their confusion

Valerie was puzzled when, after shopping, Elena asked the driver to stop in front of a monochromatic house with dominant silver tones. The spacious yard included a small garden, but with no gate, allowing a view of the surroundings and neighbors' homes.

"Eh... Why are we here? Whose house is this?" Valerie asked.

Elena smiled, opening the door. "You'll find out who the owner is soon. Better get out."

Valerie hesitated, then looked at Daniel. "You pray for us. We shouldn't even be close to your grandmother," she said.

"Where's Dad?" Daniel asked.

Valerie sighed, looking displeased that Daniel was seeking his father. She took him out of the car, not forgetting her bag, and walked across the tiles to the front door where Elena waited.

"Come here," Elena whispered.

Valerie approached, squinting her eyes, then lowered Daniel to stand in front of her.