their madness

"Hannah," Samuel called.

Hannah immediately swallowed her saliva, diverting her gaze from Samuel with her heart pounding.

"I know you're joking," she said.

"No, I'm not ..."

"I know you're kinda tipsy... Alcohol can be intoxicating." Hannah glanced at the empty can of drink on the table that Samuel had finished.

Samuel glanced at the can and stood up. "Well... I think I need more for us," he said as he walked towards the fridge.

Hannah stared at Samuel in astonishment. 'What is this? Does he want me to drink more with him? Does it mean he wants me to get drunk and won't take me home... It means he wants me to be with him here,' she wondered to herself.

Samuel returned to Hannah, shaking the can of drink, then placed it on the table in front of Hannah and sat beside her, so close.