a warning

"If you continue to pressure her to accept you, I will be the first to oppose your relationship," Adriana said calmly, but her eyes gradually sharpened as if emphasizing her disagreement with their relationship.

"What is your reason for doing this? On what basis do you dislike my intention to have a relationship with Valerie?" Samuel wondered.

"Well... I have many reasons," Adriana replied.

"Tell me..."

Adriana sighed and leaned back in her black chair.

"I don't like it because you are a traitor. I appreciate you helping Valerie all this time; without you, she might be homeless. But what you did is also wrong. You helped her in the wrong direction, letting her hide while you knew Damian and our family were so confused trying to find her. It's like showing that you have a tough, heartless, selfish attitude... you only care about yourself," she said.