About desires

In a spacious hall facing a stage where an MC was speaking in front of a display showing a few novel pictures, Valerie sat among many people who were authors along with platform staff, and many others, including Daniel and Damian. They all looked attractive and formal.

"So, is he your husband?" a girl sitting on her right side asked, glancing at Damian sitting on her left side.

"Um, no..." Valerie furrowed her brow, turning her face away from the blonde-haired girl in the black dress. "He's just... He's just the father of my baby." She explained nervously.

The girl grinned oddly, distancing her head from Valerie. "Not a husband, but he's the father of your baby..."

"Yes... We were indeed supposed to get married, but it didn't happen," Valerie explained again.

The girl nodded, then looked back at Damian, who looked dashing in a black suit, holding Daniel, who was also wearing a black and white suit.