Punishment for her

"You shouldn't have to explain in such detail about what has happened," Damian said with a sarcastic look at Hannah. "Look now, Valerie can't trust you anymore. If only you had said that you were pregnant and had to set Samuel free, maybe she wouldn't be so angry at you!"

"Sorry, I just wanted to be honest about everything," Hannah replied, her face downcast.

Damian sighed heavily and leaned his head on the pillow, continuing to watch Hannah. Somehow, his feeling of resentment suddenly turned into pity, especially since she was pregnant without the support of the baby's father, similar to Valerie's pregnancy when he felt like such a bad father to Daniel.

"Perhaps you regret giving me so much money, and in the end, I freed Samuel with your money..."

"It's not about the money," Damian interrupted before Hannah could finish her sentence.

Hannah lowered her head again.