Forgive me

They had returned to the room after the party, and Valerie immediately nursed Daniel, who had started to fuss, as if he had been eagerly awaiting his share of breast milk.

While nursing Daniel, Valerie occasionally glanced at Damian pacing back and forth on the terrace, talking to someone on the phone.

"Huh, what if he is going to order 1000 books, then give them to his family and friends, even his employees? I can't imagine that. In the book, it's only the beginning that resembles our story, and the rest is just about my hopes... I don't want him or them to know. My self-esteem could plummet... And I'll seem like a hypocrite!"


Valerie glanced at Daniel, who stopped sucking on her breast, then lay back with his eyes closed.

"Finally, he's asleep, I should persuade Damian not to go through with that crazy idea," muttered Valerie as she got up from the bed, then placed two pillows on either side of Daniel.