warning from Adriana

"Mom, I met Samuel," Adriana said, looking at her mother placing the cake dough into a square-shaped pan.

"Why did you meet him?"

"To warn him not to approach Valerie again."

Dana furrowed her brow, putting the dough into the oven. "Why would you do that? If Valerie finds out, she'll be angry because Samuel has been kind to her. He's been good to her." She closed the oven, adjusting the temperature and time.

"Valerie won't find out, and if she does, I'll explain my intention," Adriana replied.

Dana sighed, approaching Adriana and sitting near the pantry, facing her. "What's your intention?"

"I don't want her trapped in a loveless relationship. If Samuel keeps being kind, helping her, and later asks to rekindle their relationship, she might hesitate to refuse. It means she'll be stuck in a loveless relationship, especially when she still longs for Damian. Being close to Samuel will only keep her in dilemma."