed marriage... I was stressed, I needed a diversion... That's why I dated Angela and others... Without love!"

Valerie smirked. "You blame me... I guess my mistake led you to pleasure... Playing with many girls is not suffering... It shows that you can live without me!" She pushed Damian away.

Damian approached again, his nose almost touching Valerie's. "I can't! I can't live without you!"

Valerie swallowed hard.

"I played with many girls, that's just my way of being able to sleep. I can't ruin my health by taking sleeping pills, alcohol... You don't know... Sex without love is not enjoyable!" Damian whispered with his cold gaze.

"But you enjoy it..."


"Yes, you enjoy it!" Valerie sighed, remembering Angela. "You're so gentle with them... You say 'I love you'... You make them love you even more..."

"That's because I don't want to constantly hurt them... I respect their feelings..."

"But in reality, it's just a sweetener... You only make them happy with your fake words!"

"Because I only want you, Valerie!" Damian affirmed. "I only want you... That's why... That's why I will let her and the others go... I only want you!"

Valerie was taken aback, but suddenly Damian kissed her lips aggressively.

Gentle, pleasurable, mixed with a longing for intimacy, Valerie reflexively responded to the kiss.

"Mmm... Still the same as before, I love your lips," Damian whispered, caressing Valerie's moist lips, then kissing her again.

Valerie closed her eyes, enjoying it, but the shadows of the past and the words about him having fun with many girls made her instinctively push him away.


Damian was surprised.

"I don't want you anymore!" Valerie exclaimed, wide-eyed.

"But you do... You still love me, right?" Damian made sure.

"I don't know if love is still there or not, but I definitely won't fall into your trap again

... I'm not the same anymore!" Valerie asserted, then grabbed Damian's hand and dragged him towards the door. "Go, I don't want to see you again!"


Damian pulled Valerie until she stopped dragging him.

"What?" Valerie panted. "I told you, I don't care about love anymore. I will only love my family, my son!"

Damian sighed, his gaze melancholic, as if disappointed with Valerie's attitude.

"You let me kiss you, be intimate with you, then with our child... That's the best thing after two years of living my life aimlessly," he said resignedly.

"All of this happened because you forced it... And it doesn't mean I will accept you again... It's not that easy!" Valerie emphasized. "Maybe I'm wrong, but my mistake was triggered by your betrayal... Whatever your reasons were at that time... I still can't forget it. You hurt me... You broke my heart!" She continued angrily, even her eyes were teary.

Damian bit his lower lip, nervous, glancing at Daniel, who shifted positions but still slept.

"Please... Go!" Valerie exclaimed in frustration.

"Fine..." Damian nodded, walked towards the door, then stopped and turned to face Valerie, who was crying. "I don't mean to disrespect you... Sorry. I won't do it again, but allow me to see my son..."

Valerie remained silent, reluctantly sitting on the edge of the bed, glancing at Damian.

"I will always miss both of you," Damian whispered, then left.

Valerie cried her heart out, wiping her lips hard as if trying to erase Damian's kiss.

"I hate you, I shouldn't be fascinated and accept you just like that... I won't! You will only make me suffer again!" She reassured herself as if resisting her feelings.

Damian walked towards his car, accidentally meeting Dana who had just arrived.

"You..." Dana looked at Damian with sarcasm.

"Mrs. Dominguez," Damian greeted with a flat gaze.

"Are you planning to go back to Valerie?"

"I want to, but..." Damian sighed, remembering Valerie's recent behavior.

Dana suddenly smiled sarcastically. "She must have rejected you outright!"

Damian fell silent, tightening his lips.

"I won't interfere... My daughter won't be captivated by your wealth or power again. You have to work hard to gain her trust again... She will think a thousand times before going back to you," Dana said cynically.

Damian remained silent, either unwilling to respond or having lost hope. He let Dana enter the house.